Now Qin Shuo has recruited a lot of professional talents. These talents in the field also have a very important role for him. No matter how powerful his country develops, he still cherishes these talents. After all, It must be of great use in the future.

Now I have established professional industries on my own side, as well as artisan schools. When you enter these artisan schools, you basically learn for free. Otherwise, not many people will join.

In fact, these craftsmanship schools have an infinite future, and they are even better than ordinary schools. After all, the development of a country requires not only political talents, but also technological talents.

These technological talents are also the cornerstone of the development of a country, and they are even more important than other people. Many people understand this.

But wanting to do this is actually not a very simple thing, and there are even some difficulties. Only with the development of time, they will gradually pay attention to this point, and now this In fact, they didn't pay too much attention to it.

But Qin Shuo took the lead. He didn't want people in his country to value only those talents in culture, but not those in technology and science.

In fact, this has always been a ill in their country before, and such a ill is actually not easy to eradicate.

There are actually quite a few things that can arouse their attention now. If they can't solve these problems properly, they will feel more uncomfortable in many ways.

In fact, sometimes it is not their personal problem, nor is it the problem of their own country, but the problem of many of them. Now many people's concepts cannot be changed.

Now if there is a chance to go to school, then they must also take the cultural route, not the technical route. In their eyes, the technical route is the kind of completely hopeless.

It is quite normal to have such an idea. After all, who doesn't want to be a leader, but in this world not only needs leaders, but also needs those things.

If a country has only leaders, it must be "chaos", so they must also produce some victims, and these victims also depend on the situation.

Anyway, it's such a situation now. If they don't make any changes, there will definitely be a worse result in the future, not a better result.

So now Qin Shuo has also done a lot of education to correct their thoughts, but since this kind of thought has already been generated, it is not a simple thing to correct it.

Even for what many of them love to say, Qin Shuo is not helping them. In their eyes, it is like Qin Shuo is harming them. People who have such an idea, even if things say they want to help me, then There is no way to help, and there are still many people who have such an idea.

Speaking of these internal problems, Qin Shuo also caused some irritability, but these problems can be regarded as relatively small, the most important problem is not in the current internal, but in the external.

Some things are actually deep-rooted, and under normal circumstances, there is no way to solve them. Only in some more important situations can these problems be solved, but the problems will definitely be very serious.

There are also many things that they are concerned about now. These things were more important in the past, not to mention at this time, they are also very important.

Now with the development of time, he actually feels more and more that some things should be ten thousands. According to his current level of development, it is simply impossible to achieve much in this world. Maybe it will be effective, but it does not meet my expectations.

The expectations in my heart are so big, so it is not a simple thing to say that you want to reconcile.

What's more, he is already Qin Shuo now. In two years, a new era will actually be opened, but he doesn't know what such a new era looks like.

I am completely in a state of ignorance about that new era. If I can't solve these problems, then the problems I face will definitely be bigger in the future.

These are actually the main points. If they can’t clarify these issues, then they will also feel a headache in many ways.

Now with the development of time, they must also pay more and more attention to this aspect. Such an emphasis is a good thing for them, but if they do not pay attention, they will have it in many aspects. A peculiar feeling.

Now the days are slowly passing away. For them, these things are more important. After all, with the growth of time, their problems must be more and more.

He can't see the future anyway, so now he can only guess slowly, and can only hope that it will be better in the future, not like it is now.

Although it is not terribly bad now, but if you can't get these things right, in fact, the pressure in your heart is also a bit big.

The problem is the current one. As for what the situation is going to be, he doesn't actually know.

With the development of time, perhaps these problems are in their hearts and the pressure will increase, and they can only use some other methods to relieve such a pressure.

Anyway, the most important thing for them now is to develop their own technology, and then make their own technology truly become the front end of the entire world.

Since they now want to be the leaders of the whole world, this is definitely indispensable. They also have to slowly solve these problems now, otherwise it will make them more headaches in many aspects. Some.

These problems may be nothing in the eyes of others, but there are indeed some serious problems in their eyes, which is not to say that it is too exaggerated.

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