Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 910: Envoy Yuan Shao

"In fact, I feel that there may be some Cao Cao's participation in this. Otherwise, they will definitely not take advantage of this opportunity to attack. It is estimated that Cao Cao and the Wuhuan people will unite together, and then they will change. Into this."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

"I did a little investigation before, and now Wuhuan seems to have some big trends. I feel that the lord is still a guess. There is a great possibility. Cao Cao also sent an envoy to Wuhuan to discuss this. thing."

Di Qing, who was in charge of the war in the north, also said that he is already stationed in Yuzhou now. Once there is any major movement, it is estimated that he will take action.

"In this case, what good methods do you have?"

After Qin Shuo looked at everyone, he said.

"The current Wuhuan is completely different from the previous Wuhuan. The former Wuhuan worked independently when they were not united. They were completely loose sand. So the big man can easily deal with him, but now they are already It is united together. You cannot ignore this force at all."

Guo Jia said again.

"In fact, the focus now is how we get to Bingzhou? We can also bypass Cao's territory, but once we reach Bingzhou, will we have any conflicts with Yuan Shao?"

Xu Shu, who had been beside him without speaking, said suddenly at this time.

"In fact, this is something that I have always had a headache. We must now think of a way to join Yuan Shao a little bit, but we are not participating in the battle of Guandu."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

"But now we are also beheading his brother Yuan Shu. We have such a relationship now, so we can't act rashly. It's actually impractical for them to join forces?"

Di Qing had some doubts and said.

"In fact, you are wrong about this. Although they are also members of the same clan, they are not brothers after all. There is even some competition between them. Now we have resolved Yuan Shu. Maybe Yuan Shao's heart is still ecstatic, but on the outside, he definitely won't show it."

Qin Shuo shook his head and said.

"The current Yuan family has all moved to Yuan Shao, so the name of the fourth generation and third gong is basically handed over to him, so it is too late to say that he is happy now, how could he still hate me. "

Qin Shuo shook his head and said.

"It turned out to be like this, so now can we let people take the initiative to find Yuan Shao?"

After Di Qing nodded, he spoke.

"Don't worry, these things don't need us to take the initiative, as long as we wait for them to take the initiative now, I believe they will definitely not let go of such a precious opportunity."

After Qin Shuo shook his head, he said.

"But I always feel that there are always unrealistic cases in allowing them to take the initiative. What if they don't take the initiative?"

Di Qing said. At this moment, a soldier suddenly came in at the door and whispered a few words beside Qin Shuo.

"Now you don't have to worry about so many things. Yuan Shao has already asked the messenger to come over. It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. It is estimated that this time we will discuss this matter."

Qin Shuo smiled slightly, looked at Qin Shuo, and said.

"I can understand everything else the lord said, but what do you mean when you say Cao "Cao" Cao "Cao"? Isn't this a messenger from Yuan Shao?"

Everyone on the side also had some doubts and said.

"You just don't pay attention to these minor details for the time being. The most important thing now is that we want to get this thing right and let those Yuan Shao's envoys come in first."

Qin Shuo rolled his eyes and said.

"The lord himself is a great talent. What he said is enough for us to comprehend for a lifetime. It is estimated that this sentence also has some special meaning. Let's pay attention to it."

At this time, the people on the side also spoke, and Qin Shuo didn't know what to say to someone who had this idea.

Soon his soldiers entered this room with Yuan Shao's envoy. After that envoy saw the generals on the side, his body was trembling.

After all, these military commanders have been fighting all year round, so they have a strong killing aura in themselves. They don’t feel each other very much, but if an ordinary person feels it, it must be. I can feel this trembling breath.

The messenger also had some small doubts at this time, wondering why the day he came just happened to catch up with their meeting?

"This time Yuan Shao called you over for what?"

Qin Shuo first spoke, and said.

"Before the lord also asked me to make a long story short, so this time I will also make a long story short. The lord came here this time mainly for us to ask you for assistance."

The messenger also spoke, and then he looked at Qin Shuo's face, but now Qin Shuo's face is also Gu Jing Wubo, and he can't see anything at all.

"Isn't Yuan Shao now regarded as a general? I am only a small state animal husband now. I simply don't have the ability to help you as much as ours."

After Qin Shuo glanced at him, he also spoke.

"Zhou Mu, don't say such things. In fact, we all know that if we had something wrong before, we can apologize now. So we don't want to be angry at all. This time we are sincere. I want to come over for help."

The messenger also looked helpless and said.

Qin Shuo didn't know why Yuan Shaofei wanted to send such an emissary. It seemed that there was some counseling. If such an emissary came out, it would cause a bad result in all likelihood. .

"Then you can talk about it first, what is the matter if Yuan Shao asks you to come over? If you can make it clear, I can think about it a little bit."

After Qin Shuo glanced at the messenger, he spoke.

"Now I believe you should already know that the current lord is also in a state of being attacked by the enemy, and now only you can save him."

The messenger said.

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