Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 876: Don't bully the youth to be poor?

"I've already said that this matter has nothing to do with you at all. From now on, you will all be in confinement for a year. I believe you should also know this. Isn't it possible to be a bastard? ? There is no place for you to speak here anymore."

After taking a look at Xuanyuan, the Patriarch spoke.

"When the ancestor comes back next time, I will definitely tell the ancestor about this matter. Then how should the ancestor judge at that time, I will listen to him, I don't want to listen to you."

Xuanyuan was still struggling, but the next sentence directly defeated his bottom line of defense.

"Since you said that, I remembered one thing. In fact, it was an order from the ancestors. I have said it so clearly now. I believe you also know what it means."

After the owner laughed, he spoke.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. Why would the ancestor let an illegitimate child take on such a big responsibility? You are definitely lying to me. Anyway, I don’t care about this. I can only agree to it when the ancestor returns. you."

Xuanyuan shouted loudly, as if he hadn't been convinced until now.

"Anyway, there is no need for you to talk more about this matter. Come here, take the young master quickly. The current young master seems to be mad, let me take him down for a year."

Patriarch said.

"In that case, I don't need to say what you say, I will go down by myself now."

After Xuanyuan squeezed his fist fiercely, he also spoke directly.

Just when he walked to the door, the illegitimate child also came out, and the two also looked at each other.

"I tell you, you don't want to think too much at all. Now you still have nothing to fight with me. You have to remember this."

After Xuanyuan glanced at the young man, he spoke.

"Don’t forget everything you imposed on me when you were a kid. I used to have no chance of revenge, but now it’s different. I want you to see how the family is slowly moving from my hands. Toward glory, and the family can only slowly decline in your hands."

The young man said in a cold tone.

"Just wait and see all of this. I will be out after a year. No matter how well you do it, everything will be returned to me."

Xuanyuan spoke directly, and then walked out directly, seemingly not worried at all.

"It's really a child with cerebral palsy. Since the ancestors have already treated you like this, it means that you are really disappointed. You want to keep coming back. How can it be?"

The young man sneered and said.

Now his eyes are full of vigor. Although he has not been involved in the current family affairs for so long, he is very familiar with everything in the game. He has been in secret for so long. Observation.

When Xuanyuan touched that Qin Shuo this time, she had already known that there would be such a result, so she didn't stop it at all, and then resumed the game when she passed.

For him, this may not be a bad thing, or even a good thing. It may also be an opportunity to destroy everything and start over.

"Qin Shuo, Qin Shuo, I have been following you for so long, and this time I finally have a chance to confront you head-on."

The youth's eyes seemed to be full of longing, and then he returned to his game.


Naturally, Qin Shuo didn't know anything about these things. He was still dealing with other affairs. After all, he had a lot of things now.

These things still can't be resolved completely for a while, so he has been waiting for an opportunity now.

The things on Qiong Ya's side have also been completely handled, and Qin Shuo also put all the center in that place, maybe this is an opportunity.

Qiongya is very advantageous both in terms of geographical location and natural conditions. Qin Shuo still has half a year to develop there.

Therefore, Qin Shuo has also set up a lot of preferential policies there. People with a little business acumen can see that Qin Shuo attaches great importance to this area, so they are all building there.

Qin Shuo now wants to build this place into a window of his own in the future, and from the perspective of geographical conditions, this is also very good.

It is almost half a year before the global navigation channel will be opened, and Qin Shuo will have a lot of things in his hands that can be sold out.

Many people in the West now actually like these things in the East. It is estimated that there will be a large trade surplus by then. Qin Shuo can just use this money as a fund for his own development and then use it to fight them.

There was a saying in the past that he learned his skills from the barbarians to control the barbarians. Now Qin Shuo wants to make money for the barbarians to control the barbarians.

So now, please tell me that I want to develop this place urgently, and many things have been moved there, even the largest shipyard has been moved there.

In the future, even if he could initiate a war, Qin Shuo would be able to mobilize ships there for the first time.

Just when Qin Shuo thought that this period of time could be passed steadily, a shocking incident suddenly broke into Qin Shuo's, and he even couldn't believe it.

The two of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao now have a big internal conflict, so they are about to go to war, and this will be the third historical plot.

Naturally, it will become a big event. After all, the Battle of Guandu was also a turning point among the Three Kingdoms.

But now, whether it is Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, in fact, the sum of their two people's territory is estimated to be as big as Qin Shuo's territory.

So this time Qin Shuo didn't plan to "intervene" with them, but wanted to see how they fight. If he could, he could take advantage of it.

But the two of them must have already thought of this question, so it is quite difficult to say if you want to "intervene".

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