Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 817: Arakawa-gun

"Master, this is a big opportunity for us! Qin Shuo didn't seize this opportunity at the beginning. In fact, he did it for his reputation, but we don’t need this reputation for development, and we only have this one. There's a chance. Qin Shuo doesn't seem to have received the news yet. This is from my uncle in Chaozhong. They seem to want to go back secretly."

Xun You spoke again.

"Master, we should be like this."

Xun Yu on the side also thought for a long time before finally speaking.

"Where have they gone now?"

Cao "Cao" also asked.

"I just left Tongguan. If we carry Qingqi both day and night, we can catch up with them in about five days."

Xun You said.

"Then let's set off. I also hope that they don't meet Yuan Shao. Otherwise, Yuan Shao must have such ambitions."

Cao "Cao" also nodded and said.

"According to Yuan Shao's personal qualities, this opportunity is also very small, but it does not rule out that there will be some exceptions, so we need to be faster. If this news is received by Qin Shuo, maybe He will do the same."

Xun You said.

"Then go now."

Cao "Cao" nodded, and then asked Li Dian, Dian Wei and others to lead the troops back first, and he led a group of light cavalry first, but Qin Shuo actually saw all of this.

"The torrent of history itself cannot be stopped. Why should I stop it? As the saying goes, the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits, I will watch it here..."

Qin Shuo looked at Yiqi Juechen in the distance and said.

In fact, he already knew about this, even half a day before Cao Cao. After all, his shadow guards were not vegetarian.

Now he deliberately wants Cao Cao to know the news. Even if he is the emperor to make a prince, he is not afraid at all. Anyway, he will not provoke himself, but the relationship between him and Yuan Shao is definitely It will be very different.

For the time being, I will develop in my own south, let them fight for a while and then take advantage of the fishermen's profit, without having to spend their own forces to fight.

In fact, if war is really used, then no one is the victor at all, only the one who has sacrificed the least.

Even if Cao "Cao" took the emperor to command the princes, he must have ordered him not to move. His own strength can reach a point where he ignores the court, but other people can't, especially Yuan Shao.

The reason why Yuan Shao had never proclaimed emperor before was because he claimed to be the family of the fourth generation and three masters, and he would definitely not proclaim emperor unless he was a last resort.

Then Qin Shuo had already begun to enter Yingchuan County at this time. He was originally planning to kill the Quartet, but after entering Yingchuan County, he immediately accepted the surrender of those Yellow Turbans.

In fact, this is also a normal thing. After all, the opposite Yellow Turban must be unable to beat Qin Shuo in terms of hard power, so it can only be chosen to surrender. If it really continues to fight, then the biggest sacrifice will be the last one. That's them.

Today's Yellow Turban has no basic conditions for survival, and it can be seen that surrendering to Qin Shuo is not necessarily a bad thing, or even a good thing.

Most of the yellow turban soldiers who surrendered in the past also survived, and not only did they survive, they also survived better.

If they didn't have enough to eat, no one would be willing to face the crime of anti-thief, so this is a big problem.

In the end, He Yi, Liu Pi, Huang Shao, and He Man, the Yellow Turbans who lived deep in Yingchuan, also surrendered to Qin Shuo, and Qin Shuo can finally relax now.

But Yingchuan County is like this. Runan County next to it is different. Not only the Yellow Turban inside is unwilling to surrender, but even the prefect inside is unwilling to surrender.

Firstly, it was because Yuan Shu had the kindness to know the prefect of Runan County. Although he didn't help much after the incident, he wanted to fight back when others wanted to invade him.

Even the Yellow Turbans inside also believed that they could resist Qin Shuo in conjunction with the prefect. In addition, there were them. In fact, they did a lot of evil in this place. Even after they were subdued, Qin Shuo would definitely not be easy. Let them go.

With the blessings of these two things, the current Runan County is really a difficult bone, but if you want to deal with it, it shouldn't be too difficult. Generally speaking, there are still some opportunities.

In fact, this place in Yingchuan County is also a place of talents, and it can even be said to be a hometown of celebrities. There are too many celebrities who have come out. In the past, there were eight dragons of the Xun family, Xunjian, Xunzu, Xunjing, Xun Tao, Xun Wang, Xun Shuang, Xun Su, and Xun Yan were very famous in the past.

In addition, the talents in the Three Kingdoms now include Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Zhong Yao, Chen Qun, Xu Shu, Sima Hui, Guo Tu, Chun Yu Qiong, and Han Fu. Most of these names are from here. Familiar.

There are many famous families in Yingchuan County, including Yingyin Xun family, Xu County Chen family, Changshe Zhong family, Xiangcheng Li family, Yangdiguo family, Yangdixin family, Wuyang Han family, Dingling Du family, father city Feng family and so on.

Most of the people above come from these famous families, so the family is almost in control of the entire Yingchuan County, but they have nothing to do with the Yellow Turban Army.

A group of literati with pens in their hands, it is always impossible for them to hold a knife against others, even some families have already moved out.

The current Xun family should be completely dependent on Cao's "Cao". In addition, the current Guo family, which is the family from Guo Jia, has taken refuge in Qin Shuo's side. Other family members, either moved out or else Take refuge in Qin Shuo.

The other abilities of these aristocratic families are average anyway, but the abilities of this team are really powerful, and most of them are correct teams, otherwise they won't be retained until now.

Qin Shuo actually didn't object to them standing in the team. After all, it was all for the good of his family. In many cases, Qin Shuo can express understanding, as long as he doesn't oppose him, otherwise, Qin Shuo would not be soft-hearted either.

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