Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1414: Just the beginning

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They actually felt very cold here, but now the flames have completely covered their city, so they just can't feel the cold at all.

Because it is night now, so many people are not prepared. When they feel that they are prepared, it will be too late.

They also want to fight fire everywhere, just now in the city, there is actually a river passing by, so many of them can run towards this river, and most of the citizens also want Fire fighting.

But now the fire is spreading more and more. It only took one night and the fire was finally extinguished. But now a quarter of the city is almost destroyed, and the time is now. It's already early morning.

"The time should be the same now, but in fact I still feel that there are some things that I can't bear. After all, the opposite person thinks that their nightmare is over, but at this time their nightmare has just begun."

Qin Shuo also looked at the sky not far away at this time, then shook his head slightly, and said directly.

"Perhaps all of this is their own comprehension. If they didn't provoke us in the past, maybe they wouldn't have so many things at all."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Liang on the side also directly said, he now seems to feel that Qin Shuo can't bear it.

"Don't worry, now I still know that if I am kind to the enemy, then it is cruel to myself. I just sigh for a while. This time I must kill the opponent. Now the opponent has also become a city of fire. It’s a water city."

Qin Shuo said.

In fact, this sentence is not wrong at all, because the most important thing is a problem, because most of them are now covered with those cold water.

Now the houses in this city have been burnt down so many, so even if they feel very cold now, there is no way at all.

Tell me that if they light a fire on the spot, they might light the tung oil and then burn the city to a torch.

So now they are also entering a dilemma. It seems that no matter which one they choose, they can't save such a situation.

The weather in the early morning is actually the coldest. They originally yearned for the sun to rise faster, so that they could still be warmer, at least to ensure their lives.

But when the sun just rose, they suddenly noticed one thing, and even now the sky seems to have some snowflakes floating. These snowflakes can be dropped one by one. In fact, they not only passed on the ground, but also fell on the hearts of those people. Now many people feel this in their hearts. Some are cold.

Countless goose feathers and heavy snow fell from the sky. At this time, Qin Shuo and others had already started a fire in their camp. Because the cotton-padded clothes on their bodies plus some other things, they are still considered warmer now. of.

Now they don't have to worry about this attack at all. Anyway, as long as they sit here, they will probably surrender. It's just a matter of time.

"By the way, how long did the heavy snow last this time? Can you calculate this a little bit?"

Qin Shuo seemed to have thought of something at this time, and then turned around and asked Zhang Liang beside him directly.

"If my calculation is correct, then the time this time should be about three days. After about three days, this kind of heavy snow should already be one meter thick, and the temperature will be even colder by then. Some, basically spit out a sputum, it will freeze every second."

After doing a little calculation, Zhang Liang said directly. After all, he is also a representative of Taoism, so he must be very strong in Taoism, not to mention that he has received the inheritance of Huangshi old man before.

"If this is the case, then we can't be blamed at all for this matter. After all, it was they who provoked us first, not we provoked them. If this is the case, they must pay the corresponding price. At that time they should have guessed it."

Qin Shuo gave them a sigh of relief again, and then said directly.

"Anyway, it's just like this anyway. If it doesn't work, let's think of other ways, I don't believe it. There is really no other way. They should definitely surrender within these three days. Once there are many deaths, their king will definitely be unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion."

Zhang Liang also spoke directly at this time, and it can be seen that he is still swearing about this.

Now in this game, it is actually very real, so even those players will die directly if they are in extremely low temperatures, unless they directly quit the game.

So now there are many players who have quit the game directly, and they simply can't endure such a bitterness.

But after they quit the game, their game characters still didn't quit directly, because there was nothing to cover, so they were quickly frozen by the cold wind.

Even many of them have entered the game and heard the news of their death. Anyway, there must be many players who feel dissatisfied with this point, but anyway, this is only because they are making decisions. There are only some mistakes.

If Qin Shuo is in their city right now, he certainly wouldn't make such a decision. Now the King of Goguryeo also feels a little desperate. I don't know what he should do next?

Now the number of deaths in the city is increasing, and it will rise to a new number every day. Listening to these numbers will make people feel a trembling feeling, not to mention that the current king also knows, too Clearly, know what kind of situation it is now.


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