Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 852: Two armies facing each other

Perhaps it wasn't because of Tweety at first that this Lu Bu had already preferred to die on the battlefield. He was not the same as the Lu Bu in history. He was a real man with backbone.

As for the family slaves of the three surnames, this is actually a kind of slander from others. From before to now, he has always been doing what he wants. He has always been indifferent to other people's ideas, so he has fallen to this point. .

After all, in this era, Confucianism still occupies the mainstream. He happened to violate the loyalty in Confucianism, but such a kind of loyalty is better than a kind of stupidity. Anyway, Qin Shuo doesn't like that kind of loyalty. Kind of foolish loyalty.

What made Qin Shuo regret most was that he couldn't use Lu Bu for himself now, otherwise he and him would definitely cooperate well, and he would definitely be able to make good use of him.

But the current life is a kind of relief for Bi not dare to say. Before, there was no smile on his face, but now he can finally see some smiles.

The relationship between the two people now tends to be more of a kind of friend, and the two people now seem to be good friends who say nothing, and there is not much resistance between them.

To return to the subject, Qin Shuo shook his head helplessly after seeing the dressing up opposite.

"I wonder what you are doing with "plugging" two chicken "feather" dusters on your head? But it's really funny enough!"

After Qin Shuo glanced at the opposite Xuanyuan, he also sneered directly.

"You don't want to be so arrogant now. It will be your death date soon. If you want to laugh, then laugh. After all, you won't be able to laugh anymore."

Xuanyuan spoke directly, but these words really made him feel ashamed.

"Did I not fully teach you enough when I was outside, do you want to come over to find abuse today?"

After Qin Shuo sneered, he said.

"Sooner or later, I will be completely clean with you. Don’t worry, if you want to die, I will satisfy you sooner or later. Now let’s solve the current problems. ."

Xuanyuan said, at this time he was also ready to fight.

"Since you want to die now, then I definitely want to satisfy you."

Qin Shuo also used what Xuanyuan had said before and returned to the past.

"Qin Yangzhou, I actually didn't want to be an enemy of you, but I don't know why you offended our Jingzhou. As an official in Jingzhou, I naturally want you to know that Jingzhou is not offensive."

Liu Biao on the side seemed to feel that his sense of existence had diminished a little now, so he spoke.

"Don't worry about it either. In the future, our account will be settled slowly. Before the death of my brother Sun Jian was inseparable from you."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Liu Biao coldly, he spoke.

"Little thief Wu, why do you dare to talk to my Patriarch like this? Can you dare to fight with me?"

After hearing this sentence, Wenpin was also very angry and said directly.

"I'm talking to your Patriarch, what are you doing? If you want to fight with me, do you deserve it? Don't you know about the battle between me and Lu Bu some time ago?"

After Qin Shuo laughed, he said. After hearing this sentence, Wen Pin also had some doubts on his face. In fact, he hadn't heard of this.

"In fact, the reason why I said this sentence is not because I look down on you, but I want to tell you that you are not qualified in front of me, so you should not say these things."

Qin Shuo said after a cold snort.

"If you can avenge him, then you just have to come, I don't care anyway. You are a trash, and it is also a trash. Two trashes should find me. Why should I be afraid? "

Liu Biao also said.

But after he finished speaking this sentence, a sharp arrow "shot" directly towards his door.

At this critical moment, fortunately, Wenpin's response was fast enough, so he helped him block the arrow, but Wenpin himself suffered some internal injuries.

"If you don't have the ability, then don't stand up."

Huang Zhong rode up from behind and said.

In fact, it wouldn't matter if Liu Biao said anything else, but this sentence could be regarded as an insult to Qin Shuo, even if Qin Shuo could bear it, then his generals could not bear it.

"A secret arrow hurts people, what kind of guy is this?"

Liu Biao glanced at Qin Shuo. In fact, there are still some lingering fears, but he still doesn't forgive others.

"Don't say how noble you are. If you didn't hurt people with a secret arrow, how could you kill Sun Jian? And it's the person next to you, if it wasn't poisoned, how could it be possible to deal with my nephew Sun Ce? ?"

Qin Shuo said that there was nothing wrong with this sentence. If he said that his teeth were sharp, then Qin Shuo really refused to let others.

"Little thief, do you know who Grandpa is?"

A general also stood up from behind and said.

"If I guess it's correct, you should be Lu Wenhuan, right? You really admire your name for a long time. I didn't expect Xuanyuan to be able to subdue you."

Qin Shuo spoke, and then glanced at Xuanyuan.

It's just that although he said admiration in his mouth, he couldn't see any admiration on his face, and there was even some mockery.

After all, Lu Wenhuan's reputation is not very good in history, so if he is now subdued by Xuanyuan, Qin said that he can naturally mock him.

The generals that Qin Shuo has recovered now are basically those with both ability and political integrity, and there are a lot of them. This is what makes people feel most angry.

"The battle between the two armies depends on their own strength. If you continue to hold your tongue here, it will have no effect."

Xuanyuan also didn't answer Qin Shuo's words, but spoke again.

"If this is the case, then come on."

It seemed that the other side didn't have any thoughts about wanting to fight the generals. After all, on the generals' side, Qin Shuo had an absolute advantage.

Now it seems that the two sides are about to go to war, so they also retreated quickly and lined up their own formation, but from the perspective of the formation, Qin Shuo's formation is obviously closer, and the opposite But there is some chaos.

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