Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 835: Stable condition

"Actually, I don't have any intentions to support your territory, so you don't have to think so much. At the beginning, your father entrusted you to me, but I didn't do my own responsibility as an uncle. So I did something wrong in this matter, but today I also brought a doctor by my side. It should also be able to help you with something."

Qin Shuo looked at Sun Ce with some guilt on his face.

After he finished speaking, Hua Tuo behind Qin Shuo stood up directly, and then walked to Sun Ce's side.

"In fact, Uncle Shi doesn't need to be like this anymore. I also know my physical condition now. Maybe only in these few days I am going to meet with my father."

Sun Ce also smiled helplessly and said.

"Hugh is going to be so nonsense, now that the matter has not been settled, the doctor has said it.

After Qin Shuo frowned, he said.

Hua Tuo also sat next to Sun Ce, helping Sun Ce to get his pulse, but when his hand was just placed on Sun Ce's, his brows were already deeply frowned.

"How is it? There shouldn't be a big problem, right."

Qin Shuo also spoke, but after he said these few words, he himself didn't believe it, after all, Hua Tuo's expression also explained all this.

"In fact, the old man is also powerless. This grandson's body is also full of a toxin, and this toxin is also unheard of, unseen, and has now penetrated into his heart."

Hua Tuo said helplessly.

Although he can handle the trauma a little bit to ensure that it can be healed, this internal injury cannot be resolved.

"How could this be? There must be a way. Since it is a poison "drug", then there must be an antidote in this world. If you know the formula, then tell me, I will definitely find it Coming back."

Qin Shuo still didn't believe it, and said.

"Perhaps there is really this'medicine' in this world, but now the son's condition cannot be supported for long, maybe not today but tomorrow."

Hua Tuo said, seeing Qin Shuo not believing what he said, he also started to argue afterwards, after all, he also has his own dignity as a doctor.

"Then try my blood."

Qin Shuo said after thinking about it a bit.

Now if he can integrate the jade seal in his hand, then his strength will have a great rise, and then his body will have a qualitative change.

And because I had drunk the blood of Flood Dragon before, I said that it had some detoxification effects. In his heart, your own blood must have some usefulness.

And after he talked about this matter to Hua Tuo, Hua Tuo also nodded at this time.

"If this is the case, then it can alleviate his condition a little bit. Lord, you can try it a little bit, but you don't need too much blood. After making a few drops, dilute with water. That's it."

Hua Tuo also had some helpless words, after all, Qin Shuo was already so persistent, so he could also see that Sun Ce was also very important in Qin Shuo's heart.

Qin Shuo nodded hastily after hearing these words, and then walked directly out of the room and walked outside, seeming to be "forcing" his own blood out.

It didn't take long for him to return directly, and he was holding a bowl in his hand, and there was almost half a bowl of blood in the bowl.

"You can try it with these blood for a while, and if it doesn't work, I'll get some more."

Qin Shuo also spoke, and then walked out directly without wanting to disturb them.

"It seems that the lord really values ​​you very much. Originally, all I wanted was a little bit of blood. But he actually got half a bowl of blood directly."

Hua Tuo also said with emotion.

"Uncle Shi has always taken good care of me. Although on the surface, he hasn't taken too much care, but I can see that I also feel guilty in my heart."

Sun Ce also spoke.

After he said this, Hua Tuo also nodded. Then he took out a pile of silver needles, ready to start his own treatment for Sun Ce.

The time at this time also passed bit by bit, and Qin Shuo was also very anxious waiting outside, not knowing what was going on inside.

If it can be saved, then it is naturally very good. If it can't be saved, then Qin Shuo's heart will definitely be very struggling.

The relationship between himself and Sun Jian is actually not that good, but Sun Jian has always regarded himself as his brother, which also makes Qin Shuo very guilty.

The age difference between himself and Sun Jian is actually about a dozen years old. Generally speaking, they should be regarded as a year-end relationship, and there are not many brothers among the aborigines. If you really count, maybe he is the only one.

Another one is Jiang Hao, but now because of the unequal status of the two people, their relationship is gradually becoming estranged.

Although Qin Shuo intends to prevent this kind of strangeness, but there is not much way. In this world itself, it is like this. There is no way to ignore such things as identity.

Soon the door in the room was opened, and Qin Shuo also walked in hastily. At this time, Sun Ce's "color" was already much better, but Hua Tuo's "color" turned pale.

"How is his condition now?"

Qin Shuo also asked anxiously.

"Generally speaking, it has already stabilized, but this matter must be resolved within half a month and find a "medicine" that can heal the poison in her body."

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Tuo spoke.

"Then what "medicine" can suppress the poisonous "sexuality" of his body? Can you tell me a little bit?"

Qin Shuo asked.

"I definitely can't find out in a short time anyway, but who assassinated him, then that person must have this "drug"."

Hua Tuo said, and then he took the silver needle into his "medicine" box. At this time, some black "colors" appeared on the outside of the silver really, which should have been contaminated by poison. .

"That's good, I will definitely help you find the "medicine" for this time in a short time. Don't worry, Ce'er."

Qin Shuo spoke, then glanced at Sun Ce.

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