Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1415: Conquered Anping City

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"My lord, now our side has also died directly, almost one million people, although there are still 20 million in our city, but now we have directly lost one-twentieth."

At this moment, a guard under his hand suddenly walked in, still with some embarrassment on his face, of course, it was more of a kind of sadness, and then he spoke directly.

"Now we are obviously doing well here. I hope you will not continue to confuse the people here. If you say that you are heard by others, what if others believe it? These are just rumors."

But after the guard said these things, now their king was already furious.

Actually, it’s not that this guard did something very bad, but he just wanted to find a reason for his anger. Now such a guard can just be the reason for his anger, so he is also saying All of his anger poured on the guard in front of him.

The guard now knows that he hasn't done anything bad. It's just that because the opponent was so angry, he said that he was arguing with him, but he could only endure it. There is simply no way to change the overall situation.

Qin Shuo outside the city is actually already a little bit too late, so he also made an amazing decision at this time, so he is now directly attacking such a city.

In fact, he made such a decision with a lot of considerations. One of the most important considerations is to know that the opponent now has no way to resist his attack.

As long as you want to attack, then there is definitely no way the other side can do it. The current opponent is completely trapped in a passive state, and it is completely impossible to turn to the initiative.

Qin Shu is quite certain about this. After all, he is relatively familiar with the other side, especially in these aspects, so he can basically judge these things.

Now the rest of our work is actually very simple, so we are taking advantage of this opportunity to quickly take advantage of the fire, so that he can't recover his vitality.

If it really restores the opposite party's vitality, then in many respects on your own side will actually be more troublesome. You must know that there are still so many people on the opposite side.

Now is such an opportunity to take advantage of the fire. If you say that you can't grasp this opportunity, then you don't know when you will have to wait for the next opportunity.

This is one of his thoughts. In fact, this idea is also very realistic. It is not just that he actually thinks about looking for other people, but it will change according to the specific situation.

In fact, Qin Shuo now often changes his orders according to the specific situation. If they don't make changes, then in many ways they have some bad things.

With the development of time, there are actually more and more problems, but if you want to solve these problems, then it is not impossible, and even if you want to solve these things, it is relatively simple.

Time passed slowly now, and the soldiers above the city simply couldn't resist Qin's attack, and finally a city wall was blasted open directly.

The walls of the Cold Weapon Era simply had no way, and it was basically a matter of time to resist these hot weapons, and now the time has come.

Before, Qin Shuo only destroyed one city wall directly, but now Qin Shuo has completely destructive power of the four city walls, so there are more options for attacking.

Perhaps the opposite party had never thought that the cold winter would come so fast, they hadn't prepared anything at all before.

The opposite party is completely unprepared, but even if they are prepared, they may still feel some headaches when facing these problems. After all, these are not things that can be easily solved.

Behind Qin Shuo is a strong agricultural support. Because of these agricultural support, it is said that it can be supplied very adequately, so that it can support his military warfare.

In fact, in each of Qin Shuo's wars, it is not only he who is working hard, but behind him is a huge state machine working hard.

Basically every war is the effort of all people together, not one person or a group of soldiers, but the effort of the whole country. This is a nationwide system.

The nationwide system refers to the work system and operating mechanism that takes national interests as the supreme goal, mobilizes and deploys relevant national forces, including spiritual will and material resources, to conquer a certain world-leading field or national-level special major project.

The war itself now has a very close relationship with everyone, so the use of such a nationwide system is also very good.

Many people have no objection to this point, and even agree very much, thinking that only in this way can the entire country exert its greatest strength.

Qin Shuo agrees very much with this point of view, so he is now practicing this in all kinds of political ideas and his own political behavior.

In fact, it is difficult for many people to judge whether it is right or wrong, but many people are also willing to regard this matter as a right thing.

Anyway, from the current point of view, this matter is still a very good thing, at least there is not much harm in it. In fact, many people agree with this point.

That's right. Of course there are many people who say he is dictatorship, but his dictatorship is indeed very useful.

There are even a lot of people who agree with such a dictatorship. After all, as long as they can develop their own country, then no matter what kind of behavior, they all agree with it.

Time is now a little bit past, and many people have different ideas, but these different ideas will also undergo some changes.

Anyway, it's one thing. Whether you like this idea or not, it's just that there is no way to stop such a thing, so you can only continue to agree.


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