Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1394: black merchant

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Especially in many situations, she now envied the people on Qin Shuo's side. After all, the people over there were more obedient.

If they say that others are good to him, then they will definitely be very obedient. If they say that others are bad to them, then they will stand up for the first time.

These things are still being discussed in the palace on this side, but now it is already a sky-warming outside the palace, and countless players are all arguing about these things there.

"Those **** people hurry up now. If we put our warriors back, it might be a little better, but I didn't expect them to capture all our warriors back to their homeland. Not all **** people. People, let our imperial fleet go and annihilate them."

"Now we are also going to boycott some of their country's goods a little bit. We must know that every item their country produces, if we don't buy one, it may become a bullet that hits ourselves in the future. So, now that the goods that boycott them, starting from me, everyone is responsible."

"Oh, dear Jack, it’s just that some of these are terrible. I’m also praying that God can kick him hard in the ass, let him know how good we are, where is our queen? Isn’t it now? Attack them the first time?"

"Actually, I feel that the most **** thing is the people from Java. We used to help him at the beginning, but I didn't expect them to sell us. Now I wonder if they have colluded. , Deliberately telling us that we led it."

Nowadays, there are still popular complaints in their country, but it is normal to think about it. After all, populism is very prevalent in their country.

But what the Queen hates most is this kind of populism, so it is impossible for him to follow the ideas of ordinary people.

In the past, she also believed in freedom and other speeches, but after entering the game, he slowly discovered that all these speeches were just some idiotism.

If your country can really become that kind of superpower, then you can use these remarks to mess up other countries.

But now it's completely different. It's simply impossible for me to use these things. It also makes many people feel that they have some headaches and don't know what to do next.

Anyway, Qin Shuo now can be regarded as a relatively calm one, he has already thought about all the things in the future.

This time he used his fleet to imprison all the soldiers in a prison.

"You wicked people, your wicked country will release us soon. You have no right to restrict our personal freedom. After our imperial team comes over, you all have to kneel down and beg for mercy. It’s too late to say that we will be spared now."

"Oh my god, what kind of situation is this? You guys let us out soon. I don't eat these things. These things are like the things that pigs eat. Don’t make you unpalatable. The food is placed in front of us, we want to eat pasta, we want to eat bread."

"My God, I also pray that all these people will be killed. God, please open your eyes and take a look at your people. Now your people are being abused by these people, Queen Ah, come here quickly now."

Anyway, almost all the soldiers were full of wailing, and there was no one who was a little more normal. This also made Qin Shuo feel a little helpless.

"My lord, I feel that those people are really ugly, so I just pull them out and kill a few casually, in order to behave like you."

Bai Qi said with some helplessness.

"I know you definitely hate them in your heart now, but you don't have to do this now. After all, there are still some other things to do. Let's just let them go mining after you bring them back, but It must be guaranteed for their personal safety. These are all money."

Qin Shuo said, looking like a money fan.

"Your Majesty, this time you feel that if these people are used to sell, how much money is most suitable? No, it should not be called a sale, it should be called a redemption."

After all, the sentence of human trafficking also sounds something wrong, but if it is redemption, it sounds more comfortable.

Now with the development of time, in fact, people's ideas will become somewhat different, but these different ideas will not have too many consequences.

"In my opinion, a person is about 1,000 gold, but I still feel that the price seems to be a little cheaper, after all, all talents are only worth 30 million gold."

Qin Shuo also thought about it a little at this time, and said a number casually.

It's just that he still seems to have some dissatisfaction. After all, thirty million gold is actually equivalent to their current daily gross production value.

"This price is actually suitable, but I feel that we can be a little bit more expensive, such as around 1,500 gold per person, otherwise, if it is really too expensive, I believe the opposite party will definitely I won't agree."

After listening to this sentence, Guo Jia thought about it for a while, and said directly.

"Originally I thought you were going to oppose me. I felt that the price I set was a little bit higher, but I didn't expect you to be more cruel than me. But I feel that even if you spend so much money, the opposite party should agree to it. of."

Qin Shuo nodded, then said directly.

Anyway, under many circumstances, things in the general direction will not change, but some minor things will change.

Now the generals on the side listened to the feeling that these two people were too dark. Originally in their minds, as long as they could sell for 500 gold, the price was about the same, but they didn't expect them to ask for so much.

But thinking about it carefully is actually more important. Although the 30,000 soldiers are not the most elite in their entire country, they can be regarded as the more elite kind.

One more thing is to be discounted, that is, the generals in their country. Qin Shuo is also going to bid their country's generals directly at a price of 10 million.


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