Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 882: Mandarin Duck Array

Jiang Hao on the side was actually a bit boring at first, but gradually, he also felt that Qi Jiguang's ability was a little abnormal, especially his understanding of this art of war.

The other thing is that the formation that he said is actually very useful in actual combat.

In this coastal area, it is actually a hilly area, so based on this, he also designed a formation called the Mandarin Duck Array.

The number of people used in a mandarin duck formation is about 11 people, which can be regarded as a relatively small formation, and it can still be used in conjunction.

The person in the front is the captain, and next to him are two people. Both of them are holding shields as protective gear. One is a long shield. This is a spear, arrow and other weapons to resist the Japanese pirates. , After all, the small shield is to cover the people behind, and it is more flexible. When under attack, it can still fight in close combat.

In this way, it increases the flexibility of the team, and then there are two people holding the wolf pit as their weapon, this is to assassinate the enemy, and can cover the advance of the shield player in front.

Because the quality of Qin Shuo's soldiers is relatively good now, it is said that these wolves can also be made of iron wolves. In this way, the power is even greater.

Then at the end, there are two spearmen with long spears in their hands. This is for the main attack. It can be said that it is the core part of a formation. Without them, the formation would have no power.

In fact, everyone also has a very important role, and also uses a principle of division of labor. In fact, it is not necessary for every soldier to be very skilled, as long as he is familiar with a weapon.

And in this way, one of the biggest advantages of those Japanese pirates, their short and flexible stature played a big role.

Such a formation can actually be described as exquisite and exquisite, and this also makes Jiang Hao on the side completely dumbfounded.

"You want it, such a formation is really wonderful, and the words of the Japanese pirates in the end must have a surprising effect. How did your mind grow? You can actually think of such a good formation. law."

Jiang Hao was also surprised and said, it seemed that he really had some admiration for Qi Jiguang.

"In fact, it's just casual thinking, but it took a lot of time. As for the details, I haven't used it yet, and I don't know."

After Qi Jiguang heard this compliment, there was no movement on his face, and he spoke modestly.

"A talent like you is really rare in this world. If that's the case, why don't you join our army."

Jiang Hao also said, admiring Qi Jiguang very much. Although he also admired Qi Jiguang more before, it was indeed because of Qi Jiguang's own force, but now it was because of his ability to lead soldiers.

"Then are you willing to join our army now, and then let me be the lord? A man is a three-foot sword, making an immortal contribution."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Qi Jiguang, he looked at him very much.

"In fact, this time I only wanted to come over and give an opinion, but I didn't expect the lord to appreciate me so much, so I would be willing."

Qi Jiguang also directly agreed to this matter, and then he directly bowed under Qin Shuo.

Now that Qin Shuo has obtained Qi Jiguang's allegiance, he is naturally very happy. You must know that Qi Jiguang is a super historical general.

After all, Qi Jiguang has also achieved the myth of an era, so it is not too surprised to list him as a super historical general Qin Shuo.

But Qi Jiguang's personal strength is actually just average, but his commanding ability does exist, and some perversions belong to the kind of Han Xin who orders more soldiers, the better.

In fact, Qi Jiguang's use of firearms is also very subtle. Whether I am in the navy or the army, he has his own deep insights. Qin Shuo is very envious of this, after all, he just got it. Only a military commander, but in exchange for two uses.

In the future, once his own anger develops, then Qi Jiguang will have a greater effect. If it is matched with this firearm, this mandarin duck array can also be operated, and it will be more abnormal than before.

The birth of firearms actually marks the end of the era of cold weapons. Although cold weapons are still the mainstay until now, it is only because the firearms are not strong enough. Once they can be strong enough, then there is no need for such weapons. Manpower.

It's like a cavalry thing, which has gradually died out when it is close to modern times. The point is that once the firearm appears, the cavalry thing is completely like a chicken rib, like a target, just like other people hit it.

No matter how superb the cavalry's riding skills are, it is completely like a little chicken with a firearm, basically a person with a shot.

But now Qi Jiguang doesn't seem to be able to make firearms either. It seems that this is also a limitation of the system. If Qin Shuo can create fire qi in the future, he can fully use it.

Now the system has too many imprisonments added by players, and they can even be described as a kind of horror. All these are the arrangements of the stone gate of destiny.

Then everyone was talking a little bit, Qin Shuo could also benefit a lot from the discussion with Qi Jiguang, even after this discussion ended, he found that his commander had actually increased a bit.

It is very rare to know that now that he has reached his level, if the commander wants to increase a little, it is very rare, basically it takes a long time to grow a little. But now just after talking to Qi Jiguang for a while, his commander-in-chief has grown so much.

Jiang Hao on the side listened to the conversation between the two people with great gusto, and seemed to be very interested in the conversation between the two people, especially when Qin Shuo talked about firearms, his eyes were somewhat different. It seemed that there was light in his entire eyes, after all, he hadn't heard of such a magical thing for so many years before.

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