Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 855: Who can kill me?

At this time, as soon as the two met, they were already in the shadow of the sword. They both glanced at each other, and there was a kind of disdain in the opposite eyes.

"Why are you a kid who has no full "hair" coming to the battlefield of our adults? I'm really not afraid that Uncle I will cry you?"

After Lu Wenhuan glanced at Zhao Zilong, he spoke.

"What is the point of having a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, so you can be hurt. What is the use of a sharp tooth here?"

After Zhao Yun smiled, he spoke.

"Don't say anything else, you are also very courageous. I didn't expect that someone would come up to die on the initiative, so just come."

Lu Wenhuan also tightened his eyes and said.

The long knife in his hand was also directly swung over. The horse he sat on looked like a good horse, even if it was better than his lord's.

Because you Lu Wenhuan is now the number one general in Xuanyuan's hands, Xuanyuan has to rely on him basically no matter what, because of this reason, he has also developed a habit of his arrogance and domineering.

Moreover, the weapons in his hands and the mounts under his feet are basically the best, even better than Longteng.

But from the past to the present, the achievements he has built are not too much. At the beginning, Longteng only used it as a hole card, but now the bottom card must be played.

Zhao Zilong also waved the spear in his hand at this time, ready to resist the opponent, but the opponent was clearly prepared.

With a slip in his hand, the spear originally in his left hand suddenly came into his right hand at this time, and then he had a sudden attack.

However, Zhao Zilong had already prevented him from this trick. The position of the handle of the long spear in his hand was just to resist this trick. It seemed that he still did not exert much strength at all.

"That's it?"

After looking at Lu Wenhuan, Zhao Zilong spoke mockingly.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

After a cold snort, Lu Wenhuan spoke.

"I want to see what you have in the end. If you only have such a little ability, then it's not enough to deal with me. Even if it's dealing with a soldier under my account, it's like five to five."

Zhao Yun smiled and said.

"Let's come again." Lu Wenhuan said.

In fact, Zhao Yun at this time had already known the other side's attempt. The other side had been dragging time here, just to make his cavalry retreat.

But Qin Shuo's encirclement was already prepared for a long time. How could it be so easy to retreat? At least it still takes some effort.

As for everything, Qin Shuo was already considered good before, so all aspects must have been considered. Now even if he drags Zhao Zilong, there is no big way.

Moreover, depending on the situation now, he did not completely drag Zhao Zilong, even he was too disadvantaged now. After all, the strength of two people is not directly proportional. Zhao Zilong is mainly a military commander, and he is slightly worse in terms of resourcefulness, but Lu Wenhuan is a wise generalist, mainly relying on his own resourcefulness. .

In this way, Lu Wenhuan, who originally had some advantages, has now become one. A completely disadvantaged situation.

"Lu Wenhuan, come back soon. Now the army can no longer support it. If you continue to love the battle, you may be killed by them."

Long Teng was also anxious at this time. He didn't expect that the generals he had finally obtained were so useless, but he had nothing to do. After all, the opposite was Zhao Zilong, the white horse silver spear.

"Since they are already here, it is not so easy if you want to leave. I am here for you to come and leave if you want?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at Lu Wenhuan, he also spoke.

After Huang Zhong on the side heard these words, he also understood what Qin Shuo meant. Immediately the bow arched up.

At this time, Lu Wenhuan had just escaped from the battle with Zhao Zilong. As soon as he turned around, he also felt the atmosphere. There seemed to be some subtle, dangerous atmosphere. He was always by his side. Circling.

After feeling such a danger, he also quickly turned his head back, but the moment he turned his head, he saw the arrow that had been "shot" in front of him.

At this time, Lu Wenhuan didn't care about anything else. Subconsciously, he raised his hand, and his body was slightly tilted to the side.

In this way, the long arrow did not "shoot" at him, but instead "shoot" at the place next to him, directly piercing his shoulder.

Although it was only this, he still suffered some serious injuries. It seemed that after a few months, he couldn't recover at all.

"The "shoot" was a little bit crooked. I should have predicted it for a while, but the strength of the opponent is really strong, and even my arrow was resisted."

Huang Zhong also said, with some helpless words.

"It's nothing. Anyway, it's all reckless. The opposite is just better luck, and it has nothing to do with you."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Huang Zhong, he also spoke directly.

"This time it is indeed my mistake, lord, I am willing to be punished."

Huang Zhong also said helplessly.

"If you say nothing is nothing, Huang Hansheng, you and I have been for so long, don't you know my "sex" personality?"

Qin Shuo laughed and said.

I saw that Lu Wenhuan, who was on the opposite side, saw this one and didn't kill him, then glanced at the arrow on his shoulder, and even gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow directly.

"What kind of hero is a man with a dark arrow? And you, a man with a dark arrow, haven't killed me. I just want to ask who can kill me?"

Lu Wenhuan also said triumphantly, looking up to the sky and roaring.

But just as he was so proud, a cold light flashed, and a sharp sword suddenly rushed towards him. The speed of this sword was even faster than that of a bow and arrow.

Lu Wenhuan felt a sense of crisis again, but this time the speed of the sword was simply too fast, and he didn't have much time to react.

The long sword pierced his throat directly, and he also fell directly to the ground. A transparent hole as large as the throat had already explained a problem, and now he was dead and could not die again.

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