Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1559: Ottoman Empire

Anyway, for them, these problems are some of the more important things. If they can’t solve these problems, then they will feel more uncomfortable in many aspects in the future, and they don’t want this. .

Many things in themselves are more difficult for them to solve. If you say that you are making these things now, the consequences will actually be very serious.

Since no one is blocking Qin Shuo and the others now, the rest is actually much simpler.

In fact, he now feels very confused about the Peacock Empire. This empire seems to be somewhat different from other empires.

But where the specifics are different, he himself cannot find a good explanation. Anyway, he is not good for this country, but it is also not too bad.

Generally speaking, it is the kind that is more moderate. After all, he used to attack and be himself in this country. If his strength hadn't reached a certain level, then maybe they really succeeded.

But from now on, they probably wouldn't dare to attack themselves. After all, their strength has already been improved to such a degree. If they are still attacking directly now, then they probably have some brain problems.

Now these words are not alarmist words, but rather normal words, especially for them.

"This time, if we are not mistaken, they should have been brought to the interior of their country. These are people who feel that they have some headaches. After all, there are some students in their country. This time I definitely want to restrict those people directly, and then they will let them go after we pay the ransom."

This time, the one who came with Qin Shuo was actually Zhuge Liang. Although Zhuge Liang was not particularly good at navy, he was still quite good at these aspects, especially the intelligence analysis.

Now he used very limited information to analyze these things. Although Qin Shuo itself is very powerful, he still hasn't monitored these places.

In other words, until now, they have not wanted to monitor this place. In the past, they thought that this place was not harmful to themselves.

But I didn't expect that these things happened suddenly. These things should also make people feel that there are some difficult to solve, and if you don't use real strength, solving these things may be more difficult.

Now they must make all the preparations before the war, and use these preparations to the extreme. If they say that they lack any preparation in the war, they may be defeated in this war.

You must know that this is not fighting on your own homeland, and it is not fighting in a place very close to your own homeland. The nearest one of them is actually the Ottoman Empire.

But they had nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire at all. This time Qin Shuo had just arrived on the Peacock Empire Ocean, and he had already discovered that there were many people and many ships following them.

But the size of these ships is still relatively small, and they didn't directly stop them. They seemed to be waiting for something.

In fact, Qin Shuo doesn’t need to think too much, he already knows, they must be from the Ottoman Empire, some mobile phones, they must be wary of Qin Shuo’s sudden coming here at this time, even though they were before. At that time, Qin Shuo had already sent someone to negotiate.

But even if they negotiate, they can't think that this country is not threatened at all, and they are also very wary of themselves and seem to be very afraid of themselves.

After all, his reputation in the whole world is not particularly good, and it even arouses many people's vigilance. Therefore, Qin Shuo is not too worried about this, or has some too much. miss you.

If you think too much, then it may not be a good thing, but if you think too little, it may not be a good thing either. Although Qin Shuo had some ambitions for the Ottoman Empire.

But in such a situation now, I definitely can't expose myself. After all, I am not targeting him this time, and maybe I will target him at some time in the future.

But it definitely won't be this time. If I say that I am still ready to fight against them at this time, then maybe I really have some too stupid, after all, no matter how strong I am, it is impossible to fight with so many countries, let alone in myself The surrounding area is not without those enemies who are staring at him.

Now I still don't want to provoke those powerful enemies too much, otherwise I might be more troublesome.

These things are more troublesome now, but they must also overcome all these things, otherwise the things they encounter may make them more troublesome.

But on the whole, the impact on them is not particularly large. After all, some things are also in front of them. If the impact is particularly large, it will not be what it is now. At best, the Ottoman Empire is just looking at it from the side, but they certainly won't make a move.

Because they knew that if they said they would make a move, then they might end up in a dilemma, not to mention that he was already very upset with those pirates.

But they are not particularly strong in terms of the strength of the navy, so it has always been said that there is no way to take the pirates, but this time, if someone takes the initiative, then he can completely let them eliminate the pirates.

As long as they protect themselves, it is enough, not to mention that they have already received some news now that they know that Qin Shuo is here to avenge this time, so their alertness is even lower.

But if you think about it, this kind of thing can be considered normal.

At least it is better than other things, at least it does not make people feel particularly uncomfortable. For them, these problems are naturally the best if they can be solved.

If you can’t solve it, then you still have to find a way to solve it. Otherwise, you can’t condone these problems to become bigger and bigger. Then there will be no way to solve it in the end. Perhaps it is more important for them. Kind of thing.

After Qin Shuo got here, he was actually planning to have a little bit of experience in this Ottoman Empire. In the end, Qin Shuo also sent some envoys.

Although this place is not the capital of the Ottoman Empire, they still have to ask a little bit, otherwise they are afraid of some big conflicts. They don't want any big conflicts at this time.



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