Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1549: East-west waterway

"For those pirates, we must be severely cracked down, but I feel that under such a situation, we still need to keep a low profile for a while."

At this time, Zhou Yu also directly said, but she is not to blame, after all, her "sex" personality is like this.

Compared to the others, he likes this kind of keeping a low profile. After all, if this happens, it will definitely get better and better for their future development.

So he belongs to the more conservative side, not the closer side. Now the more radical side is actually Ganning.

But Gan Ning's navy is very radical in this respect. After all, he was also the first to join the post-Qin army. Because of this, it is not afraid in many aspects.

He also looked like this in previous battles, so Qin Shuo often asked Zhou Yu and Gan Ning to cooperate with the two armies. In this way, they can actually make up for the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. Personal relationships in private are also very good, because of this it also has certain advantages.

If the feelings in private are just so-so, then letting them cooperate will only have this disadvantage, and it will not be good, but if their feelings in private are good, then you can let them start to cooperate. They all have some advantages.

"If we continue to keep a low profile and bide our time, doesn't it mean that we are afraid of them? Our strength is already so strong, there is no need to keep a low profile."

At this time, Gan Ning also spoke directly. It can be seen that he seems to have some dissatisfaction with this.

"Those Somaya pirates, in fact, their combat effectiveness can be regarded as very weak, but our main point is that there is no way to find them. If we can find them, then I am not afraid at all, so It’s really easy to say some cool words here, but if you really do things, you know how difficult it will be."

After hearing this sentence, he seemed to be very unconvinced, and then he spoke directly.

"If this is the case, then we can dispatch a large number of soldiers. Since a small number of videos cannot find them, then a large number of videos can definitely find them. You don't have to worry too much about this. I can These problems have been solved."

At this time, Gan Ning said again, it can be seen that he has also made up his mind, especially in this respect, after all, he was often attacked by Somaya pirates before.

And some things happened a few days ago, that is, the pirates of Somaya have already captured a lot of rumors about them, and then threatened them directly with these things. This thing makes them feel To the most angry.

In the end, it was on their own side, for their safety, and then directly used money to redeem them, otherwise maybe those people are no longer alive, because of this, so at that time, their entire court had already begun. Vibrated.

At that time, Qin Shuo didn't say much about this. Anyway, it was just letting it develop freely, and to develop it on its own to whatever degree it could develop. If it could be solved with money, then there would be no need to wage war. .

This thing refers to a previous idea, but after experiencing that thing, he decided not to hide it anymore. Since he has such a strength, why should he hide such a strength?

He can only show his wrists, so that he can complete this matter.

What's more, if they are launching a war here, the benefit is not only to eliminate all the pirates, but there is still a greater benefit.

The fact that I want to start this war now has a great relationship with that canal, if I can occupy that place.

Then it means that you have mastered a very important waterway between the West and the East. I had already mastered a very important waterway before.

If you are mastering one this time, then the benefits for the future will definitely be great. Such a benefit cannot be achieved by other methods anyway, and it can only be achieved through such a method. What's more, this is also a famous teacher, not a nameless teacher.

Now I can accomplish a lot of things through such a method, and I don't have to worry about too many things anyway, as long as I continue to proceed according to such a situation, then even if others want to stop it.

There is no way to stop oneself. This should be a very important issue. Many people actually know this, but if you want to change this, it is almost impossible.

Now with the development of time, in fact, people’s minds will definitely have a huge change. Such a huge change is considered a relatively normal thing in many people’s eyes, even in Qin Shuo. If you come, it is also a relatively normal thing. After all, in many ways, you need to rely on yourself in other places.

In many respects, this kind of reliance actually has some very important issues. If they don’t rely on themselves at this time, then they can be a little more relaxed.

Now, with the development of time like this, it will become simpler in many aspects, and it does not need to be as complicated as before. This way, there will naturally be many benefits, which are beyond the imagination of others. .

But Qin Shuo is very sure about you. According to this kind of situation, if you continue, then you will definitely get some benefits in many ways in the future.

Of course, there must be many people who want to do things now, but their organization is of no use at all, because they can't stop Qin Shuo at all now, and no one can stop themselves from what they want to do.

Especially for more important things like this, after she and her subordinates made clear these things, they also didn’t stop them. Of course, they also knew that they couldn’t stop them. These should be an important point. Even if people know this day, there is no way to change it.

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