Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 884: Predictability

Ma Yuan was the commander of the First Legion, and he was fighting against the enemies in the southeast, among which there was still such a terrifying Peacock Empire.

At this time, the Peacock Empire was still very powerful, but it was not as unreliable as Ah San, who played mud in the northeast, at least not so outrageous.

The commander of the Second Army was actually Xue Rengui. He used to be Three Arrows to fix the Tianshan Mountains. In the future, he would treat some enemies in the north, such as a certain Goguryeo country.

Qin Shuo believed that Xue Rengui had such a strength, so he was very relieved.

The commander of the Third Army is the great hero Di Qing. This is to deal with the enemies on the other side of the desert. After all, Di Qing actually has a lot of bonuses against the enemies on the other side of the desert.

In this way, in fact, Qin Shuo, those responsible for the civil war, can change their identities immediately after the start of the foreign war.

Perhaps in the entire world, no one thought that Qin Shuo was as far away as Qin Shuo, but in Qin Shuo's view, these are all things that must be considered, and the remaining things are to be considered in the future.

Perhaps no one can think so far like Qin Shuo. Others are thinking about how his civil war should be, but Qin Shuo has already thought about how a foreign war should be.

Qin Shuo's horror is actually the horror on this. Like many people have said, Qin Shuo always feels that Qin Shuo has a terrifying foresight, as if he can see the future.

Although Qin Shuo couldn't see the future, he knew what the future would be like.

Qin Shuo's current ambition is actually not in one big man, but in the whole big man, that's why it is like this.

Now I am fighting against all Eastern civilizations, but once the time comes, I might just have to collide with Western civilizations. Then it will not be a simple thing, it will be a life and death. Something up.

Although it should be very far away from this period, Qin Shuo still wants to be prepared. If he could predict a lot of things in the past, he now expects that the accuracy of other things is indeed greatly reduced. The point is because the world has changed a lot because of this butterfly.

Qin Shuo also wanted to take down all of the handovers, so the direct thing was to dispatch the first army that had just returned from the mission to the Jiaozhou area.

If it wasn't for the strength of these soldiers, then maybe they would really be killed by these things, but there is no way.

Although Qin Shuo's other soldiers can also be used, they are actually not easy to use. Only the First Corps is the most comfortable, and they themselves are responsible for the Southwest affairs.

It is basically something that will happen naturally now, so they don't have to fight fiercely in the past, as long as they help casual guards, it's all about rest except on the way.

Qin Shuo also had a lot of things. This time he actually wanted to work on Yizhou. After all, this place has been thought of for a long time, but there is always no time.

Yizhou is actually a place of right and wrong. Many things happened from this place, so they thought of this.

If the current Yizhou is not resolved, once it is occupied by the enemy, it will become a large aircraft carrier and serve as a base for landing in the interior.

In fact, this island is not too important. Although the resources on it are very rich, they are still ordinary for Qin Shuo now.

But the most important thing for him is his special geographical environment. It is because of this that it has attracted a lot of attention.

Qin Shuo must have some foresight, otherwise, things will be a lot of trouble.

Others don't have much time to regain such an island, but Qin Shuo now has such a time, and still has such an energy.

But after Qin Shuo uttered such an idea, he was rarely rejected by others.

And the person who refused this time was actually Liu Bowen. He seemed to have a worry on his face. Perhaps he had already seen such an island.

"But the geographical environment of this place is very important in itself, why can't it?"

Qin Shuo also had some curiosity, so he asked.

"This place is actually very strange. If you want to know why, then I can tell you later, but now I really don't know how to tell you."

Liu Bowen said.

"Anyway, you are all next to you now. If you want to say something, just say it."

Qin Shuo said.

"This place is actually a very strange place, but I don't dare to be surprised. Didn't we always have some aborigines on it? But now it seems that it is more than that."

After thinking for a while, Liu Bowen said directly.

"Then tell me what's going on."

Qin Shuo looked at Liu Bowen's continued selling, and said angrily.

"This time, many of the spies we sent in the past have actually disappeared. I have already said this to this extent. I believe you should be able to guess something."

Liu Bowen said.

"Why don't you die? Don't sell Guanzi if you don't sell Guanzi, I think."

Qin Shuo said helplessly,

Anyway, this time Qin Shuo guessed that there was a high probability that the Japanese pirate occupied the island. In fact, this idea was not without any real evidence.

You said that the strength of the spies sent out was comparable to that of general military commanders. Qin Shuo had already dispatched several waves of spies before.

But until now, none of these spies has sent a message. This in itself is a very strange thing, let alone other things.

Moreover, in history, the Japanese pirates themselves have occupied Yizhou for a period of time, so Qin Shuo's this is not a guess. Since this is the case, now he has to start from another aspect because of me.

After talking casually, he returned to his room. He still has some headaches now. All kinds of things are troublesome, and he can't think seriously.

The point is that I have set too many goals in the past, so at this time, he is also overwhelmed. If you say that you have set fewer goals, then it is better.

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