Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 816: See Cao Cao again

Now Qin Shuo knew that maybe things were not that simple, and now he was going to compete with Cao Cao again, but Cao Cao's current strength obviously couldn't compete with himself.

But in fact, he had done some things before. He snatched Qingzhou over directly, and he snatched it from Yuan Shao's hands.

Originally, Yuan Shao’s son Yuan Tan took soldiers to attack Qingzhou under the order of Yuan Shao. At that time, the governor of Qingzhou was Kong Rong.

This Kong Rong actually estimates that many people have heard of his name, but his name is because his Kong Rong let the pear come out. Who knows that this Kong Rong is not only a pear, but also Will let the territory,

Then Yuan Tan basically didn't spend much effort, just to directly attack this place, and also confirmed his lord power.

At this moment, Cao Cao in Yanzhou, who was next to him, suddenly had 50,000 troops, and then defeated Yuan Tan, who was being repaired, and captured a lot of prisoners.

In the end, Yuan Tan had no choice but to run away in a desperate manner. After these two years of training, Cao Cao’s strength has improved a lot, and there are also many of his subordinates. The generals came to take refuge.

So now Cao's "Cao" strength has once again made a big stride. There are already two states, and it is still a good force.

However, the combined area of ​​his two states is not as large as Yangzhou, but among these princes, it can be sent to the top few.

After all, Qin Shuo is a pervert, and now he has occupied almost three and a half states. There is no way to compare this, and now Qin Shuo's power is still expanding.

If Yuzhou is taken down, there will be four and a half prefectures, and then it will be really unstoppable, and the next three-point world will appear differently.

Therefore, this time Cao Cao also personally led the troops to Yuzhou, hoping to take over the place of Yuzhou earlier. If this happens, it will also be of great benefit to him.

The current Cao "Cao" has already angered Yuan Shao, so it is estimated that Yuan Shao is also planning to attack Cao "Cao". In this way, Cao "Cao" is actually a bit uncomfortable.

If you didn't capture Qingzhou before, you would actually die slowly, but once you capture Qingzhou, it will be completely different now.

But when he captured Qingzhou, Yuan Shao was angry again, and furthermore, he wanted to capture Yuzhou, so he was helpless.

He knew that Qin Shuo was eyeing this place, but this place was not Qin Shuo's site after all, and both people actually had a chance.

Once it is possible to get Yuzhou, then the current Cao "Cao" does not need to be too afraid of them, so the most important thing now is time.

But he did not expect that Qin Shuo had already sent troops in first, so he said that Cao Cao's path forward had been directly cut off.

Coincidentally, the two people still met on the road, and there was a large army behind them.

Behind Cao Cao had an army of 150,000, and Qin Shuo had 100,000 behind, but Qin Shuo's quality was higher. After all, there were many special arms.

"Isn't this Cao Mengde? What a coincidence, where do you want to go?"

After Qin Shuo met, he immediately stepped forward to say hello. In fact, there was no hatred between the two, so it was relatively peaceful.

"Well, we want to come and help Yuzhou eradicate those Yellow Turban thieves. I wonder why General Qin came here?"

Cao's "Cao"'s face was surprised at first, then calmed down again, and said.

"Coincidentally, my thoughts are the same as yours. I really didn't expect that you and I would have such an affinity with Meng De, hahahaha, but it's enough to have me here."

Qin Shuo said straightforwardly, his face gradually sinking.

"What if I don't go back?"

Cao's "Cao"'s face also became cold, and he said.

Behind Qin Shuo, the sword was unsheathed, and his fighting spirit was clear.

"What do you mean." Qin Shuo smiled and said.

"My joking brother Xubai, as long as you are here, I am relieved, then I will go back to my Yanzhou now. If there is really any need for help, it is okay to let me know. ."

Cao's "Cao" face became cold again, and he started to speak, "showing joy" on his face.

"It's changed so much, but I can't let you come in vain. It just happens that I still have some food and wages. It is estimated that I can't eat it. Now you are tired, we will give you half of it."

Qin Shuo didn't want to offend Cao Cao to death, so he spoke.

It can be seen that Cao Cao didn't have too much food and their salary, and he slapped him, and then gave him a sweet date.

"Thank you, Brother Xubai, then I will also leave."

Cao "Cao" nodded, then spoke.

"There will be a period later, you can wait to go first, and then leave the food transporters."

Qin Shuo also nodded and said.

Cao "Cao" didn't say much, and then left directly.

The expression on Cao Cao's face when he turned around also suddenly changed. It was originally a smile, but now it has become a bitter.

Originally, I thought about this matter well, but I didn't expect that Qin Shuo would suddenly "intervene" in it, and completely disrupted all his plans.

Perhaps this is the biggest problem, but the saddest thing is that I still have no way to resist myself, and I don't have that kind of power and energy at all.

You can only see Qin Shuo slowly getting bigger, but he can't do anything at all.

"Lord, it's a pity."

Xun Yu on the side also spoke.

"It's not a pity, we only have so much strength, so we also want to increase our strength as much as possible, but we only occupy two states, what else can we do?"

Cao "Cao" shook his head helplessly before speaking.

"Lord, I just received a message, I am really overjoyed!"

Xun You, who had been sitting in the carriage before, suddenly walked out, still holding a letter in his hand.

"What is this thing?"

Cao "Cao" also said with some doubts and "confusion".

"Situ Wang Yun is dead, and now Liu Bian wants to return to the eastern capital of Luoyang again. Should we do something now?"

Xun You spoke and glanced at Cao Cao.

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