Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 875: Poor Xuanyuan

"Actually, the most regrettable thing for me is that I feel that I don’t match you at all. For so many years, your face hasn’t seen much old "color", but when I am my age, it’s estimated that I will soon become old-fashioned. ."

After Zhang Ning sighed slightly, he said, this is not what he is asking for, but a casual sigh.

"In fact, you should have been away from the old Zhuhuang for a long time, so you don’t have to think about these things, and the Zhu Yan Dan given to you by Zuo Ci is actually quite effective now. You look at it now and ten years ago. There is not much difference."

Qin Shuo said with a smile, and his face was also a kind of petting.

"I hope so."

Zhang Ning also said after nodding his head.

"Wait for a maximum of two years after one year. I will definitely give you a surprise. Then you won't have to worry about this."

Qin Shuo looked at Zhang Ning and said.

"Surprise what surprise? Don't you give me enough surprises from before to now?"

Zhang Ning also had some doubts. Since Qin Shuo said the word surprise, it shows that this matter must be very big.

"Anyway, don't ask so much for the time being, you will naturally know when you look back."

Qin Shuo smiled and said.

"I've been pretending to be crazy all day, and now you should be a little tired, so go into the room and rest quickly."

Zhang Ning nodded and said.

"If you don't accompany me, then I really have some sleeplessness."

After Qin Shuo smiled evilly, he spoke.

"I said that in your mind, you are thinking about something all day, so you can't think of something that is slightly more normal."

Zhang Ning's face also blushed slightly, and he said directly.

"These things I am thinking about now are very normal, aren't they normal? I didn't feel it! Confucius once said, "Eat" and "Sex"."

Qin Shuo said with a smile, Zhang Ning also gave Qin Shuo a big eye.

For Qin Shuo, the feeling of going home is actually better. Only when he is at home can he gain a brief sense of peace, and he has never felt like this when he is outside.


In the reality at this time, Xuanyuan's family was also undergoing a major earthquake. They had no idea that Xuanyuan would be killed directly in the game this time.

Because my family has invested so much in the game, it is said that the focus of the whole family is on this game, but now it seems that this game does not allow them anymore "Insert" enough.

Although they can now send others millions to develop, the territories they finally occupy are gone, and the player soldiers who surrendered are now under Longteng's hands.

In fact, Dragon Teng felt the most profitable this time. After all, he didn't do anything, and then he got so many player soldiers. It's just not to make too much profit, okay?

The Xuanyuan family and the Long family had been a pair of opponents for so long before, but because of such a change, their advantage in the game was completely lost. Kind of chambers fighting. Situation, but now it is already the dominant one.

The current Longteng has also been united with their enemy Qin Shuo. It can be imagined that in the future, its development can definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and even if it wants to limit it, it will not be able to limit it.

They definitely don't want such a situation to happen, so they must figure out some way to prevent this from happening.

But this time it is absolutely impossible to solve it as simply as the last time, and instead of solving the matter last time, it provoked such a big enemy like Qin Shuo.

Qin Shuo now is basically the kind of person who is the least able to provoke, so even if their family wants to make a move, they have to think about it carefully. If they are not careful, they may end up with a crushed bone.

Unless you don't want to live anymore, you have to think about it carefully. These are all big problems.

"I really don't understand, why do you have to provoke that person? If you don't provoke that person, maybe things are still easy to solve now."

A middle-aged man also stood in front of Xuanyuan and spoke.

"This is not what I want. I originally thought he had a little bit of strength in the game, but I didn't expect this game to be so important."

Xuanyuan also said, he is still kneeling on the ground, and the person standing in front of him is the current Patriarch of the family.

"I really don't understand. I told you about the important "sex" of this game when I first told you. I believe that the family's investment in this game is in your eyes. You can't provoke people. Then Let's not provoke it. Isn't it OK? Can't you learn to be a little bit forbearing?"

After taking a look at Xuanyuan, the Patriarch spoke.

"When I first came out, I didn't know that he had such a powerful influence. If I knew it, then I would definitely not provoke him, but now we can still get revenge. Since there is no way to retaliate in the game, then In reality, revenge can still continue."

After Xuanyuan glanced at the Patriarch, he spoke.

"All of these are not reasons. Since you have done it now, you must bear the corresponding consequences. I will just say it directly. Now the position of the family heir is completely deprived, and Those mistakes in the game don’t require you to participate, so let’s leave these things to your brother.”

The owner said, then glanced at a handsome young man next to him.

The faces of young people are actually full of calmness. Although they look very young now, they don't know why they feel like Gujing.

Taking a look at his eyes, he always feels an incomparable depth. When a normal person sees him, there will be a chill in his body.

"Why do you want him to take my place? You have to know that he is just a trash, he is just an illegitimate child, you can give this right to anyone, but I will never agree to give it to him. "

After Xuanyuan bit his teeth viciously, he said directly.

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