He also directly led his own soldiers to defeat Gongsun Zan's most elite white horse Yicong, and successfully siege Gongsun Zan to death.

However, the result of Qu Yi in history was not very good, and it was even directly killed by Yuan Shao. The original reason was because Qu Yi was self-reliant on merit, so it was said that there was some merit over it.

Therefore, Yuan Shao took the initiative and eliminated this huge threat for himself, but now in the game, because of the changes in the game situation, he has not died now, but has been reused.

Without him, Qin Shuo would probably say that Yuan Shao would definitely talk about this battle, but now because he is alone, Qin Shuo has re-evaluated the whole battle.

But no matter what, the impact on Qin Shuo is actually not too big. Qin Shuo now only needs to do his own thing well. As for other things, he can't manage at all, and he doesn't want to.

So up to now, please say that I have always had a mentality of watching a theater, wishing that the two of them would lose out, and then I would be able to step forward and reap the benefits.

So no matter what attractive conditions they two put forward, Qin Shuo didn't take any action, and his soldiers still wanted to take a break, so there was no need to take action at all.

Today's Qin Shuo still wants to do these other things, one of the most important thing is to hand over the soul of his first-class historical general to Jiang Hao.

In fact, he hasn't seen Jiang Hao for a long time. After all, he was also sent to Kuaiji County as the prefect, but before going to Huiji County, he also came to his own Shenjiang Pavilion.

Now half a year has passed, so Qin Shuo is able to summon another general again this time, because his luck is getting better and better, so he is also looking forward to his luck.

Moreover, the quality of the generals produced in this Shenjiang Pavilion is getting higher and higher, and they are even beyond Qin Shuo's estimate.

So every time he went to sample military commanders, he actually had some tension in his heart, and he didn't know who could be sampled this time.

After arriving at the Shenjiang Pavilion, Qin Shuo directly opened the Shenjiang Pavilion, and then used his authority to select a historical general.

A few seconds later, Qin Shuo's ear also heard a system reminder. When he heard clearly who the military commander said in the reminder, there was also a hint of joy on his face.

This may be the best general he has drawn from before to now, and it can even be described with some perversions. This general is also the most suitable for his current development.

If you change to anyone, it is estimated that Qin Shuo will not change it. It happens to be him, and he also has this great use.

As for who this person is, let's sell a pass now. After all, this general will immediately go to him in the last three days, so the general should be in Kuaiji County.

This time, I can take advantage of this opportunity to see Jiang Hao. Besides, I can still get such a good general. Why not?

After all, what I picked this time was not a first-class historical general, but a super historical general, and his favorite historical general in the navy.

In that dynasty, he was also famous, and even for a long period of time in later generations, people regarded him as a national hero, including Qin Shuo who admired him very much.


Qin Shuo and the others set off directly in the morning of the next day. The distance from Kuaiji County is actually not too far. It only takes about a day to arrive. They also told the news in advance. Kuaiji County.

One night later, Qin Shuo and the others had already arrived in Kuaiji County. This place happened to be on the edge of the sea, so the warm sea breeze also stroked Qin Shuo, making him feel comfortable.

"The construction of this place seems to be very good. It seems that I really didn't misunderstand the person. As a defender, he is also very good, and he can even catch up with the average historical military commander."

After Qin Shuo looked at the customs of this Kuaiji County, he also spoke.

All the way Qin Shuo saw smiles, if Qin Shuo accidentally didn't pay attention, he probably thought he had returned to his territory again, but he didn't.

Moreover, Qin Shuo also asked a few people casually. Basically, they were very satisfied with Jiang Hao's governance, and they praised them again and again.

You should know that Qin Shuo actually didn't invest anything in this relatively prosperous area, so all of this should be Jiang Hao's own efforts.

When he walked to the front of the city gate, Jiang Hao was already waiting there, wearing a formal official uniform, and his face was also respectful.

After seeing Qin Shuo, there were some surprises on his face at first, but he immediately calmed down, and the attitude on his face became a little respectful again.

After all, the relationship between the two of them is not the same as they were together. It used to be a relationship between friends, but now it is more like a relationship between a monarch and a minister.

"This time it was really hard for you. I brought you some gifts this time, so you don't need to do this now. We are friends, not monarchs."

After Qin Shuo met Jiang Hao, he patted him on the shoulder intimately, and said directly.

"The courtesy of monarchs and ministers cannot be abandoned."

Jiang Hao also stepped back in panic at this time, and said.

After hearing these words, Qin Shuo actually showed some loss on his face, thinking that Jiang Hao had also changed a little now.

"At least in the public, not to be abandoned."

Jiang Hao added another sentence. After hearing this sentence, Qin Shuo's smile fell on his face again.

"I really didn't expect that your kid is actually like this."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he also pointed to Jiang Hao and said.

It seems that friends are still friends. After so many years of officialdom, Jiang Hao's "sex" style has not changed too much.

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