Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 881: Japanese pirates?

In fact, without these Japanese pirates, it is estimated that the whole country of China would be more prosperous now, and some of the ancillary effects they brought over were too serious.

It was because the rulers of the Ming and Qing dynasties were afraid that I would rely on another invasion, so they said they implemented some closed-door policies. If it weren’t for this, perhaps the current China has already prospered. Surely there would be no such shame.

Of course, this can't just blame the outsiders. There must be many reasons, but Qin Shuo is now the cause of the future to be completely resolved, but the hatred for these Japanese pirates is still not weakened.

On the whole, Qin Shuo actually wanted them to die. Not only did they need to be beaten, but they had to be painful, so that they could only remember sex.

"Lord, lord, shall we bring him in?"

After looking at the main attack that was in a daze, Jiang Hao asked with some doubts.

"Get him in, and get him in immediately."

Qin Shuo nodded, then spoke.

The first thing Qin Shuo saw was a middle-aged person, who was compared to Qi Jiguang.

His upper body is also wearing a burly figure with a wallet, this wallet is also prominent, with some artistic sense.

"Your Excellency should be the legendary Qi Jiguang, he really admired his name for a long time, and finally saw it once.

After Qin Shuo saw Qi Jiguang, he immediately greeted him and said.

"My lord really praised me. I'm just an ordinary fisherman. I'm not famous at all. If compared with the general, it's a world of difference. One is in the sky and the other is underground. How dare to compete with Haoyue for glory?"

Qi Jiguang is also flattered, and seems to be confused about the current situation.

"Qi Jiguang, the last time I went to the group, you actually couldn't come, but this time after the main attack came, you came here on the initiative. Am I just like this?"

Jiang Hao on the side also smiled and said jokingly.

"Actually, I didn’t mean that. I had already admired Qinhou very much before. Before, there were still many things in my family that didn’t end, so I didn’t have the past, but now most of them have already been. There's nothing more, just come here."

Qi Jiguang also felt some embarrassment, and then quickly explained to himself.

"Actually, you don't have to explain at all. He is not such a stingy person."

Qin Shuo said, smiling.

"Of course I know this, but it's better to explain it. This time I came here specifically to talk about a formation that I thought of before."

Qi Jiguang said.

"Appreciate further details."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

"It's just that I still want to ask before that. What do you think of the Japanese pirates? Actually, the current Taishou Jiang does not value these Japanese pirates too much, so you can explain to me a little bit. Why do you value them so much? ?"

Qin Shuo spoke again, and looked at Qi Jiguang curiously.

"The fighting power of these Japanese pirates is actually extremely powerful. If we say that it was in the past, if they attacked, perhaps our coastal areas would fall immediately, but now it is better. Many of the points are because the general sent a lot of soldiers. . And the strength of these soldiers is incomparable to the previous ones, much better than the previous defenders."

Qi Jiguang said.

"Is it really that serious? I don't believe that their little men are really that strong."

Jiang Hao also had some doubts and said.

"If the general doesn't understand, then I can explain it to you a little bit. The weapons in the hands of the Japanese pirates are called Taito. They are also very powerful. It is said that they can slash a cow to death. Their weapons are very sophisticated. In addition, most of them are also composed of ronin from Fusang. They have learned some martial arts since they were young, so their combat effectiveness must be slightly higher. In addition, because of their national habits, they say They are basically the kind of desperate, and we can't compare this at all."

Qi Jiguang also explained so many "sex" at one time. Although it also made Jiang Hao listen to some clouds and mists, he could basically understand a little bit.

"In fact, the most serious thing is not these, but a lot of inner ghosts between us, and these inner ghosts are some people who do business."

When this point was said, Qi Jiguang's "complexity" was already bleak.

After all, some people once said that capitalists have no national boundaries, and they also have no international awareness. Therefore, they have no sense of identity on many issues.

It is money that gives birth to them, and money that raises them, so they only regard money as their parents, and they don't recognize everything else, let alone which country they belong to.

Because of the system, there has always been a gap between the two countries. Why did Fuso’s system master also directly liberate the enchantment? Therefore, it is also said that the entire maritime trade has been directly activated.

Many businessmen also encountered such a situation, they began to combine with the Japanese pirates, and then smuggled secretly. In this way, they actually wanted to keep the government from the government, but now they are hiding. Can't stop it.

But these internal contradictions are actually very easy to resolve. After all, Qin Shuo's strength is also placed here. It is simply not too simple to resolve them.

"Actually, this is exactly the same as what I know. It seems that you really have some skill. Besides, you are talking about what the formation is like?"

After Qin Shuo nodded, he was also very pleased and said directly.

Seeing that Qin Shuo was very interested in this point, Qi Jiguang was also very happy afterwards. He didn't expect that he would finally meet someone who recognized the power of the Japanese pirates.

"Anyway, I want to entrust you with full responsibility for this matter in the future, and you should also briefly introduce the formation you mentioned."

Qin Shuo said, looking very much looking forward to it.

"Actually, my formation is called the Yuanyang Formation. It is very suitable for dealing with these Japanese pirates. It was also difficult for me to come up with it."

Qi Jiguang also began to talk freely at this time, and Qin Shuo also listened with gusto.

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