Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1548: Attacking pirates?

Because the facts of the matter are indeed like this, if a country cannot slowly move forward, then it is actually a retreat. Such a retreat is unforgivable for him, and he does not want to let this This situation continues to happen.

If this situation has happened too much, it will have a great impact on them, so they must eliminate these problems. If they can completely solve these problems, although it is very good, Even if it can't be solved, it can develop slowly in other areas.

All these things are a problem that they attach great importance to. If they don't pay attention to such a problem, then they certainly can't do a good job on other problems.

These problems themselves are all involved, so they are now almost solving these problems.

At this moment, Qin Shuo also heard a news suddenly. In fact, such a news shocked her, because Qin Shuo seemed to have had some bad consequences in her own country now.

The most important thing is that there are some people in my country, and now I have some other ideas.

Now they suddenly encountered some pirates above the ocean. This is something that I can't think of. In fact, he must also hate pirates.

Although he hadn't encountered a pirate who was too bad, but even in this way, he still hated pirates very much.

Now those pirates, in fact, dare to provoke anyone. At first Qin Shuo thought that they would dare not provoke himself, but these people completely ignored other things.

One of the most important points is that the weapons of those pirates are also very sophisticated now. It seems that they have undergone some modifications, or some other things.

Moreover, their offensive methods are also very peculiar, basically running away after a fight, which is a relatively uncomfortable thing for them.

Now if these things are added up, there will also be some more important issues. If they add up these important issues, it will also cause some not small attention and cause some not small things.

As time goes by, these things will become more and more complicated. If they can't be solved well, they will definitely have that much influence.

If you add these things together, the threat to them will also be great. These should be a relatively important issue. Compared with this point, other issues are no longer so important. In fact, this is also considered a big threat. It is a relatively normal thing.

Now Qin Shuo is definitely going to deal with these pirates. After all, these pirates have already found themselves. If they didn’t provoke him before, he could let them go, but they don’t have eyesight. If you don't have eyes, don't blame yourself for being too cruel.

Qin Shuo has always been in such a mood, and he has always been in such a situation. Now even if many people have some strange requirements for it, he has not much way to accomplish it.

Now, with the development of time, these problems will definitely become more and more serious. If they can be solved, then naturally they are the best. Even if they cannot be solved, there is nothing too big.

What they want to solve now is these problems, and the remaining problems, if he wants to solve them, are not so difficult, as long as they give themselves a certain amount of time.

Now these pirates have completely ignored the majesty of their dynasty, and you are provking your dynasty.

Now they also want to do business with Africa. After all, although this place in Africa is not particularly rich, the point is because of their large numbers, and they can also sell a lot of cheap goods to their Africa. of.

Once the quantity of such cheap items reaches a certain level, it is a good thing for them.

The current Qin Shuo’s goal is this thing, not something else. If such a goal is achieved to a very good degree, it will have a great benefit for them. Such a benefit is already better than others. Things are better.

Some things themselves are very important to them, and they have a good idea for these very important problems. If they can solve these problems, they don't need to worry so much in many ways.

Now they feel that they are worried about the problems, in fact, there are also many, if they can be solved slowly, it will have a great progress and a great benefit for them.

The sky's "color" has gradually dimmed at this time, but their mood can't be so dimmed. They still feel that they have their own motivation, and if this time they are their admirals. I found them all, the point is to ask this point.

Now that I have already thought about it, since I can't let them go, I must prepare everything in advance.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to attack, but once they provoke themselves, then you will not be soft-hearted. Once they are soft-hearted, then they think they are afraid of them.

But I am not only not afraid of them, but the emotions in my heart are also more stable. Anyway, they must solve these problems properly. Although the time may be a little longer, there is always They can solve it one day.

"You should also know the pirates of Somaya this time. If this is the case, do you have any ideas about this? We must focus on this place, otherwise they will really just look at it. Oh my god."

After finding those people back, Qin Shuo was very angry when he opened his mouth. It can be seen that his anger was not pretended, but an anger that began to rise from the bottom of his heart.

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