Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 899: Yiguannandu

According to Qin Shuo's estimation now, in the future, there may be coalition forces coming to crusade him, after all, there are too many enemies.

Some of them were provoked by themselves, but some were due to interests, so now Qin Shuo must be prepared.

But in his city, Qin Shuo is still more at ease. After all, no matter how big the power is, it is estimated that it is impossible to directly attack his city. This is Qin Shuo’s confidence. .

Now in his city, he has a lot of defenses, and there are also a lot of spies on the streets. These are actually used to monitor others.

Some people, Qin Shuo actually stared at them right after they had just entered their city. As long as there is a slight threat, they will be controlled for the first time.

It can even be said that the current Shuobai City is the most reassuring city for others. After all, the increase in crime rate is almost equal to zero.

Qin Shuo has always been adhering to the concept that he must be completely terminated before the crime begins. In this way, it is actually a good law and order.

If he waited until the crime started before terminating him, then some were too late.

Qin Shuo doesn't have such a thing in the game now, and there are very few things in reality. For this reason, he seems to be doing nothing every day.

In fact, he has nothing to do. After all, the things he should have completed are already completed, so the rest are nothing important.

In fact, I still prefer the busy life I used to. After all, I won't be doing nothing like this all day long. The previous life is really good.

Now that I am free, there is still some boringness, all day long thinking about what I should be doing.

Now the Fourth Army is fully established. Although they are called the Fourth Army, their number is even smaller than the previous ones.

The point is because this legion is actually to fight Fusang, so Qin Shuo only arranged for Qi Jiguang with a few generals, and only asked them to recruit soldiers.

After all, in Qin Shuo's opinion, so many soldiers are completely enough. If there are more, then there are too many. Only so many soldiers can let them exert their greatest strength.

The other thing is that there is also a big problem with my financial resources. Now I am not like before, I only have such a small territory. Now I am strong, but I have expanded many times, and I have many more. The infrastructure of the country wants to be built.

So this means that the landlord’s family has no surplus food, but he is not too anxious. It is estimated that this matter will be relieved a lot by next year.

What's more, the current domestic demand has not been fully stimulated. Now Qin Shuo only needs to directly stimulate the domestic demand, and his economic strength can grow a lot again.

Such a large country actually needs economy to operate in many aspects. Qin Shuo now occupies half of the country. For Kang, occupying so much land is completely an emperor.

It's just that from the outside, Qin Shuo didn't have such a plan at all. He still wants to wait for a mature time. He believes that the current time is not yet mature.

Although many of his subordinates wanted to urge Qin Shuo. But others also know that as long as Qin Shuo makes his own thoughts and judgments, no one can change at all.

Yuan Shu was not so powerful at the beginning, but after he became emperor, he was also attacked by others. Although people in Qin Shuo now hope that he will become emperor, many things have to be considered, right?

And to continue to upgrade his territory, something is still needed. Since he wants to upgrade a pet, he is now completely satisfied in many aspects.

The first is land. Now land already occupies half of the entire Dahan, or even more.

Then there is the population. In fact, most of the population is also pouring into Qin Shuo's side. After all, they also know that Qin Shuo's life must be more prosperous. And as long as they move over, Qin Shuo will settle them well.

Now the entire economic center of gravity is slowly moving toward the south, which has never happened before, but before Qin Shuo's first-hand measures, the south has now become an important economic center.

In the entire history of China, there have been three southern crossings due to turmoil, but these were all due to turmoil, and they all occurred after the Three Kingdoms.

The first time was when Emperor Yuan crossed the river in the Western Jin Dynasty, and then built the capital of Kangding. This was the first time in history that it was the first time in history that it had a great change in the entire history.

The second time was after the Anshi chaos in the Tang Dynasty, the clans of COSCO moved to Jinling, which also allowed them to temporarily escape the Anshi chaos and survive safely in the south.

The third time it was the weak Song Dynasty. Needless to say, people with some historical knowledge know it.

Most of the three trips to the south were due to the "turmoil", and it could even be said that the reason was the "turmoil" only, not because of their preference for the south.

But this time Qin Shuo did use economic means to move the entire economic center to the south. In fact, this should be considered a relatively powerful thing.

In fact, even if Qin Shuo didn't need to force "sex", the people would still move toward the south obediently. This should be considered a normal thing.

Now all the common people actually think very simple, so it is to survive by themselves. In this "turbulent" world, this is the most important thing.

Therefore, they will move towards Qin Shuo one by one. Agricultural civilization is different from nomadic civilization or industrial civilization. It is taken directly from the land.

Therefore, people of nomads can migrate and live according to the abundance of water and grass. In this way, it is very difficult to count the population, and it is difficult to gather together to form a large group, unless it is a day like Genghis Khan. Zong Yingcai.

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