Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 853: Cavalry Buster

Although there are some players on the opposite side, the number of players is not too much, and there are very few real soldiers among them.

According to the truth, although its status in the military is not low, so it should be able to mobilize a lot of people, but now there are not many people.

The point is that the Chief Commander has issued an order that everyone in the army outside of Xuanyuan cannot participate in this battle, so Xuanyuan now only has the army in the game.

In fact, among the soldiers under the players, the strength of the aboriginal soldiers is obviously not as good as that of the player soldiers, and the resources invested in them are also different.

On the contrary, people like Qin Shuo are a wonderful work. All the resources are devoted to the soldiers of the aboriginal people. This is definitely a big disadvantage in the later stage.

Therefore, there are also many people who speculate there that Qin Shuo must have insufficient stamina in the later stage, and it will be when the player really rises.

But these speculations are also speculations after all, and there are very few people who agree with them. In fact, Qin Shuo's current reputation among those players is not exaggerated even if it is said that a response is made.

So even in the later stages of this game, Qin Shuo can still use his reputation in this game to recruit some players.

Between the two armies facing each other, they first sent out their own cavalry. These cavalry were also led by Wenpin, and the number was very large. At a glance, there were about 20,000 to 30,000.

At this time, Qin Shuo wasn't in a hurry. He immediately dispatched the strange sword soldiers under his hand, probably with almost 3,000 people.

After all, the upper limit of the number of Mo Dao soldiers is there, and the number can only be less than this, not more than this.

When the other side saw Qin Shuo, some infantrymen were sent out. At that time, some smiles appeared on their faces. I don't know why this group of masters was doing something to let these infantrymen come to die.

Naturally, they had never heard of the power of Mo Dao Bing. If they had really heard of it, they might not have such an expression.

Qin Shuo's secrecy measures during the war were very good. Sometimes people only knew who Qin Shuo defeated, but didn't know how Qin Shuo defeated others.

"If you have the ability, then you go."

The leader on this side is naturally Li Siye. As the leader of the Mo Dao Bing, he certainly did not ride on the horse, but stood under the horse and spoke to them.

"Isn't there a general who can ride a horse in your army? It really laughs at me."

Wen Pin said.

After the two quarreled for a while, they immediately began to fight. The cavalry on Wenpin's side first rushed directly toward them.

Right now Xuanyuan was also standing in the back, he seemed to be thinking about something, he didn't understand why Qin Shuo would send some infantry to fight against these powerful cavalry.

Then he noticed the weapons in the hands of these soldiers, which he had never seen before. He didn't know why he also had a faint sense of fear in his heart. He always feels that Qin Shuo should not be that simple. From his previous performance, it can be seen that Qin Shuo has always been a thoughtful person.

When these cavalry and these infantry meet, he knows why Qin Shuo is so confident, it seems that these infantry are like natural restraint of cavalry.

These infantrymen are also wearing thick armor. Even if a normal horseshoe hits them, it will only leave some shallow marks, and will not cause serious internal injuries.

And their formation is also very close, there is no way to separate them by cavalry, so it also caused a lot of problems.

The cavalry on the opposite side has the ability to divide formations, but now such an ability is indeed restricted, but when Xuanyuan thought that the soldiers on the opposite side were all heavy-armored soldiers, these soldiers finally started. His own actions.

The Moknife in his hand was also quickly swung away, slashing the legs of the horses, and the sharp Moknife slashed at the horses, and immediately tore the horses in half.

Because such a tight formation simply made the cavalry on the opposite side impassable, even if they wanted to force it through, there were still a lot of crossbowmen matching behind those sword soldiers.

The combination of these two gangs of soldiers is also seamless. After all, one of the biggest shortcomings of the crossbow soldiers is that they cannot fight close combat, and the shortcomings of these sword soldiers are that they cannot fight far away.

Now that they cooperate, both close combat and long-range combat can be completed, so the effect produced is also very good.

All of the cavalry on the opposite side turned upside down, and slowly began to pile up corpses in the front. Some of these corpses were the corpses of the cavalry, and some were the corpses of the horses.

"Is this the legendary sword soldier?"

Xuanyuan also took a deep breath and said.

"What is Mo Dao Bing?"

Liu Biao on the side also asked some curious questions. Seeing the countless cavalry soldiers in front of him were sending to death one after another, his heart was very distressed.

"The nemesis of the cavalry, a kind of infantry coming out of hell."

Xuanyuan spoke exaggeratedly, but after looking at the scene in front of him, he didn't feel that these words were a bit exaggerated.

These infantry soldiers are really like crawling out of hell. Because of the endless killing just now, their bodies are already covered in blood. The original black wallet has now become a blood-red "color". People shudder at the first glance.

"Now let's hurry up and let those soldiers retreat. If we say that we don't retreat, it will be too late. If we continue to do this, it will only increase the loss."

Although Liu Biao didn't know what he meant by this sentence, he still gave his order immediately.

"Since it's all here, don't think about leaving so quickly."

Since the opponent already had the courage to come over, he had to bear his death. Qin Shuo had always been one. There are people who avenge grievances, avenge revenge, and repay gratitude.

Now he certainly wouldn't feel soft-hearted against his enemies, so he also immediately gave his orders, and now let his cavalry to surround them.

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