Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 832: Liu Zhang bowed his head

After hearing Liu Zhang's words, Qin Shuo felt a little ridiculous.

"Isn't it just for cooperation to come here today? If you have such an attitude, then cooperation is impossible."

Qin Shuo looked at Liu Zhang and said.

"Since cooperation is impossible, there is no problem, then you can die for me now."

Liu Zhang spoke, and then all the soldiers around him surrounded him.

"Lord, why bother?"

Fazheng on the side also spoke, and seemed to be a little nervous.

"You need to know that now it's not that I don't want to cooperate, you have heard it, but he doesn't want to cooperate."

Liu Zhang looked at the Fazheng on the side and said.

"Hehe, I just see what you can do."

After Qin Shuo sneered twice, he spoke.

"Perhaps I am not very capable, but it must be more than enough to deal with you."

Liu Zhang said again, now he still doesn't know that he has provoked a more terrifying person.

"Now I have 5,000 soldiers on my side, and you only have these 500 on your side. If you immediately withdraw and merge, maybe I will let you go, and I will hand in the Jade Seal on your body. come out."

Liu Zhang said, there was also a kind of greed in his eyes.

"Originally, I was going to let you go, but I didn't expect that you would not cherish your life."

Qin Shuo looked at Liu Zhang and said, after saying this, he slightly raised his left hand.

At this time, the soldiers of Wei Wu behind Qin Shuo seemed to know what it meant, and they also stood behind Qin Shuo and confronted each other.

"You don't really think that 500 people like you can beat 5000 people, do you?"

Liu Zhang sneered and said.

"You don't really think that I'm here this time, isn't it something prepared?"

Qin Shuo also said.

"I have found someone to inquire before, and there are no soldiers behind you. Even if you have reinforcements, I will teach you to kill them now. What can you do?"

Liu Zhang said.

"Wonderful, wonderful! In fact, I have been thinking before that I can let you garrison this area when Yizhou is attacked, but now it seems better to let you garrison hell.

After Qin Shuo finished this sentence, he immediately turned around, and the soldiers of Wei Wu also started to move.

Five thousand people and five hundred people collided together. Zhao Yun beside Qin Shuo and Cheng Yaojin didn't even move, watching the battle on the spot.

When they first came into contact, the five thousand people on the opposite side already knew what kind of monster the opposite side was. The sword in my hand couldn’t break through the opposite side’s armor at all, and could only leave a shallow layer on it. trace.

But when the sword on the opposite side came into contact with him, it could easily pierce the armor on his body, and even some unprepared ones were directly cut off. Such an asymmetric war cannot be compensated by the number of people. It is like a group of people holding bows and arrows against a group of people holding guns. It’s not at all. A conceptual one.

At this time, Liu Zhang was finally panicked. He finally knew why Qin Shuo didn't worry about me anymore. There was indeed a sense of confidence!

"Let's retreat quickly."

Liu Zhang was shaking, looking at the guards behind him and said.

But at this moment, a long sword was also put on his neck, and the cold touch also made him dare not to move.

"In fact, why does the lord do this? If you really follow what I said, or if you surrender directly, you won't get to this level at all. It's a pity that you don't know it yourself."

Fazheng also sighed and said.

This time he surrendered not because of any displacement, and even he still has some loyalty to Liu Zhang. Even if Liu Zhang is such a useless person, he knows that if he does not surrender, he will only end up with a devastated life. .

"What are you doing?" Liu Zhang still couldn't believe it and said.

"Surrender now!" Fazheng glanced at Liu Zhang and said.

Now Liu Zhang's eyes are full of various emotions, with doubts, anger, panic, and fear.

After just a few seconds, he nodded helplessly. Now his life is in the hands of others. If he doesn't nod his head, there is nothing he can do.

To make a choice between his own "life" and his own territory, he would definitely choose his own "life". After all, if you don’t even have life, how can you continue to enjoy the glory and wealth?

"you are vicious."

Liu Zhang said that when he raised his head again, Qin Shuo and the others had already appeared in front of Liu Zhang.

Half of the five thousand soldiers were now lying on the ground. The remaining half also fled in panic.

After all, they can also see the gap between themselves and the other side. This is completely a massacre on the one hand, and even if they continue to resist, it is impossible to win.

"Actually, I came here for a peace talk this time, but I didn't think that you wanted to send it to the door yourself. I'm sorry for that."

Qin Shuo smiled and said, it seemed that some people felt harmless, but in Liu Zhang's eyes, it was like a devil's laughter.

This can be regarded as an unexpected gain for Qin Shuo. Now that he has caught Liu Zha, the rest of the matter is not so troublesome.

"Do you think what I just said is right? There is simply no way to believe in the number of people. What you can truly believe is your own strength, surrender now!"

After Qin Shuo squatted down, he glanced at Liu Zhang and said.

"If you say that after I surrender, what will you do to me?"

Liu Zhang didn't answer Qin Shuo's question for the first time at this time, but asked again.

"Then I want to ask you, what do you want to do?"

Qin Shuo asked suspiciously.

"Let me continue to be the state shepherd in Yizhou?"

Liu Zhang tentatively asked "sex".

"Then I will let you be the emperor of the whole man, okay? You know, the right to choose is not in your hands, but in my hands. You don't want any soldiers in the future! Say something To be honest, I used to use you to exchange with Zhang Lu after I attacked you."

Qin Shuo said with a cold snort.

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