Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1462: Maurya Dynasty declares war

"I don't know whether this expedition is a blessing or a curse, but I don't know why I always have some incompleteness in my heart."

After Qin Shuo put on a coat, he sighed slightly.

"Perhaps because the rest period is too long. Anyway, these things can gradually be reflected. This is a very normal thing in itself. If it continues, then the situation may change a lot. "

Zhuge Liang was silent for a moment, and then said directly.

"Anyway, these things are now being handled by you. If it is said that it can be done well, then it is naturally the best. Even if it is not done well, then I will not blame you."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said directly.

"In fact, you don't have to rely too much on me when the Lord is in possession. I feel that sometimes you seem to rely too much on me, and my own abilities are not high."

Zhuge nodded brightly, and then sighed.

"If you say that your ability is not high, then it is estimated that there are not a few highly capable people in the entire world. Although modesty is a good thing, it is also a matter of grasping a certain degree of humility."

Qin Shuo smiled and said.

"In the past, I always thought that the whole world was only like that, so I put my whole body and mind into something of our whole big man, but I never thought that the world is so big, and the lord now Unlike us, your vision is the whole world."

After Zhuge Liang sighed, he said directly.

"If it can be done well, then it is naturally very good, even if it can not be done well, it does not matter."

Qin Shuo said, seeming to have emotion for all of this.

In fact, he is just a player, so he is standing from the perspective of God, and he is also a reborn person, the height of the perspective of God is even higher, otherwise he must not be able to surpass these people.

It's like a sentence he once heard, strength is also part of luck. He had always been scornful of this sentence before, but now he knows that this sentence is actually true.

Now the new muskets on my own side have not been completely developed. If it is said that the real and complete development is completed, the situation may become somewhat different.

After all, invention and creation cannot be made overnight. Although they also have drawings now, they also have to make some great improvements to the drawings.

If it is only a general improvement, then the effect is certainly not big. They must now completely improve this thing. Bookbag net.shudaitxt. After all, this weapon has to go through many links from R&D to manufacturing. If all these links are fixed, then it will be a real success, otherwise The words are all a failure.

Now this musket has only reached a research and development level, a manufacturing level, and an experiment level to see what the effect on the battlefield looks like.

But if this thing is researched to a certain level, then Qin Shuo can rely on this one to gain great advantages in many aspects, and even update all his previous weapons.

Qin Shuo still has some worries in many aspects, but the existence of these worries is actually a very normal thing.

If this continues, it will be better in many aspects. After all, I still have the advantage for the time being. If there is only one disadvantage, then it is not to fight in the local area.

Fortunately, the logistics on my own side are also very good. I had already taken up the area of ​​Goguryeo before. In this way, your own logistics will be completely sufficient.

This place can be used as a big rear of oneself, so in many ways, oneself will not have to worry too much.

As for other things, you can wait until later to worry about it. Basically, you don’t have to think about so many things now. Many people are quite open about this.

Anyway, the current Qin Shuo is very open to this point, and if there is no major problem with me, there will be no signs of failure.

If we continue to stay here, there will be some problems in many aspects. Now their speed is a little faster, anyway, he still has some confidence.

Just when Qin Shuo was still full of confidence, suddenly a message reached his ears. After he received such a message, there was a hint of panic on his face.

Qin Shuo also had some thoughts on this point, but he had never thought that they were really so bold in the past.

The Maurya Dynasty directly clamored for himself to declare war. Qin Shuo felt a little surprised at this. Of course, before he declared war on himself, he first started to act against the Khmer Empire.

The current Khmer empire is already sending people to ask for help. If this is the case, as an ally, it is impossible to ignore it. If she is attacked, then she is also very unhappy.

However, this did make him feel a little surprised. He never thought that they were so bold. There was no complete peace within their own country, but now he actually did it to himself.

Although there are indeed a lot of soldiers that I have brought over this time, there are still two major legions in my homeland, specifically to guard against them.

However, the total number of these two legions was only about 200,000 people, and the opponents dispatched a full 2 ​​million people this time, but Qin Shuo also had some premeditated plans for this.

He didn't bring these players over this time before, but it wasn't that he looked down on those players, because he also wanted to use these players to do more important things.

The current Peacock Empire has also directly declared war on the Khmer Empire. If this is changed, the two of them should be immortal. If he directly occupied the Khmer Empire, it would be quite Yu brought such a buffer to the immediate annexation.


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