In fact, in other words, the two countries will live and die together in the future. Although it is still difficult to reach the point where they live and die together, if any of the two countries appears If it is dangerous, another country will definitely come and help.

If you count it this way, the problem is actually not a big problem, and in many ways they can solve it a little bit, and don't have to wait too long.

This matter may be a bit more important to them. You don’t have to worry about too many things. You just need to complete some simple things. Those difficult things are basically left to others. about there.

Qin Shuo now also feels an unprecedented ease. He rarely felt such a ease in the past, but today is different. In many ways, they feel that they have a kind of ease. A big change, such a change is definitely positive, not a negative change.

Then Yingying "Chaotic" also prepared at this time, mobilizing some money from the treasury, and then using the money to make up for their loss this time, but Qin Shuo did not ask for the money, after all, he also Knowing that their country should still be a relatively difficult situation, so they simply don't want the money.

Now let him make up for the losses in their country first, and wait until these losses have been made up, and then talk about some other things, in fact, it will be better in this way.

After Yingying "Chaotic" heard the news, she was actually moved in her heart.

He had been in that place for so long before.

Therefore, it is natural to know that this country is very good. For this reason, he has always had a peculiar idea and concept about this country.

Such a peculiar idea and concept is actually passed on sometimes inadvertently.

This time Qin Shuo not only didn't need any war indemnities, but also shot a lot of artisans on his side. After all, they had just experienced such a big war, so artisans must be needed in many places.

After knowing this, he was even more moved. He didn't expect Qin Shuo to be so good to himself. He had never thought of it before.

"I don't know if I will be able to see him in the future. If I can, I still like a life like before. It's very pleasant and comfortable. It's not like this time."

Yingying "Chaos" was also sitting in her own palace now, and her eyes seemed to carry some nostalgia, and his eyes slowly looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

"In fact, Queen, you don't have to worry about these things at all. I believe that since you are fate, you will definitely see it again in the future. Then you two should be able to cooperate."

At this time, there was also a little maid beside him, and that maid also directly said, in fact, you are not a Fusang person, he is a Chinese. So it has always been a witness, those stories between him and Qin Shuo.

Although those stories are not too touching and not so thrilling, they feel very unforgettable in his heart.

The current Yingying "Chaotic" knows that since she is already united with them, she should have so many opportunities to see him. Now she is not thinking about these things, but is about The strength of the country has been improved, so that maybe it can help him, and it is also an explanation to himself.

Of course, after this war, there were actually quite a few people in the court of the Qin Dynasty, who did not believe them, so they also put forward a lot of requirements. For these requirements, Qin Shuo basically already I directly agreed.

Yingying "Chaos" finally agreed after considering it for a while. After all, he can only agree to these things now, and there is no room for resistance.

In fact, this request sounds very excessive, so the current Fusang cannot have any soldiers, nor can they have any force. All the force is now provided by their Dalan Dynasty.

This day is entirely about putting one's own lifeblood in the hands of others. If you say that others want to die by yourself, then you can only die, and if others want to live by yourself, then you can only live.

In their country, there were actually quite a few people who opposed it, but in the end Sakura Ying "Chaos" decided to agree to this matter.

Now he himself doesn't want any war. If he started a war before, it was not for himself.

I just want to seek justice for my father and emperor, and want to return such a country, not with other thoughts.

But now he doesn't want to use any force, because he knows that if using force, not only will it not allow his country to continue to grow stronger, but it will slowly become weaker. Because of this reason, it is said All aspects have already begun to reform.

So now he only wants to develop his own economy, and does not want to start from other places, because he knows that if he really starts from other places, it will not benefit him much, and even produce some harm.

These are what makes him feel that there are some uncomfortable problems, but he doesn't feel that there is a big deal in other aspects, and he can solve it if he can solve it.

Now with the development of time, these issues must be more and more important people's views on these issues, and there will be a big change.

Such a change will definitely develop gradually as time increases, but it will not develop to a high degree, and it will remain below a limit, otherwise it will not benefit them. .

If you stay within your limits, then they are all understandable about these things, and they are not easy to understand other aspects. Even if they understand, they are at a relatively shallow level. This is something that can't be helped, they used to be.

I have tried these things, but the final results are average.

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