Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1463: Invitation guild

If it is said that once the buffer zone is lost, then the problem may be more complicated, and people have to think of more things as well.

Although their country borders their own country, there is still a huge mountain range in between, so if they want to send troops directly, it is basically impossible. The huge Himalayas mountain range is impossible to climb.

After all, the mountain range of the Himalayas has also doubled directly, and now it is more than 10,000 meters long. If it is said that the translation of ordinary super historical generals is still possible, but if a large number of soldiers read it, it is simply Nothing is possible.

This time they declared war on themselves, it was tantamount to saying that they would never die with them. If this happened, they would definitely be impossible to refuse.

At that time, he also started a video call with the leader among those players, this time they were discussing this thing!

"Believe the news just now, you should have heard it too. Now you are all the presidents of the player guild. If this is the case, I believe you all have different ideas. If you can, you can all express your opinions."

This time the number of people who participated in this video call is actually quite a lot. There are about 20 people. Basically, they can be regarded as the top ranking among all player guilds.

Each guild probably has about 100,000 people, and even the most guilds have more than 1 million people. If they can only be regarded as combat players, so many player guilds should add up to almost 100 Million.

Now the Peacock Empire must have gotten some news, and then knew that his side was preparing to send troops, so they would directly assemble a large army to attack him.

If this country really allowed it to occupy a Khmer empire, then it would be equivalent to directly surrendering its own hinterland. Naturally, the impact of this matter would naturally needless to say, and it must be for them. Very huge impact.

As for who was the final promoter of the revitalization event, Qin Shuo himself did not know, anyway, it must be a very large organization, and this organization should have some hatred with him.

"Don't worry, these things can be handed over to us. We were all hiding behind you before, but this time we finally have a chance to stand up. You are also fighting hard when you are outside. These things can be left to us."

At this time, Long Teng also directly said that he was actually the leader of the largest player guild.

He has more than just a small amount of territory in his hands. In fact, he has the most resources in these unions. After all, all the troops are in his hands. If this happens, the players in his hands are definitely That is, there are many, and the players are very strong.

And the most important thing about the soldiers in his hands is that they are very organized. After all, they are also soldiers in reality. So it is not difficult to organize them all. Nuancai Literature Network xxs. I used to worry about the players most because they were not organized, but this time if Qin Shuo was involved in this matter, the organization would definitely be great. rise.

Many people now hold a positive attitude towards this point. If this continues, something very serious may happen in their country, so now these players have to stand up.

"This time after we talked about this matter, in fact, among those players, they were also very active in signing up. Almost everyone wants to play for the country, so you don't have to worry too much about this. "

At this time, Xuanyuan also directly said that he was actually the leader of a very huge player organization.

Now basically as long as these two people stand up, they basically represent the opinions of all players, and the other players will basically listen to the commands of both of them.

After all, if the owners of these two unions add up, it is estimated that the number of people in their own guild is about the same, and the quality of the two unions is also very high.

"In fact, this time it’s not just about me, it’s about all of us, so I hope everyone will do their best this time. Once there is any accident, it’s actually for all of us. All is a loss."

"I know that many people nowadays definitely want to protect their own strength, but he does not need to be conservative at this level. Any protection is a kind of reminder. Don't underestimate it. The Peacock Empire."

Qin Shuo also spoke at this time. In fact, he said these words very seriously. The most important thing is that he wants all these people in front of him to be vigilant.

"Naturally we know this, not to mention that the number of people on the other side is more than us. Even if we underestimate ourselves, it is absolutely impossible to underestimate the opposite person. You can rest assured about this. some."

Long Teng also said directly at this time, anyway, he didn't have to worry about this, he was worried about other aspects.

"In that case, I will provide all your weapons and equipment. This time I will directly allocate 5000 red cannons for you. In addition, we will also allocate part of our muskets. In terms of cold weapons, you should It is also enough to buy many of our cold weapons. For this aspect, we will not provide them. In addition, I will provide all the food, clothing, housing and transportation by myself."

Seeing that all of these players were full of confidence, Qin Shuo actually felt a little moved.

Although their treasury is not very wealthy now, but since these players want to help, it is definitely impossible for them to let them give something.

Qin Shuo himself is a very generous person, so even if he handed over all these things, he didn't feel much distress in his heart, because all these things should be paid.


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