Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1550: Pirate power

Now those pirates, I must find a way to eliminate them, and what I want to eliminate is not only those pirates, I still want to occupy those islands, once I occupy all the islands, then my future development is sure It just needs to be faster.

After all, the ocean now plays a very important role. It is impossible for the sky to be opened up as a battlefield. Although Qin Shuo wants to welcome things such as those who have already got off the plane, he also knows that if it is true If you can study it.

It has been studied for a long time, and now it hasn't even started a preliminary stage.

After all, until now, they haven't even researched the engines of some cars, let alone those things. Now they don't have much way to get a commission on oil.

In this way, they are very short of raw materials. Of course, the West has not developed to such a degree. If the West has developed to such a degree, perhaps they are already unified.

Generally speaking, in the process of the first industrial revolution, the gap between these players is not too big, and the gap between these countries is also not too big.

The real gap started with the second industrial revolution. That is the most important gap. If anyone can complete that thing, there will be a huge improvement in the overall situation.

Although many people now understand this, if you really want to figure out these things, it is not such a simple thing. He has to have more headaches on many issues.

But Qin Shuo is not particularly anxious now, just let himself understand slowly. Anyway, he will definitely not lack in terms of time. Now as time grows, he will also understand those Things are resolved slowly.

One day it will solve those things. The problem is now such a problem. Since he has already proposed a general policy, it is enough for others to start according to his policy.

Now those Mayan pirates, in fact, besides the aboriginals, there are more players, because they are also some pirates in reality, so when it comes to the game, they simply continue to continue their profession. Now Most people are also taking on such a profession as Haidao.

I have to say that a profession like pirates is quite good, after all, once they get to the sea, their speed is actually faster.

And they didn’t even think that it was these merchant ships they were getting married now, but Qin Shuo would directly send his main team to the past, not to mention the number of pirates now on the Pacific Ocean is not too small, and even occupy A very high position.

If those pirates add up, there are probably hundreds of shares, but there is no way. Although many countries know this, they cannot make any changes.

Among them, there are only these three or four who are more powerful. Qin Shuo basically knows these three or four. The Somaya pirate is actually the most powerful one. After all, he is not only the most powerful. of.

And in history, they are also very famous. In fact, all of those people have survived by this thing. This is actually a point that people are very concerned about.

Although those Europeans also said they wanted to occupy this place, they are already trapped inside and outside, so they can only solve their own internal affairs first.

Only then can all external issues be resolved, but if these problems add up, there will also be some big problems.

So Qin Shuo wanted to take advantage of this kind of gap time. Anyway, when they hit both sides, he estimated that he had already completely occupied the African market, and then he could act on them.

Actually, I had this thought for them a long time ago, but if it is put into practice, it is still a little bit difficult, but this kind of difficulty is not particularly big, if they can be a little bit If you work hard, it is estimated that you will be able to achieve these successfully.

There are actually many more important problems for them, if they can all be solved.

That is the most important point. If there is no way to solve these things, it will make people feel some of your headaches, but there will not be such a big obstacle in general.

The current time is slowly advancing, perhaps for them these things are considered to be a relatively normal thing, if we continue to develop now, then these issues will become more important.

Now they are clear in their hearts. If they can solve all those problems, then they will definitely play a big role in the future.

So the most important thing for them now is this, but it is not a simple thing to accomplish this. It is only this slowly increasing with time, and then making them more smooth in this regard.

Now they will feel that there are some confusions in many aspects. These confusions do not happen in a half-time, but after a long time, so it is said that there are so many problems. "Confused", if they can't solve these problems for a while, maybe they will slowly accumulate in the future.

The situation is now such a situation. As for what it will become in the end, in fact, no one knows. It can only develop slowly over time, and then all these problems will be clarified.

Now with the development of time, the pressure on them is definitely getting bigger and bigger, but pressure is also a very normal thing. After all, if there is not too much pressure on their body, then naturally there is not too much pressure. Big motivation, the two are complementary to each other.

Anything lacking will make them change a lot.

In fact, the current Fusang still has some strength in shipbuilding, so now they only need to make a little effort in this aspect. They also want to form an ally with the current Fusang.

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