Qin Shuo has been busy with these corrupt officials these days, and has no time to take care of other things. He originally said that he would accompany his wife and children, but after returning, it was because these things were too time-consuming.

But the time wasted is also very necessary, otherwise Qin Shuo would definitely be unhappy as he watched the corrupt officials search for the people's cream.

Although his territory is very wealthy, Qin Shuo feels that this kind of wealth is far from enough, and he still needs to accumulate more primitive funds.

When the industry develops in the future, they can lay a good foundation for themselves, and increase their own production. One kind can also obtain a large amount of foreign exchange after opening ocean trade in the future.

At present, there are not many items in his own territory that are greatly superior to other areas, but there are many items that other areas do not have. This is one of Qin Shuo's comparative advantages.

At that time, I can completely rely on my vast land and resources to fully develop my power, and then recover the technology that has been lost for so many years.

He has never understood why the system has to do so, so that the technological development of some other countries has greatly exceeded the current China service.

If you think about it again, if you don't do this, it is estimated that no country in the world is an opponent of the Dahan District Service. Even if it is to occupy the whole world, it will be like cutting melons and vegetables.

The current amount of money is still worrying about his own side, but he already understands that many countries in the world are already unified, and these are all enemies that Qin Shuo will face in the future.

The current clothing has already been said, it is almost unified by their emperor, and there are still many generals under his men, and even Qin Shuo has seen from the forum that this Fusang has been for so many years because of Qin Shuo’s troubles. "Chaos", so their national power has dropped a lot, but even so, they can still flourish.

There are still many super historical generals in their territory, and it is said that there are these three super historical generals beside their emperor.

If Qin Shuo's side is full of calculations and counts himself in, there are only three super historical generals who listen to him. Such a number can be regarded as a very large number.

If the opposite party unifies the entire Fusang, then I guess there will be more people. Even if their strength is reduced, they should not be reduced too much.

These are all things that Qin Shuo should consider, so there are many things that Qin Shuo needs to consider, and it's not just the Fusang closest to him, but now Goguryeo seems to have some wanting to be around.

Although Goguryeo itself is a small country, Qin said that they still can't take it lightly. After all, the technology on the other side surpassed him by a lot.

Moreover, the number of them in reality is quite large, not as small as Champa, so if you say it carelessly, you might end up in trouble.

auzw.com Qin Shuo doesn’t know why they have to find their own troubles, but even if they don’t find their own troubles, they will still go to them. Now all these developments seem to be the same as Qin Shuo’s The previous life is also very similar.

In fact, compared to Fusang, Qin Shuo still has some fears of Goguryeo. After all, there are many peoples on this earth, but a nation like Goguryeo rules the whole world.

Some time ago, Qin Shuo had even heard such remarks on the Internet. Many people in Goguryeo said that Qin Shuo is actually of Goguryeo blood, so he is said to be so strong.

At that time, Qin Shuo almost laughed when he heard such a remark. He had seen some thick-skinned people before, but he had never seen such thick-skinned ones. He was a great Han descent, but they were described as such a humble pedigree.

If you say that you are really of Goguryeo descent, it is estimated that you will "suicide" in the first place. After all, it is a despicable and small nation. Qin Shuo despises such a nation in his heart.

In later generations, they even joined Fusang, and together they attacked Qin Shuo and their Dahan district clothes, but the consequences of that attack were also very serious.

Almost the entire north was completely occupied, but in the end, under their desperate resistance, part of the territory was recovered.

But this Fusang still has people from the two countries of Goguryeo, which makes people feel disgusting. Unlike other invaders, the invaders of these two countries basically come to the first thought after arriving in a city. It is to slaughter the city and then recklessly rise up those treasures.

So people's hatred for them must be very deep. The original affection was anxious to kill them all right away, but after all, their strength is still there. If he rushed forward, there would only be this one result.

Therefore, for these two ethnic groups, we must find the opportunity to deal with them severely, but all this can only wait for the start of the national war.

It's just that now Qin Shuo and the others definitely want to take the lead in conquering Youzhou, and then take the lead in making arrangements there, otherwise, when the national war starts, if Youzhou still has not been recovered. There would be no such good results in Yuan Shao's hands.

Now because of the appearance of Qin Shuo, many situations have changed. In the previous life, there were actually many heroes until the tenth year, but now they have been greatly reduced.

One of the biggest reasons is that Qin Shuo swallowed all the princes, so that he can concentrate his efforts on big things, otherwise the strength will be much smaller if he is dispersed.

If Yuan Shao and the others were to deal with Goguryeo, it would be a kind of nonsense, no matter from which aspect they would not be able to send troops.

It was for this reason in the previous life, and he also looked down upon Goguryeo very much. In the end, it was wiped out by the coalition forces of Goguryeo and the Fusang, and finally he directly occupied the entire Youzhou.

The place of Youzhou is also very important. After all, if you go further north, it will be some vast black land. It is simply not too good to build a granary.

As long as he completely occupied the northern part. So in the future, I don't have to worry about food and grass, and I have the huge land in the north as my granary.

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