Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1429: General Zheng Chenggong

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Anyway, he must be very fond of this country. There is almost no way to refute this. Therefore, the pressure on himself is to be greater. He is also worried that if he does not perform well, then maybe he will To be blamed by many people.

If it is said that the general blame is actually indifferent, but if the blame is really heavy, then the situation is completely different. This may be an important point.

Now he still feels some weird feelings anyway, but this is basically understandable, after all, the problem is not particularly big.

Today is Zheng Chenggong’s first time going to sea. He doesn’t know if he will encounter any problems this time. But now that he has changed to the sea, he will have a familiar feeling. After all, he has always been since childhood. Grew up by the ocean.

When he was young, his parents were actually a pair of fishermen, so when he was young, he often took some small fishing boats to go fishing, but when he was young, he must have never thought that he would be incomprehensible with the ocean all his life. The fate.

He had no goals at all in the past, but he liked to read war books and the like since he was young, and he still had some contact with the Japanese pirates when he was young.

Even when he was a young man, he once brought you some friends who knew him, and then defeated some Japanese pirates.

Then I learned that when Qin Shuo was about to recruit soldiers, they also came directly into the army with a desire to serve the country at this time, but they didn't expect that she was being promoted slowly now. stand up.

He must be very happy in his heart. If his parents knew this, they would definitely be very happy, but his current parents have already passed away, so he simply cannot see his achievements today.

He himself is not the kind of person who likes to show off, but he really wants to make his parents a little proud, but now there is definitely no such opportunity, but he still feels that there is nothing .

"When the general was just now, we also checked it a little bit ahead, but we felt that there was something wrong today. When we went to sea before, even some fishermen knew that we were going to sea, but they would not avoid it. , But today, there are some differences, even a fishing boat has never seen it."

A soldier came over suddenly, then walked directly in front of him and said.

"Could it be because the weather today was bad, so they just went back directly, but I don't think the weather today is too bad."

When Zheng Chenggong heard the sentence just now, there was actually some tension in her heart, but she was not too nervous, but asked the first time.

"There may be a chance of this kind of thing happening, but if it does happen, then this chance is actually a very small one. After all, we haven't encountered this kind of situation before." At this time, the soldier was also slightly silent, and then he said directly, it can be seen that he is still more worried about this matter now.

"Then we will immediately notify everyone to be vigilant. Then immediately send some frigates to the front to check the specific situation. Then immediately come back and report it to me. I will definitely take it seriously."

At this time, Zheng Chenggong also spoke directly. On the other side, Bin also nodded when he heard this sentence. He was at ease at this time. After all, he was also afraid of the general who came this time. Will he be too stubborn and refuse to listen to his persuasion?

Their area of ​​the sea is already very close to Fusang. After all, there are many problems in Fusang that make people feel that there are some headaches. They hadn't done much before, but this time they seemed to have some eagerness to try.

But if you think about it carefully, this is a relatively normal thing. If they are not eager to try, then it is an abnormal thing.

Qin said before that when she left, she gave a special explanation. She must be wary of a country like Fusang. After all, this country is also very dangerous. She can't stay dormant now, in fact, she is just continuing her strength.

Moreover, the Fusang people are not too stupid. They know that if they can't take advantage of such an opportunity to make a direct move, then they probably won't have any chance to make a move.

When some people's strength has fully grown, even if they want to make a move, there is nothing to do. After all, they are in a disadvantage in many cases.

And now it slowly develops over time, not only on the opposite side, but also accumulating one's own strength, but also on his own side is also continuing his own strength.

If you compare the systems of the two countries or the size of the two countries, you can see that if time is given, the development on your side is faster.

This is actually such a situation now. Generally speaking, it actually makes people feel that there are some headaches. If these things cannot be done well, then there may be endless troubles.

On the opposite side, it was obvious that they had grasped this point, so they also had some new ideas. For these ideas, some of them Qin Shuo supported, but a larger part of Qin Shuo opposed.

The systems of these two countries now make people feel a little uncomfortable in many ways. Maybe this will not make people feel that there is too much happening, but there will also be some minor situations.

With the development of time, there are more and more problems. If these problems add up, they will also give people some pressure. Now they have sent some frigates directly forward.

If you say it on the surface, the sea is still calm, and it is basically the same as before.

But underneath it is completely different, and there are also various undercurrents. Although it is still not visible for the time being, it is also visible in many aspects.


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