Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1561: Eating meat and soup

But in the eyes of some people, this kind of change is also a very normal thing. In fact, as long as the countries that cooperate with Qin Shuo are basically able to get some benefits, after all, what Qin Shuo wants now is to eat meat.

But other countries can also drink a little soup. Other countries don’t have that much thought. What they want now is to drink a little soup. After all, what Qin Shuo is making now .

Even if they just let them drink a little soup, they can get a big improvement. Many people also know this, so they are very happy to cooperate with Qin Shuo. After all, working with them is basically in a state of stable profit without loss.

If there is a loss, it is only a little bit faster, and there is not much loss. But such a loss is not particularly important to them.

However, they must pay more attention to certain aspects, otherwise they are also worried about whether they will encounter any troublesome things in the future. If it is really troublesome, they want to solve it.

It is not that simple. It must be developed from many aspects or the time of development. At this time, there has been a big change. For them, this big change will have a very Big benefits.

Although speaking from this aspect, many people still don't understand what this sentence means, but if you think about it carefully, you can feel that this sentence is actually very reasonable.

If time continues to develop like this at this time, it may not be a good thing for them, but it may not be a bad thing. What kind of thing it is depends on how it will develop in the future. It.

In Qin Shuo's heart, he definitely wants his country to be more prosperous and to make his people more at ease. This should be some of his thoughts, but this kind of thing is not particularly simple.

The specifics still depend on what kind of situation the subsequent development will become. If the development is very good, then naturally there is no need to say more.

If they encounter some difficulties in the development, then the problem may be some big, but it doesn't matter, I heard that there are still some new types in their hearts, and this kind of confidence is not particularly small.

Even their confidence in their hearts still has some big problems. It's such a problem, as to what kind of situation it will become.

He didn't even know it himself, anyway, in his heart he definitely hoped that the situation on his side would be better, not faster.

Now, as his strength grows, he actually pays more and more attention to these things. When they pay attention to a certain level, perhaps people's minds will also have a huge change.

This kind of change is also very normal. Perhaps many people will disagree with this point, but for Qin Shuo it is like this, and the sky is gradually dimming now. For them, these problems must have some difficulties, and if they want to solve them, they are not that simple, but now as time grows, these situations must be It will also change slowly.

Maybe it will eventually change into a question that will have a great effect on them, but they can’t guarantee the specifics. The situation is now such a situation, even if they are indeed in their hearts. There is a complicated feeling, but there is no way to solve it.

Time is now truly in the past. For them, there must be a lot of things that need to be resolved.

Now Qin Shuo and the others set up camp in this port directly. Actually, this port shouldn’t be considered a particularly big port. So Qin Shuo helped him fix it a little bit, if it doesn’t get swollen. , Then the problem will become a little bigger.

For a place like this, if you want to recover from the previous situation, it is almost impossible. If you don’t continue to develop, this place will only get more and more headaches. of.

Anyway, these things must make them feel a little uncomfortable now, but even in this way, he has no choice but to slowly change the thoughts in his heart over time.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause some more serious consequences in the future. These consequences are also something he can't bear. The other problems are smaller ones, and they won't be as serious as they are now.

Therefore, the impact on them is also not large, and the real impact on them is in other aspects, not in this aspect.

The relationship between Qin Shuo and them is actually quite good. After all, Qin Shuo helped them build so many things, so they all have a feeling of gratitude for Qin Shuo.

Although people nowadays have some doubts about this kind of gratitude, I don't know if it is true.

But most people don’t change their feelings of gratitude. Even if they have other ideas, they will definitely not express them directly on the surface, and they will definitely only temporarily. First hide in your own heart.

When things get more serious in the future, they will really look like that. Although it is indeed a bit complicated to say it, if people who have really experienced those things may really know it.

War itself is not a problem that can be easily solved. If some people still have some doubts about war, then there is no way. After all, they want to solve these problems completely. It takes some time.

And such a problem is definitely impossible to solve in a short time. It should also take a long time to solve these problems, but I heard that it is not too worried, he I believe that I should be able to completely solve these problems.



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