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However, in Qin Shuo's heart, there is still some disgust with these terracotta dogs. Although they seem to be relatively peaceful now, this is because they did not show their fangs to themselves. Their land is so huge. In fact, it did not evolve through peace.

This country itself is now at the meeting point of the Eastern and Western civilizations, and now it is also in control of the land transportation line of the entire Eastern and Western civilizations.

So if he wants to expand abroad, he will occupy this place as soon as possible, but he still wants to occupy the imperial cemetery before that, or cooperate with them.

The relationship between the great powers is not at all what people think, and there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends. There will only be permanent interests. If the interests are current, even if there are no longer Great hatred, then two people can also turn enemies into friends.

Now I have this kind of idea, so I said that I would do business with them, and Qin Shuo is also going to solve all the problems in his hands, and then he will contact the king of their country. .

Qin Shuo is still on this ship, but he doesn't know that he has found it in their East China Sea now, or that something has happened.

In fact, many times people will pay attention to some problems. These problems may make them feel headaches, but they must pay attention no matter what.

Now, with the development of time, people's ideas have become somewhat different, but the specifics of these different ideas also depend on the situation.

Now, with the development of time, there are actually more and more problems. For them, perhaps these are very important points. If these problems become less, they will actually feel a little uncomfortable.

If we continue to do this, people will feel some headaches on many issues.

Now as the country develops, people's ideas have become somewhat different. These ideas may be different for many people.

Many times people will have another idea, so that is why it is not successful at this time, and why people feel some headaches on many problems at this time.

The time now is only early in the morning, some people have even just woke up from their sleep, and now they are in the East China Sea.

Now their waters in the East China Sea have also been directly expanded several times. This will definitely have some benefits for them.

Now as the sea area expands, many islands are actually owned by them, so if this is the case, no island chain can be formed outside.

In this way, there are naturally advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. Of course, the advantages now are definitely more than the disadvantages.

The downside of is that I need to manage more places. In this way, I may feel some headaches in many aspects. After all, the number of my navy is also There are only so many.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, their navy already has that much, but in Qin Shuo's eyes, such a number is completely insufficient.

Perhaps this kind of thinking will gradually change in the future, but as far as it goes, my own thinking will definitely not change at all. My navy is now slowly expanding its forces.

Qin Shuo has now formed his own third combined fleet, and the captain of his third combined fleet must be Zheng Chenggong, after all, he has just summoned him now.

In fact, many people do not agree with Zheng Chenggong to join their army, or they do not agree with Zheng Chenggong who is now in such a high position. After all, they do not know Zheng Chenggong that much.

But in the end, Qin Shuo was also against the crowd. After all, there are still a few people who are a navy commander here. If you really believe in his subordinates, then in many ways, you may feel that there are some headache.

Although many people are opposed to it, since Qin Shuo is already so determined and more like his own ideas, then other people must not be able to continue to say anything. If you continue to speak, then Qin Shuo is sure Just get angry.

Generally speaking, if Qin Shuo is not completely sure, then he would never make these requests. This is also a habit of him, so everyone believes him.

After all, if you can't believe him, then you won't be able to trust others any more. Now Zheng Chenggong is also successful, becoming the general of such a fleet.

In fact, Zheng Chenggong was just an ordinary soldier from the beginning, but gradually their strength directly rose, and then it was then that they directly became a more famous general.

He himself didn't know why Qin Shuo would suddenly find him, and he would suddenly find him, and then let himself take on such an important official position. At the beginning, he still had some unconfidence. , Once you fail, then you must be under a lot of pressure from public opinion.

But at the end of Qin Shuo's insistence, he still agreed to this and began to say try it himself.

Now Qin Shuo directly selected some soldiers from other naval fleets, and then directly stuffed those soldiers to Zheng Chenggong.

Regarding this point, Zheng Chenggong actually felt even more flattered, but Qin Shuo himself had no other expressions, and decided to believe in Zheng Chenggong very much.

The current Zheng Chenggong may still have some shortcomings in some experience, but as time slowly grows, there will definitely be no problems in experience. This is also a key point.

Experience is definitely very important, but in other aspects, it is also very important, and many people know this.

Therefore, Zheng Chenggong is actually relatively humble in his own fleet. After all, he also has some fears that he cannot do those things well.


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