Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 854: Lu Wenhuan shot

The Fubo cavalry has been very famous for so long. The phrase invincible in the Southern and Northern Wars may be very suitable for them, because they do have such an ability. From before to now, they have almost never failed. Over. The reason I haven't failed is because they have absolute strength.

In addition to the Fubo cavalry, there are also the white-robed cavalry that Qin Shuo and I have mobilized. Of course, the white-robed cavalry is only this part.

The main cavalry among them were also placed on the other side by Qin Shuo, and they are now attacking Jiangxia County. It is estimated that it will not take long to successfully attack Jiangxia County.

Since the chat is already here, he must be prepared to die so that he knows that he is not that easy to mess with. If no one still provokes Qin Shuo, then Qin Shuo will still be annoying.

Because most of these cavalry are light cavalry, and their horses are also very good, and their speeds are faster than one, so they must be able to catch up with the retreating cavalry on the opposite side. Up.

Cavalry is actually very easy to advance, but if you want to retreat, it will be more troublesome. After all, if they are in a group, they will definitely lose in terms of flexibility.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Shuo would not allow his cavalry to hug each other. In that case, it was purely an act of seeking death, such as the situations they were facing now.

"Hurry up, retreat quickly! The cavalry on the opposite side has already caught up. If you don't retreat, it will be too late."

Liu Biao was also anxious standing there. He naturally knew the strength of the opponent, so he was so anxious.

"I knew why it was today. I had already warned you not to come over. For such a small profit, you really think that you are not dead enough to fight against me."

Qin Shuo sneered and glanced at Liu Biao who was nervous not far away, but there was no way he was nervous. Qin Shuo's cavalry had already arrived in front of them.

These cavalry under Liu Biao were at most Tier 5 ordinary cavalry, but these soldiers in Qin Shuo's hands were all special arms, so there was definitely no way to compare in terms of strength.

Under the leadership of Ma Yuan and Zhao Yun, we began to besiege the opponent. So far, in fact, it has been relatively smooth. The opponent simply has no ability to resist.

In their training, it is not very strict in itself, so it can only be at a loss when encountering this situation now, but if the soldiers placed in Qin Shuo's hands, they will definitely behave very well. it is good.

Perhaps these cavalrymen of Liu Biao have some abilities to chase those weaker soldiers, but if they want to fight with this kind of real strength, they are still far away.

Therefore, they are all cavalry who bully and fear hardship, so they shouldn't send cavalry here first. This actually greatly damaged their viable combat effectiveness.

If there are still some useful things to get after the battle is over, now it's just going to die.

The sky's "color" is gradually dimming now, but the two sides are still fighting. This kind of battle is completely one-sided battle, not a fair battle.

Although there were two to three thousand cavalry on one side and 5,000 cavalry on the other side, it still caused a unilateral massacre.

"This, this, how can this be good?"

After Liu Biao glanced at Xuanyuan next to him, he also spoke nervously.

"Now I can only bite the bullet. Otherwise, what can I do?"

Xuanyuan said.

"What the **** did I have with you in my life? I would not come to help you if I knew it before, because your little profit has cost me so many cavalry now." Liu Biao said helplessly.

"Is there anything you can do now? Now we were grasshoppers on a rope. Since Qin Shuo doesn't want to let me go, how can we let you go?"

After taking a look at Liu Biao, Xuanyuan spoke.

Now the cavalry under Liu Biao had completely fallen into a wave of encirclement. Even if they wanted to escape, there was no way.

"You take the remaining cavalry with you, you must make a breach in them, and then return as many of the cavalry as possible."

After Xuanyuan glanced at Lu Wenhuan next to him, he spoke.

"If so, do I have any benefit?"

Lu Wenhuan glanced at Xuanyuan, then spoke.

"There are countless gold and silver."

After Xuanyuan bit his teeth, he also spoke.

The Lu Wenhuan of his own family is not that kind of complete loyalty, and he is also for some benefit, so he said he would take refuge in himself.

But Xuanyuan couldn't do anything about it. After all, his strength was already here. It was already a good thing to be able to take refuge in him. How could he care about his loyalty?

And there are some problems with the cultural person. It is not too surprising to put forward such a condition, but it is just a bit uncomfortable.

After hearing these words, Lu Wenhuan also formed a smile on his face. So he carried the rest of his cavalry and rushed towards the opposite side.

Although his character is not very good, he is still very capable in terms of his ability, and a breach has already been torn out soon.

"Master, the enemy has a general, and now we have torn a hole in our cavalry. What should we do now?"

A scout also rushed over and said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, isn't there still Zhao Yun and Ma Yuan ahead? These problems can be solved completely."

Qin Shuo didn't worry, and said.

When he finished saying these words, Zhao Yun was really looking at Lu Wenhuan, and he rushed to the past with his silver spear in his hand.

Lu Wenhuan saw that the opposite was actually a young player who seemed to be young, so he didn't worry much, and even thought that the opposite was just a poor man.

"Watch me kill this person and strengthen our army's reputation."

Lu Wenhuan didn't rush at all, and said directly, and then ran up on the horse.

Although the current Lu Wenhuan is also a first-class historical military commander, most of his strength is concentrated in Min Bin, and he is not too strong in combat.

And Zhao Yun has gone through so many years of training, and his strength has long been invincible, and even improved greatly from his previous life. He is among the first-class historical generals. They can all be regarded as top-notch. If the two collide, then Zhao Yun obviously has some advantages.

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