Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 873: Jingzhou Pingding

Because of this, he also chose to sacrifice himself altogether, and then exchange for his two trash sons. No matter what, they have such a close relationship with him, so he thinks so.

"Since you have made your choice, you don't need to talk nonsense. You can write a letter immediately and ask your two sons to surrender, and leave the rest to me."

After Qin Shuo thought for a while, he said.

After Liu Biao heard these words, he immediately slumped on the ground. He couldn't lift a bit of strength all over his body. He had no idea that he had fallen into this situation now.

But all of this also has a cause and effect. After all, oneself kills others, so it is normal to say that others kill oneself. But he did not expect the retribution to come so quickly.

The problems now are almost resolved, Qin Shuo believes that his two trash sons should choose to surrender this time.

After this battle was over, the vision of the entire Jingzhou was basically determined, and Qin Shuo also became the biggest victor in this battle.

After obtaining Jingzhou, Qin Shuo's whole person's power will be as unstoppable as a flood, and no one can stop the expansion of Qin Shuo's power.

All those who stand in front of Qin Shuo will definitely be destroyed by this unstoppable flood. This is the current situation, and this is the current world trend.

In the past, Qin Shuo used these world trends to determine his own actions in the future, but he did not expect that one day he could decide these things and become the only leader.

Now he has acquired the entire Yangzhou, the entire Yizhou, and most of Jingzhou. If he has so many sites, he cannot acquire the entire world, then it is estimated that no one can acquire the entire world.

As long as it is a person with a little brain, then they will know which side can succeed in the future, and those who have no brain will naturally not count.

This time, after Qin Shuo obtained this "medicine", he immediately went to look for Sun Ce, and now Sun Ce is entering that dying period again.

Then Qin Shuo directly handed over the "medicine" in his hand to Hua Tuo. After Hua Tuo's judgment, he also knew that this was indeed the "medicine" for Sun Ce's poison. Shuo was relieved a lot.

After a night of treatment, Sun Ce's situation is now much better. To be honest, this poison is really powerful, and it can actually directly poison a first-class historical general.

Anyway, in Qin Shuo's impression, he had never seen this kind of poisonous "medicine", and it could simply be described with the word terror.

"Thank you, uncle, if it weren't for you, then I guess I would already be under Jiuyou now."

Sun Ce said directly after he got better a little bit.

"This is what I should do as an uncle. Now your two enemies have been completely killed by me. I believe that now your father's spirit in the sky can rest a little bit."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"In fact, uncle, I just want to have an unrelenting invitation, but I also want to ask you to agree to it."

After looking at Qin Shuo, Sun Ce also spoke.

"I know what you want to say, but this is not necessary. After all, this place is also what I said I wanted to give to you, so you don't have to worry about returning."

After Qin Shuo waved his hand, he said.

"But I used to want revenge for my father, so I accepted this territory, but now I don’t have such an idea at all. If you let me be the prefect here If it does, it’s okay, but all the ownership of the territory here belongs to you."

After looking at Qin Shuo, Sun Ce spoke directly.

"In fact, there is no need to look like this at all. I have already said that it is handed over to you, so it must be handed over to you. If this is the case, isn't it just being infidelity?

Qin Shuo shook his head and said.

"In fact, uncle now I also understand the general trend of the world, and now there is no other person who can get the whole world than two people. One of them is your son, and the other is Cao Mengde's. Maybe Liu Dal also has such an opportunity, but His chances are very small, and no one else can be worthy of the word hero."

After thinking for a while, Sun Ce spoke.

At this time, the two of them pushed back slightly, and Qin Shuo finally had no choice but to accept this territory under his own thoughts.

In fact, this matter was deliberately spread by Qin Shuo's men. In this way, Qin Shuo's image of benevolence and loyalty is renewed and deepened in people's hearts.

Now Qin Shuo is not only the most powerful person, but also very powerful in terms of reputation. Basically, it can be said that he is unparalleled in the world.

Now Qin Shuo also officially appointed Sun Ce as the prefect of Changsha County, and after Qin Shuo settled the matter completely, he was ready to go straight back.

Now the remaining things simply can't use him, as long as these generals under his staff can complete it.

After Qin Shuo took out the mine’s manufacturing drawings and explained to him the immense power of the mine, Cai Hao chose to join Qin Shuo’s army at the first time. After all, he has never done anything like this. I haven't seen it before.

After knowing that there was such a divine tool, he actually had a lot of ideas in his mind, and his understanding of this aspect of the navy also deepened.

And before accepting the appointment, he also said to Qin Shuo that he must be building the most advanced mine force in the entire Dahan. In fact, this sentence is not reasonable. It should be said that the entire Dahan can be built to be the most powerful. Of the navy troops.

This time Qin Shuo has gained a lot in Jingzhou. As the saying goes, unintentional "insertion" can't go into yin, and deliberately planting flowers can't bloom, maybe this is the situation.

As long as the strength you are talking about now is stronger, the depression effect will be more serious, so he can unintentionally take the entire Jingzhou down.

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