Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 834: Meet Sun Ce

Now Jingzhou can really be described as playing mahjong in the future, and it can even make up enough people to play two tables of mahjong. In fact, those princes are all suffering.

In fact, such a status quo in Jingzhou was also caused by Qin Shuo, and has a huge relationship with him.

First of all, Qin Shuo helped Longteng occupy a county in Jingzhou, and then trained such a powerful navy, which was a huge help to its overall strength.

Then Qin Shuo arranged Sun Ce to Changsha County based on the conditions before Liu Biao, and in the end he also "forced" Liu Bei to Jingzhou.

In fact, Qin Shuo doesn't need to worry about going to Jingzhou and occupying Jingzhou. He is still waiting for an opportunity. He estimated that he will attack only when the time is ripe.

Now we can analyze the terrain of Jingzhou a little bit. To the east is Yangzhou of Qin Shuo, to the south is Jiaozhou where Qin Shuo now occupies most of the area, and to the north is Yizhou, which Qin Shuo has just taken over.

Except for the north, Qin Shuo is basically unfamiliar. Surrounded by the entire golden "Mao", it is almost impossible for him to develop.

Even if someone occupies Jingzhou, he still has to listen to Qin Shuo's orders. If he doesn't listen, the east, south, and west send troops at the same time, and the gods can't resist it.

In fact, at this moment, Qin Shuo suddenly received a news from Jingzhou, which also made him feel very surprised, Sun Ce died.

Sun Ce's strength itself was very powerful. In fact, he was almost about to defeat that Xuanyuan, but an assassin suddenly appeared in Sun Ce's army, and Sun Ce was directly stabbed without precautions.

In the end, he was seriously injured and died directly.

Before his death, Sun Ce also made a very surprising decision. He was going to return his Changsha County to Qin Shuo again.

After Qin Shuo heard the news, he also rushed from his Shuobai city to Changsha County, in fact, he wanted to see the last side of his nephew.

For Changsha County, he actually wanted it, but the most important thing was Sun Ce, and he brought Hua Tuo, who had recently defected to it, directly.

In fact, he also has some strange things. I don't know why this Sun Cefei wants to give his own territory. In fact, he also has a better heir, that is, Sun Quan.

The current Sun Quan has actually grown up. Although Sun Quan may still have some impossibility in making progress, there is definitely no problem with Shoucheng.

Qin Shuo also traveled day and night, and finally reached this Changsha County in one day.

It’s just that the current situation in Changsha County is still not very good. It can be seen from the outside. It seems that a large number of people have fled to Yangzhou.

In fact, this should also be a normal thing, because Jingzhou is a very important place, so there must be a lot of people fighting for it. Years of battles have caused the poor people to complain and suffer.

Therefore, there are also a large number of people fleeing, and their favorite place should be Qin Shuo's Yangzhou, almost no one dares to provoke Qin Shuo.

In fact, Qin Shuo has always been a very affectionate and righteous person. At the beginning, he and Sun Jian also knew each other because of fate.

But after he died, Qin Shuo had always tried his best to help Sun Ce. Although he didn't give him a lot of direct help, he also protected him from the side.

But now Qin Shuo didn't think that he still didn't protect his worldly nephew in the end. The loss in his heart must have been there, but Sun Ce hasn't died yet, so he still has some hope.

After entering Changsha City, he ran directly to the current residence of Sun Ce. "Uncle Shi."

Qin Shuo wasn't actually Sun Ce the first one to see, but a young man with green eyes. It seemed that he should be Sun Quan.

In fact, from the outside, it seems that Sun Quan is a person with some deep thoughts, but Qin Shuo still has no time to care about these things. In this "turbulent" world, it is actually a good thing to have a deeper mind. If you really think too much If it is shallow, then it can only be eaten by others.

In addition to Sun Quan, there are actually some very beautiful girls. This should be Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang actually feels completely different from Sun Quan. Not only does it look more beautiful, but it also feels very straightforward.

The current Sun Shangxiang is also crying with rain. For this seldom-seen uncle, at first glance, he seems to be a little scared. After all, Qin Shuo's current reputation can stop children from crying.

Invincible war, invincible, this is the words used by many people to describe Qin Shuo, many times, this kind of words actually describe a **** of war.

"Don't be too sad for the two of you. Let me take care of the rest. Where is the current strategy?"

Qin Shuo said in a hurry, then glanced at the two of them.

"Now in the room, Shishu, I will take you over."

Sun Shangxiang also choked up and said, showing that she really likes her own brother.

"All this is actually to blame. I also believe in Sun Ce's strength, but I didn't expect such a big change in Jingzhou."

Qin Shuo also rebuked himself.

"Uncle Shi doesn't need to say that, in fact, all this may be destiny. My brother has always been anxious for success."

Sun Shangxiang also said at this time, in fact, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

But Qin Shuo knew that the Yangzhou he occupied now was actually Sun Ce's territory in history. If he hadn't appeared, then maybe Sun Jian and the others would be better off now.

But there are no ifs in this world. All ifs are in dreams, Qin Shuo can only sigh.

After walking for a while, they also stopped in front of a room, and Qin Shuo also pushed in by himself at this time.

Qin Shuo also followed Hua Tuo, and now Hua Tuo was also brought by Qin Shuo, wanting to see if he can be rescued.

"Uncle Shi."

After seeing Qin Shuo again, Sun Ce on the bed wanted to get up with difficulty.

"Why bother? You are also seriously ill now, so you don't need to pay attention to false etiquette."

Qin Shuo also hurriedly walked over, then put Sun Ce on the bed and said.

"I really didn't expect to see Uncle Shi again before I die. Perhaps this is my last wish. Actually, I don't hide it from Uncle Shi. I had already thought about it before. I just want to take revenge. After I have killed both Liu Biao and Yuan Shu, I will give all of my territory to Uncle Shi, but I didn't expect good luck to make people."

Sun Ce was also lying on the bed, with pain on his face.

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