If Elizabeth cannot return to her own country sooner, maybe he will be recognized by others soon. In fact, many people understand this in their hearts, but everyone really knows what they will become. I don't know.

After all, everything in the future will be an unknown thing. How can they guess what things will become in the future? That's why they have such an idea.

Now as time grows, these problems may also increase, and the impact on them will also increase.

But when these effects reach a very serious point, the impact on them will be greater. These are all important things. Although some people still have some things that don’t understand, if they really If this is done, people will already understand this.

The problem is this kind of problem. If they want to change now, there are actually so many ways, but if they want to make some small changes, there is definitely no problem, but if they want to make some big changes , Then there are some men, especially for them.

Now Qin Shuo has put all these problems behind his head, and has solved all the problems he can solve.

The remaining problems are basically those that he alone cannot solve.

As time goes on, people’s minds will definitely be different. If people don’t support him now, then they must support another person.

Elizabeth now feels a little bit distressed about these things every day, but if you want to change the status quo, it is not so easy. If you want to change the status quo, it needs to be changed in many ways.

And the most important thing is how you can make others believe. If you say directly on your own lips, it is estimated that these few people will not believe it.

Many people actually know that there is nothing to say with their mouths. This is the situation now. They only rely on their own mouths to get it. Then there will not be so many people who believe it. People who can believe now are just It is in the minority, and people who don’t believe in it occupy the majority.

The way Qin Shuo thought of now was to be very simple. Then he would directly hit their country and hand him over directly. In this way, perhaps his people would believe it a little bit.

Speaking of this, this matter is almost the same as the one that had to be bought before. Before, Dema asked himself the same way, but he didn't expect that after he helped Dema, another person came out and needed his own help.

The Sunset Empire and Fusang are actually two similar countries. In Qin Shuo’s eyes, these two countries are similar. Especially in many aspects, it won’t make people feel surprised, even if they are now There have been some serious problems.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it would be a good thing if you collected them by yourself at the time. At that time, you need to be simpler in many things.


But when they make money, they just don't have such an idea. Although they can be regarded as outstanding in their looks, they also depend on how they feel.

In fact, what he likes the most is a desire to conquer, and he is not that kind of special favorite like this kind of stronger or stronger "sex" personality.

What he prefers is the kind of women with softer "sex" personality. Although this kind of woman cannot be said to be the best "fuck", but it is the best to communicate. If something is said, they It wouldn't make any trouble at all, no matter how calm the harem is, the most important thing is.

If all sorts of things really happened, then the mentality of my wives and their "sex" personality would be bullied by others in the harem.

Rather than wanting so many harems, it is better to just these few, so that I will be more relaxed.

He feels that there is a big difference between himself and those emperors with a heart of iron and stone. Sometimes he just can't swallow his heart. If he could settle down in the past, then the situation may not be like this now. Up.

It is almost impossible to make him resolute. After all, this is also a personal "sex" personality that has little to do with other aspects.

If one's "sex" personality is like this, then others can't change it if they want to.

With the development of things, there must be more and more similar problems. Although it can't make Qin Shuo have any headaches, it makes him feel a little helpless, and now he can only pass Time slowly eased this kind of helplessness, but I don't know what the final result will be like.

The "sex" of human beings is the most difficult to figure out. Even Qin Shuo can't figure out the "sex" of those people completely. What he can only guess now is that he can guess it occasionally. How disgusting is human "nature".

The current self, no matter what it is, you have to be a little more careful, otherwise, once you wait for the thing to happen, there will be nothing you can do if you regret it.

Now he feels pretty good in many aspects, and he doesn't have too many ideas. This is perhaps the more important point, so it is not in many aspects, and he has the feeling of being upset. In other words, this feeling is also very rare, not so much, not as much as before.

If you want this kind of state to continue, it is not a simple matter. In fact, it requires the cooperation of many people.

"World Announcement: The Fusang area is recast with the help of the Dahan area. All players are leveled to zero, and they are driven out of the Fusang area and into the dark continent. Please be prepared for all players."

"World Announcement: After the Queen of Fusang's decision, Fusang District became a subsidiary of the Dahan District Service, which will take effect immediately. The Fusang District Service needs to pay a certain amount of tax to the Dahan District Service every year.!"

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