Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1535: Final surrender

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Now he even has a certain change in his overall mentality, but this change should not be a temporary one. As time grows, this change will become more and more in line with their situation.

At this time, the emperor looked at the soldiers below, and finally he simply made the next decision. Now instead of watching them directly attack, he might as well commit suicide directly.

After all, if you commit suicide, you can still give yourself a little dignity, but if you are hurt by the other person, then you have no dignity at all, and you must have some dignity that you care about for so long. Dignity.

After all, for him, dignity itself is very important, let alone other things.

Now with the development of time.

In fact, people should be quite aware of this, but some people do not regard these as a very important issue.

The current emperor looked at these things in front of him, and there was actually a trace of distress in his eyes.

In fact, there is a long long knife in front of her eyes. Looking at the appearance of this big knife, you can see that this big knife is actually prepared for him.

Is it really like this? Is it true that I am going to die this time? But I am really unwilling.

Emperor Xiaochuan was thinking about these words now, he didn't know what he should do next, it seemed that no matter what he did, it was not a good thing for him.

In the end, he also picked up the knife in front of him and stabbed it directly into his stomach. After a sharp pain, he felt like his stomach was about to split, but in fact his The belly is indeed cracked.

Immediately afterwards, he took the knife again and slowly cut it downwards. The sharp pain was swept all over his body, but even if it was like this, what other methods did he follow? Can only endure such a sharp pain.

Even if he wants to resist now, there is no power to resist at all, so it can only be like this.

In the past, he must have never thought that one day he would have such a day.

If let him continue to choose, he would definitely not choose to stay here, but now this is not his own choice, and now he is just controlled by those players.

Many people now think that some orders are all his own secrets, but only she herself knows those fate, she is only controlled by others, and there are some things she doesn't want to do at all.

He also lay directly on the ground, and now there is no one in his palace.

Only under such a situation did he feel that the world was already much quieter.

This kind of quietness can actually make her think about many things peacefully. Now he has a direct understanding of many things. After all, people are about to die and their words are good. He is like this now. A situation.

These problems are actually increasing, and they also make people feel some doubts about what they should do next in order to survive.

Now Fuso, the emperor of the system, has also died directly. At this moment, the news spread quickly, and many people even knew of such a news.

After those players heard the news for the hundredth, they actually had some breakdowns in their hearts. They didn't expect that he would die sooner or later, and actually die at such an important time now.

At this time, the country actually needs them the most, and even this demand level has exceeded many aspects, because of this reason.

So many of them now feel that you are helpless, and don't know what they should do to make others more satisfied.

This day is already dead, because this is actually a huge blow to their overall military spirit. Many people now don’t understand why such a situation happened, but if they have a little brain Everyone understands this.

Now even many players already have a desire to surrender directly, although they know that if they surrender directly, then their country must be judged as a loser.

But if you surrender, you can definitely be better in reality. At least you don't have to pay that much money. If you are driven away in the game, then just drive away.

What's more, now they admit that there are actually a lot of Qin Shuo and his own secret agents hidden in them. Now these secret agents are already starting, and they are gradually instigating and separating them. For a while, they are no longer like inside. Peace as before.

In the past, they actually had some struggles in that step, but they definitely couldn't put such a struggle on the table. After all, they also wanted face, so in the past they basically all It is to put those things under the countertop.

But now in such a situation, even if they don't want to talk about these things, if they put them up, there is no way.

The situation is now such a situation. As for what they think in their hearts, no one actually knows.

Of those Fusang people, eight out of ten want to surrender, and one is ready to surrender after looking at the situation. They basically don't believe in their own country anyway.

After all, if it continues like this, it will not benefit the people like them at all. Even if they continue to persist, it will be of no use.

Although in reality they will lose some things, they are not the ones who lose the most, because they still have the country's bottom line. The most serious losses should be those who are richer, not their comparisons. Poor people.

So at this time, many players also decided to surrender directly. Now there is nothing to do without surrendering. It seems that only this path can make people smoother. If you go in other directions, then there is nothing. Any way.

Many people actually understand this, so it can be regarded as paying more attention to this point, and not paying so much attention to other directions, but if you think about it, it can be regarded as normal. thing.


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