Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 874: With concern

Long Teng was also very surprised at this time, and he also sent a congratulatory letter the first time, and he would definitely need Qin Shuo to take care of him.

But there is something that makes him very troublesome. In fact, I already occupy this place, so if he wants to expand in the future, he can only find a way from other places.

If you want to continue to expand from this place, it is basically impossible. After all, if you want to continue to expand, then it will definitely touch Qin Shuo's interests.

In addition, although he also wanted to capture Liu Bei now. But Qin Shuo had already reminded him before, if you don't have to be a last resort, don't be like this.

After hearing this sentence, he actually believed it very much. After all, Qin Shuo had never deceived him because of these things from before to now, and Qin Shuo had no need to deceive him at all.

He could clearly see that Qin Shuo was a very sincere person to others. As long as he regarded others as his friends, he would definitely not cheat.

If it was him now, he would have asked himself that he couldn't do so well, after all, there are too many interest groups involved behind him.

Don’t look at him now as the leader of the game, but there are many people behind him, and there are even many factions fighting behind him. He is also because of this incident. Some headaches.

The internal things have not been completely completed, let alone "interfering" in external things.

Qin Shuo is actually continuing to cooperate with Longteng at this time. After all, the cooperation between the two people is also very pleasant. There has always been no big contradiction, so it can be seen that the two of them are very good. What kind of people are you fond of?

And now Qin Shuo's cooperation with him has to deepen a bit, and it has gone deeper than before. This is actually one of the reasons why Qin Shuo has always been active.

Qin Shuo is very optimistic about Longteng, so for him, this is an investment he made. If this investment can be repaid, then it is naturally better.

Now the forces behind Longteng, the current country itself does not want to give up this big fat sheep, so they may also have some friction in the future, but they are still entering a honeymoon period.

At this time, Qin Shuo had already thought about how to continue to develop. In fact, after the start of the national war, these internal development problems would be completely resolved.

Chinese people have always had a strange idea, no matter how the people in their own family make trouble, they are also members of their own family after all, but if outsiders want to "intervene" inside, then these two people must be Together, they interrupted the hand of the person who "intervened".

This is a good habit for the entire country, no country can have a home, so Qin Shuo has such an idea.

In fact, the cooperation between the two in the future also has a wide range. Although they can't develop in Golden State, they can develop in other places.

After Qin Shuo obtained this place, in fact, his subordinates also wanted him to claim the emperor. After all, Qin Shuo now has almost half of it. But for this, Qin Shuo still has some hesitation in his heart. He always feels that this half of the country is still a little bit small, at least he has to wait until he has almost two-thirds of the territory. At that time, my own development is the best.

For such an idea, in fact, others are also noncommittal. Qin Shuo can understand the thoughts in the minds of these generals, but it is one thing to understand, and whether it can be done is another thing.

If we say that we are eager to claim the emperor, then the consequences will be many, and this is the fact that the current drought still exists.

If he claims to be the emperor, then the entire big man already has two countries competing against each other. If this happens, there are obviously some insufficiencies.

Qin Shuo's subordinates also had the same opinion of Qin Shuo. After all, if Qin Shuo didn't have such an idea, even if they forced it, it would be of no use.

Now, they are actually standing on a moral commanding height. If they are proclaimed now, then this moral commanding height is completely untenable.

Only after Cao Cao had done something before he could claim the emperor, or in the name of the Qing emperor, and then attack him.

Now that he wanted to attack him, it was completely unjustifiable, which caused Qin Shuo to have some headaches.

Just like this time Qin Shuo attacked Jinzhou Cao's Cao, they didn't say anything. This was actually a good performance, and they didn't want to have a big conflict with Qin Shuo.

If you change to other strengths, it is estimated that they will have to do it. Qin Shuo is too strong now. They don't have such a condition to do it. Instead, they have caused a lot of trouble for themselves.

Now Qin Shuo is also ready to get up and slowly return to his territory. Anyway, he has made a lot of money this time on the expedition. If he changes to someone else, he will probably be happy. .

But now Qin Shuo's mood is still normal. After all, his mind is a little high. What he sees is the whole world, not this one.

It has been almost half a month since I was born this time, so I also really want to see my two daughter-in-laws, as well as my newly born children.

I don’t know why, but now I actually have more concerns in my heart. After all, I used to have only myself, so I am in a state where one person is full and the whole family is not hungry, but now I am not at all. The same, I want to worry about more things.

Qin Shuo had just returned home and went to see them. His two children seem to have grown up a bit now. Qin Shuo couldn't hold back his smile when he looked at them.

"You have been very busy recently. I heard that you just finished the battle and then came back right away. It was really hard for you."

Zhang Ning looked at Qin Shuo and also spoke.

"This is nothing. In fact, it is quite normal. You should also know my body. So such a situation is also supportive."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

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