Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 879: Goodbye Jiang Hao

After Qin Shuo entered his mansion, he directly pulled him into the back room and pointed to the roof.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Jiang Hao had some doubts and said.

"Go on the roof, and then let's drink."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"This." Jiang Hao hesitated too, and then he didn't know how to answer.

"Don't do this, your "sex" personality really has some changes. The two of us are just friends in private."

Qin Shuo spoke again. Before Jiang Hao could react, he had already arrived on the roof and was brought directly by Qin Shuo.

"I didn't expect that my master's martial arts is also making rapid progress, just after so many years, it has greatly surpassed me."

Jiang Hao also said in surprise, as if he hadn't thought of this at all.

But after a while, there was a trace of loss on his face. He didn't expect Qin Shuo to make progress in martial arts faster than him.

It seems that talent is really very important. If there is no talent, then nothing can be done. This is his current thinking. After all, Qin Shuo is because of talent, so he arranged him in this place. A prefect.

"I haven't arranged a suitable position for you for so many years. Do you hate me a little bit?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at Jiang Hao beside him, he also spoke directly.

"Nothing at all. I also know how many catties I have in the end, so the lord also knows that I can't do this thing. That's why it is like this. I know it myself."

After Jiang Hao laughed awkwardly, he spoke.

"Actually, I blamed me for not talking about credibility. At the beginning, I told you that I wanted you to be a general. I also know that you have always had such an idea, but I have never done it. Arrived, but let you be a prefect, as long as you don’t hate me, then it’s fine."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

Then Qin Shuo opened a bottle of wine that he carried with him, handed it to Jiang Hao, and then took out a bottle of wine again, which he opened to drink.

"Actually, I don't drink alcohol in normal times. After all, my job is more important now. This should be the first time I drink a bar in two years."

After taking a sip of wine, Jiang Hao spoke.

After drinking, he also coughed violently twice and looked at the wine bottle: "What the **** is this wine? Why is it so tired? Why do you feel that you have never drunk such a strong wine?"

"Your wine is a little bit stronger, in fact, as long as you drink this wine, it won't hurt so much after a while."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Hao's face changed suddenly, and he said, "Actually, the lord, I am not good at that bite, so you should go find someone else."

"What the **** do you think? I brought you some gifts this time. Once you have used them up, you can be competent for the position of general, the soul of a first-class historical general, have you heard of it?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at Jiang Hao, he said.

"It seems to have been heard, a very magical thing, do you just want to bring this thing to me?"

Jiang Hao said happily, seeming to have some emotions that could not be suppressed.

"Since I promised you, then I must have done it. The two of us also met in the first place. Perhaps the second person I met in this world should be you."

Qin Shuo looked at Jiang Hao and said.

"Actually, this is also the case that I didn't have a lord at the time, maybe I'm already dead now, so I don't want to ask for other things at all."

After Jiang Hao nodded, he spoke.

"Our minds should also be a little bigger. I don't mean to ask you to ask for anything else. I just want to help you fulfill your own wishes."

Qin Shuo smiled and said.

"Thank you, brother."

At this time, the two also smiled at each other and said.

After all, Pingshun’s current strength is much stronger than Jiang Hao, so these spirits are almost the same as drinking water for him. After drinking several bottles, his feet are not floating at all.

Jiang Hao on the other side had already fallen down a long time ago. After Qin Shuo took a look at him, he took out the soul of the first-rate historical general from his arms and placed it directly on Jiang Hao's body. .

After a white "color" light flashed, the soul of this first-class historical military commander began to gradually merge into Jiang Hao's body, and a faint light began to emit from his body.

"It seems to be good, but I think it is good anyway."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

In fact, this process is also very painful, but fortunately, I was already drunk before, so it is not so painful.

By the time Jiang Hao woke up the next day, in fact, this fusion was completely completed.

"How is it? How do you feel about your body? Does it feel like pulsating after drinking?"

Qin Shuo also laughed and said.

"I feel like I'm full of power, and now my strength should have been improved several times, and many things I didn't understand before are already understood, and there are still more memories out of thin air."

Jiang Hao also nodded, feeling that this situation is really amazing.

"As long as that's the case, then it's fine. Anyway, you can go back with me in the future."

Qin Shuo was also very happy, and then said directly.

"Thank you lord, lord's kindness to me is really unforgettable. I guess the kindness of my life will be endless in the future. I will definitely do my best for you in the future.

Jiang Hao also said excitedly.

"Don't keep saying this. Anyway, it sounds unlucky. In the future, we can also fight side by side. In fact, as a person, I am quite happy."

Qin Shuo spoke, and then patted Qin Shuo on the shoulder again.

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