Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 885: Overseas Fairy Mountain

Although it's okay to leave all these things to the Zhengshitang, Qin Shuo always has some worries about them. If you let them know Qin Shuo's thoughts, it is estimated that they will be **** off immediately.

After all, they also have a certain level of strength. Perhaps such a powerful political affairs hall does not have much in the whole big man, but Qin Shuo still dislikes them.

In fact, it is not disgusting, Qin Shuo has been relying on the characteristic of being able to foresee the future, so he said that he believes most in himself, not them.

But please tell me that I have overlooked one point. It is them who knows the most about this era, not myself. I am just a passer-by for this world.

Now that Qin Shuo is lying in bed, he doesn’t want to think about anything, and now he wants to be quiet by himself, otherwise he has some attitudes in the things he encountered before, so that his whole mind is Some are dizzy.

Qin Shuo now occasionally thinks about his previous life. After all, although he was a smaller prince in his previous life, he is still relatively stable.

At that time, I might be angry about some things, but I did not have the ability to participate, but now I already have the ability to participate, but this does not seem to be a very good thing.

As the saying goes, he doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because he is in this mountain, Qin Shuo is in such a situation now, he now feels a little "lost" about his future.

You must know that his opponents are not the simple opponents they used to be. Now his opponents are also the world, and they are also the most outstanding talents in the world.

Maybe Qin Shuo would fall into their hands if he didn't pay attention to it, but it wasn't a big deal to fall and drag himself. I was afraid that I would fall down with everyone.

Qin Shuo immediately got up after only talking for a while, and there was not much left, so he said he could relax a little bit.

Relaxing is not an easy task, Qin Shuo sighed slightly, and now he also feels that being a human being is really too difficult.

Originally, he thought about this matter very simply, but he didn't expect that this time the Japanese pirate would "intervene" again.

In fact, the strength of the current Japanese pirates is also going to drop a bit. If they were placed in the past, their strength would be stronger. After all, Qin Shuo had passed two of its three sacred artifacts.

I don't know why, Qin Shuo remembered the Fusang princess he had molested last time. In fact, Fusang women are also very high in quality, but men are really low in quality.

Basically, the average height of Fusang people is about 1.6 meters. Of course, some players want to be even taller, but they are about 1.5 meters tall.

The Fusang people of about 1.6 meters said that they are short, so there is really no problem, and they are still average height.

In fact, the point is that the food they eat is definitely not as good as that of Dahan. The Fusang people are in an island country. Before foreign trade, their local resources are not much, not to mention. Carrying so many people.

As for what happened later, everyone must have already known it. In order to expand their territory, the Fusang people have also begun to rise up the j-nationalism. Of course, these are already for the rest.

At this moment, there was a news from outside. It seemed that it was also very important. Qin Shuo also quickly asked the soldier.

"I see you running so anxiously, is there really something big going on? Tell me quickly."

After Qin Shuo glanced at the soldier, he also patted his shoulder twice and spoke.

"General, the general also found a fairy mountain on the sea, so I specifically asked me to come look for you."

The soldier was also panting. After seeing Qin Shuo, he spoke directly.

"I said you guys are really more funny, where is there a fairy mountain on the sea, do you really think I am Qin Shihuang?"

Qin Shuo was speechless and said directly.

"General, we really didn't joking with you. We really found a fairy mountain on the sea, otherwise I wouldn't be so anxious to come over to find you."

The soldier said.

"Which general discovered it?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at the soldier, he also said curiously.

"It was General Zhou Yu. A few days ago, he had just staged a fleet to go to Qiongya, but suddenly "lost" and lost his way halfway, and then accidentally encountered a fairy mountain, and now they have also returned. , So I just want to wait until the lord to see it."

The soldier said breathlessly, wiping the sweat from his head.

"Well, I'll go out in a while. It's really because there are no other things all day long, and I will do these things every day."

Qin Shuo rolled his eyes and said.

"General, how do I feel that you are a little weird? If other people say that after encountering this kind of thing, then they will definitely be very surprised, but how do I feel that you have this kind of Gujing no wave feeling? What?"

The soldier also spoke.

"It's okay, you don't slap these flattery, now let's go out quickly."

In fact, he nodded and said, and then he went out directly under the leadership of the soldiers. I also met Zhou Yu at the gate.

"I said what the **** are you doing? Is there anything important now?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at Zhou Yu, he spoke.

"Whether this should have been told to you just now, we also encountered a fairy mountain on that island, so now I also want to ask the lord to take a look."

Zhou Yu said.

"I wonder how do you know that the mountain is a fairy mountain? I wonder if you haven't seen any fairy mountain before. How can you recognize it at a glance?"

Qin Shuo asked curiously.

"Because I heard a special sound on that mountain, and this kind of sound is very similar to the sound you sometimes make, so you should understand it when I say it."

Zhou Yu looked at Qin Shuo and said.

"Now come to my room first. I also want to talk with you carefully. I know that there are certain things that are not convenient to talk about outside. It will definitely be convenient when you get into my room..."

Qin Shuo seemed to understand something, so he said directly.

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