Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1536: Make allies

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After all, if these things were put on Qin Shuo's body, he estimated that it would be like this. Many things could not be solved by himself, nor could he see clearly what the situation was.

Now they can only choose to surrender. If they take another path, they will only fail in the end, and only surrender can allow them to continue to live. Their current wish is not too much. Big, they just want to live well.

Han Xin hadn't faltered at all at this time. Since he had already made a decision, he would directly attack them. For them, perhaps this was the last straw that crushed the camel.

The current situation is already like this, even if others want to change this, there is no way to change it, and there is no ability to change this.

Now with the development of time, in fact, the thoughts in their hearts will also change, and gradually there will be some differences. Perhaps these thoughts will gradually tend to be consistent, but it is definitely not this time.

For them, these things should be very important. If they can't realize this, then they can't directly realize other aspects.

The problem is this kind of problem, but they don't know what the final result will look like, so they can only slowly see if there will be other directions in the follow-up.

Han Xin's attack is also very fierce now, even if they want to defend now, there is no way at all. Under normal circumstances, they are simply impossible to defend.

After all, the number of people on both sides was not above the same level. In the end, half a day later, Han Xin and the others directly broke through all the 4 gates.

This time Qin Shuo did not actually reach their country. After all, this time it was not because he wanted to destroy their country. The most important thing was to occupy their country. The rest will wait until later. It's too late.

After they are occupied, they can directly transfer the control of their country to the current Yingying Chaos. Anyway, now, it is completely competent for this thing.

Anyway, Qin Shuo has always considered the point of believing in Yingyingchao, because the relationship between him and Yingyingchao is so good, and he can also feel that Yingyingchao seems to have a kind of kind to him. a different feeling.

But he also knew that there shouldn’t be much possibility between himself and Yingying Chaotic, and no matter which one of them they were, they had never said what was in his heart. Fall into a kind. No one spoke in the stalemate.

If this is the case, Qin Shuo has become more confident. Anyway, he solves these things by himself first, and there is no need to think about the remaining things now, but he can think more about them later. .

"I didn't expect that I would come back to me today. If my father said you saw him, he would definitely be very happy. I miss you very much now, father."

Ying Yingluan just entered this city that made him feel very familiar, and he directly spoke. It can be seen that his emotional thoughts are still a bit heavy. If it is placed on Qin Shuo, he will definitely be a little bit Sigh with emotion.

He also grew up in this city in the past, so it is natural that he knows this city very well, and in many ways he would not be so worried.

As long as you solve your goals, there will be basically no big problems. As for some things that cannot be solved, you still have to wait until later. At this time, there are actually some that are not suitable.

At this time, he must be very familiar with entering the current palace. After all, he has lived in the palace for so many years, so he is very familiar with this place.

They have also heard a lot of rumors along the way. After a while they heard that the queen committed suicide, and the other moment they heard that their emperor committed suicide. Anyway, these news are endless, and these news add up to announce one thing. , Then their battle this time is considered a victory.

When they entered the palace, they didn't actually choose to destroy the country, but chose something called recasting.

In fact, recasting a country is similar to destroying a country, but there are still some major differences.

But the two methods, the most common point, is to drive all the players out of this place, and to drive out all the players. Only in this way can the final effect be achieved.

For this, Qin Shuo himself had something indifferent, and he didn't have much to do with him anyway.

Now he can still accomplish these things through some other methods.

Now in these countries, there are actually many different rumors, but these rumors are also very close in one aspect, and almost all the spearheads are directed at them.

The soldiers who entered the city were considered to be a relatively quiet one, and they did not carry out a large-scale massacre. After all, there were some not good things in that way.

Qin Shuo had already received such a news now. He had already heard the news when it came back. After receiving the news, he must have been very happy the first time.

These things actually bothered her for a while, but now they are finally resolved. If they are not resolved, it will really cause him some headaches.

Maybe these things don't feel serious in their hearts, but they feel something serious in their mistresses.

The current Yingying Chao has also regained the control of the palace, and also the control of other things now. This thing is very important to him, and maybe he won't need it in the future. As worried as before, after all, the things that should be solved are already solved.

After he took the position directly, the hundredth thing he actually did was to form an alliance with Qin Shuo and the others, and such an alliance was still the kind of death alliance formed.


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