The peace talks actually depend on sincerity. Whoever brings out a lot of things, then whoever gets a lot of things in the peace talks is the loser, then he is the winner of this peace talks. This has been from before to now. A theorem since then.

Qin Shuo didn't plan to show anything this time. As the saying goes, then he was planning to come to an empty-glove white wolf peace talk.

Because it was a peace talk, it didn't matter to Qin Shuo, this time he just brought five hundred Wei Wu pawns with him.

In fact, the other side also put forward a request to open this peace talk within the boundaries of Shu County.

At first, Qin Shuo and the others rejected this matter. After all, this is a peace talk in itself, and Qin Shuo still has an advantage. If they really ran into the opposite territory, they might still be directly given by the opposite party. It's overcast.

But finally under Qin Shuo's persistence, he still agreed to this point. Anyway, Qin Shuo was confident. After all, he also had so many military pawns around him, and he also took two first-class historical generals.

Before leaving, Qin Shuo still came to Yan Yan. Yan Yan now looked like he was several years old, and his hair was already gray.

"You don't need to say anything, just kill me directly. Now in our Yizhou, there are no generals who surrender, only the dead."

Yan Yan also said after seeing Qin Shuo.

"Who said I came here to make you surrender? In fact, I just wanted to come and submit to me. This is different from surrender. One is physical submission, and the other is true loyalty."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he looked at Yan Yan and said.

"You are just joking, if you want to kill me, then kill it."

Yan Yan still stubbornly spoke.

After he finished speaking, Qin Shuo took a dagger out of his arms and threw it directly in front of Yan Yan.

"If you want to die, then I will give you a dagger, and you can die whatever you want. But do you dare? If you really want to die, then we won't let us catch you at all."

After Qin Shuo sneered, he spoke.

After hearing these words, Yan Yan was actually dumbfounded for a while. Looking at the dagger in front of him, there was some hesitation. At this time, his left hand also slightly grasped the dagger in front of him, but it was always trembling.

"I have always been a very free and democratic person. Should I surrender or "suicide"? All these choices are in your hands. Do it yourself."

Qin Shuo said, looking at Yan Yan.

"So what if I choose "suicide"?"

Yan Yan glanced at Qin Shuo before speaking.

"I have already said that you have all the right to choose in your hands. Even if you die, I can still support others to become the county guard of Berkshire. You are not alone in this world. , And you are not irreplaceable."

Qin Shuo was a little funny when he heard these words, and said.

"Let's wait until later about this matter. After all, my lord is still in this world."

Yan Yan said.

Qin Shuo nodded after hearing these words. Anyway, he had already agreed, so there must be no big problem.

Then Qin Shuo had already started to set off, and he also went to the place they had agreed upon under the leadership of the envoy.

When the messenger saw that Qin Shuo had only brought three hundred people, and there were two generals, he actually had some peace of mind in his heart. Such a small number of people were not enough for them to kill.

Qin Shuo had entered the place of the peace talks, and found that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere. The main point was that there were too few people he brought, only five hundred people.

Looking at the soldiers on the opposite side, plus such a pomp, it is estimated that there are about 5,000 people. There are still ten times more soldiers than himself.

But even so, in fact, there is no tension, anyway, in terms of strength, it is not equal at all. The soldiers on their side want to eliminate them, it is actually very simple.

There are actually some houses in the place where they negotiated, and these houses seem to have just been built. Just for this time of peace talks.

From such a small detail, it can be seen that Liu Zhang does have some extravagance. In just a small peace talk, so many houses have been built.

Under the leadership of the messenger, Qin Shuo and the others also came to the outside of a pavilion. Now Liu Zhang is sitting in the pavilion, eating the grapes that the maid next to him fed him.

It seems that there is some feeling of extravagance. Qin Shuo's status is already that high now, but he still hasn't enjoyed life like this. I thought I was not as good as this Liu Zhang.

But Qin Shuo himself understands that if you are enjoying life now, you will probably cry in the future. Now he is still young, so it is still a time to struggle, not a time to enjoy it.

"Are you Qin Shuo?"

At this time, Liu Zhang also glanced at Qin Shuo who had come down, and asked.

"Exactly, I don't know why the son called me this time?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at the unreliable Liu Zhang, he also asked.

"In fact, I want to discuss a little bit with you."

After Liu Zhang glanced at Qin Shuo, he spoke.

"Within ten days, Iron Hoof will definitely set foot in Jinguan City."

Qin Shuo looked at Liu Zhang's appearance, and after a little smile, he spoke.

I had just eaten the grapes, but at this time they suddenly fell down, which seemed very surprised.

"Why is this? It doesn't have to be."

Liu Zhang said quickly, but Qin Shuo didn't say a word, just sneered at Liu Zhang.

"If you say it depends on the attitude of the son just now, there is nothing to talk about. I came here as a guest, courtesy and integrity, do you know?"

Qin Shuo looked at Liu Zhang and said.

"Are you scolding me?"

Liu Zhang said angrily.

"Since you have already done some things, I can tell you clearly that there is no room for maneuver in this matter."

After Qin Shuo finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

"Since you have come today, don't even think about leaving."

Liu Zhang looked at Qin Shuo and said viciously.

Qin Shuo turned around and smiled at Liu Zhang: "Really?"

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