Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1560: Conservative cooperation

In fact, the Ottoman Empire had already prepared some precautions a long time ago. They were now worried that Qin said that this time it was for their care, so they would make these preparations.

But if you think about it carefully, it's quite normal. If you talk about yourself, you will also make some preparations. A person like this simply doesn't have much to deal with.

Even if you want to deal with it, then maybe you have a lot of problems, and you don't want to take on those problems.

Now they have even solved a lot of problems, but these are not too many things, but this should be an important point, more important than other things.

With the development of time now, these problems are definitely more and more, but as for whether these problems will become serious problems, then no one knows.

Anyway, Qian said that he only wanted to communicate well with them. This is the best choice. I heard that this time he has already sent a lot of people. This should be a key point.

Anyway, the problems they are facing now must be many, but they don't know whether they can solve all of these problems.

Anyway, they want to know now that they try to solve these problems as much as possible, and then allow themselves to increase their future bargaining chips as much as possible, so that they will not be too headache.

With the development of time, in fact, everyone's thinking will also have a big change, especially in this regard. I heard that it is now increasing with age.

However, it has not become too conservative, and it is even more radical in some aspects. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, there are some unsuitable things for him, but in Qunsay’s own opinion, this is the most Suitable, sometimes your own fund may not be a bad thing.

It is even a better thing. After all, if you say that you are not radical, then you can't solve it in many ways. The situation is now such a situation, and now Qin Shuo and them are already doing well. The exchange was over.

Therefore, there is already a situation of mutual understanding between the two. In this way, the pressure on the money to talk will be less. If you don’t understand each other like before, then Qin Shuo The pressure on the body is such a big one.

There is not even much way to change this kind of pressure, and I can only wait slowly, but now it is different, it has completely become another status quo.

For Qin Shuo, this status quo is definitely what makes him most happy. Although now, as time goes by, their minds will definitely have some changes.

Of course, these changes are not too big. It can be seen from the outside. Although they have certain pressure in their hearts, these pressures are relatively easy to relieve. The most important thing is to see what the specific situation is. Look like.

With the development of time, these problems must be less and less in their hearts. This is a good thing. If there are more and more problems, it is not a good thing.

Now, although it cannot be said that they are completely in agreement with the other side, in many aspects they can already start cooperation between the two sides. It is a good thing for them to take up a kind of cooperation.

At least in some aspects they don't need to worry too much. What they worry about now is only these small parts. In the big aspect, they can still relax.

Perhaps this is a good thing for them. As time goes by, more and more people have such an idea. Now Qin Shuo also has various ideas and opinions about them. Maybe this A variety of thoughts and opinions are not particularly simple.

But it didn't. With so many complications, he and the Ottoman Empire on the other side have already negotiated some conditions, anyway, for them, he just borrowed a little.

Therefore, they didn't care too much. Regarding what Qin Shuo said, they seemed to be more convinced.

After all, if Qin Shuo wanted to attack them, his current attitude would definitely not be like this. What's more, Qin Shuo now has no reason to attack them, and there is no need to alarm them.

This should be an important point, and this is what they care about. Qin Shuo is now developing pirates, which is a good thing for them.

If the pirates continue to grow stronger and bigger, in fact, they will also worry about whether their safety will be threatened. After all, the navy in their country is not that powerful.

Even in battleships, it is very scarce. Their own shipbuilding craftsmanship can only be regarded as average. Although they are relatively close to the ocean, they are not particularly biased towards the ocean.

Maybe they have some different thoughts in their hearts, otherwise it won't be like this. There are more and more problems now, and it must be very simple for them.

But it is a little more complicated for others, but no matter from which aspect, as long as it is treated well, then the problem will definitely be smaller and smaller, not bigger and bigger, but if not If you treat it well, the situation may change in another way.

This time, Qin Shuo was directly at the port of the city next to it, and he could stand it up. Of course, this must be the case. After consulting their government, most of their governments are more supportive of this matter. In fact, the Ottoman Empire Economic and trade exchanges with their countries can be considered relatively close.

Because of this, they will care so much. Moreover, their own country does have certain benefits for their nobles. At least those nobles also depend on their own country in many aspects. This should be a bit confusing to them.

Now their nobility has indeed undergone a big change, of course, in the eyes of many people, such a big change may be somewhat exaggerated.



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