Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1540: Dependent country

The current system has officially announced such a news. Such a news has already been announced, so it has already explained one thing. Now the ex-husband has already given Fusang this place. It was completely occupied.

Moreover, the current queen doesn't know why she voluntarily becomes her own subject country. They didn't say that before. This should be the queen too, she herself voluntarily.

In fact, Qin Shuo felt understandable about this. After all, he had often encountered these things in the past. If these things can be solved now, then he won't have to waste too much effort in the future.

By doing this, the current queen is completely explaining one thing. He is showing his loyalty. In this way, it will actually have some benefits for many things.

In the future, I heard that if you want to help them, you will definitely do your best to help, and there will not be too much hidden.

In this way, it would definitely have a great benefit for them, and they would not have to worry so much in many ways, otherwise he would still have some worries in the past.

In fact, sometimes the premise of cooperation is that the people on both sides trust each other. If the people on both sides don’t trust each other, then let alone deal with each other. This is the situation now. The current queen is obviously a smarter one. The queen, he knows this, so he has already made a lot of changes.

This change is actually very effective. After Qin Shuo knows this, he must be very happy in his heart. After all, he has solved a lot of his own affairs, so he is now happier now. In many ways, he is happy. It’s not too nervous.

In the past, he often wondered what to do with this matter? But this queen is indeed a smart person, helping herself to solve a lot of things, and these things are more important to him.

Now that these things have been resolved, his heart is no longer so irritable. Instead, he has begun to settle down. What will happen after thinking about it? The most important thing is what kind of place Fusang is.

If you think of this place completely as a subsidiary country of your own, then it is definitely impossible. You must make some tricks or changes in it. If you don’t make changes, then Their influence can be said to have that great.

The effect of such a change is very big, especially for many of their things, they no longer have so many troubles.

I heard that now I want to cultivate Fusang as an economic center. Once my plan is successful, in fact, Fusang can be transformed into a place, and it is still a big transformation. This kind of transformation is enough for Fusang. This place became rich again.

Now Qin Shuo can be considered to be able to completely control this place, so he will not appear so irritable in many aspects. Since he can control this place, then he must have a high control over this place. .

The effect of such a kind of control is actually very high. If you say that you don't have such a kind of control, you might have some troubles with many problems.

The reason why the queen is doing these things is actually very simple. He just wants Qin Shuo to let me here a little bit, and has a special feeling about this place. If this way, he must have a kind of feeling for him. Benefits, but not so much harm.

He originally wanted to make a gamble, but he did not expect that this time he had gambled right, and after this gamble, he would make his country undergo a very powerful change, perhaps their country After this time, it will become stronger, but without going through any war.

Qin Shuo would not allow this country to have any war powers, because once they had any war powers, perhaps his side would become more complicated on many issues.

And there were many historical lessons in the past. Although I need to pay more attention to them now, I can't pay much attention to them.

Can't let their national self-confidence rise again, if that happens, maybe it will be a bad thing for her.

Fortunately, there are not many aboriginals in a nation like them. For them, it is a great advantage to have no aboriginals. If you have an aboriginal, then they will become more in many problems. It's hard to handle.

Those players themselves are a potential threat. If you keep those players in existence, you will actually feel a headache.

Now on that forum, there are actually quite a few Fusang people who are slowly writing love letters there, and even insulting the love letters, but I heard that they don't care about these things, just treat them as a kind of incompetent furious.

After all, they are also now, they can’t do anything at all, so they can only watch their own country become a dependent country of others. Although they want to continue, it is difficult to continue like this, but there is no way, you can only Through such a thing.

As time goes by, they will definitely have more and more ideas like this, and they will become more and more different. This should be a headache for them.

Anyway, Qin Shuo feels that being soft-hearted for such a country is actually a very correct thing. If he said that he was soft-hearted at the beginning, maybe they would not be soft-hearted. Is this a key point?

So what they are worried about is this, not other issues.

Now with the development of time, the thoughts in their hearts will gradually change differently. For such an idea, Qin Shuo can only solve it slowly, but not through some other methods. Change this.

Sometimes strength is the most important thing. If I said that this year, it would definitely not be the case on the other side.

The national characteristics of a country like them are like this. They must not be able to give them a good face, but if they are given a good face, then they will definitely be able to make progress.

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