Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 911: Send troops to help Yuan

"Actually, I have such an ability, but why should I save him? Would it give me any benefits?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at the messenger, he spoke.

"The lord has already said that this time as long as you can defeat Wuhuan, all the territory it occupies can become yours? I believe such a revenge is not too low."

The messenger said, this was what Yuan Shao had already told him before.

"But if according to what you said, wouldn't it be better for me to wait for Wuhuan to annex the entire Binzhou, and then make another move?"

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"But if that time really comes, there will be no way to get Binzhou."

The messenger didn't know how to refute this sentence, so he said directly.

"This time cooperation is okay, but if you want me to send troops quickly, then I have to pay a certain amount of food, food and grass, and some of my sacrificed soldiers' burial expenses. You have to pay for the handling costs? "

Qin Shuo also took off his fingers, and began to calculate there.

Now he doesn't look like a lord at all, but more like a small merchant who cares about him.

"We can also pay for these. After so many years of recuperation, we actually have a lot of food and grass to support this battle."

The messenger also spoke.

"But this is also nothing to say, can you call the shots?"

After Qin Shuo glanced at the messenger, he spoke.

"This time the lord wanted to show his sincerity, so he specifically asked me to come over, and he also asked me to carry his general seal. Now he can temporarily keep his general seal on your body."

The messenger gritted his teeth fiercely, and then said, this is actually the last bottom line.

"In this case, I have nothing to worry about, but I still have to say it in advance. If you regret it now, it is still too late. In fact, I have already taken a fancy to this place."

After Qin Shuo looked at the messenger, he spoke.

"There is no need to think about it at all. I can completely control this matter."

The messenger also spoke, and it seemed that this matter had already been determined, so Qin Shuo didn't want to say any more.

"Then just wait for two days, and I will send troops there immediately. You should advance this news to Yuan Shao now."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he looked at the subordinates next to him." I knew it would be like this a long time ago. Anyway, you don’t need to be too anxious. Now our work is just waiting here. Di Qing, you are now leading the third The legion is ready, and I will follow you this time."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

"But this time things are also more dangerous. Does the lord really have to go in person? You still have to think about it a little bit more. And now we have a lot of internal affairs."

After Di Qing froze for a while, he spoke.

"Don't worry about this. They must be able to solve internal affairs. My current strength can fully support my past, and I won't be on the battlefield, so you don't have to worry about me."

Qin Shuo waved his hand and said.

After hearing this sentence, everyone did not continue to object, after all, Qin Shuo now is equivalent to driving himself.

And to say something bad, now Qin Shuo has given birth to his own heir. Even if something happened to him accidentally, there is still an inheritance that can be replaced.

Therefore, their opposition to this kind of thing is not as strong as before.

The Third Army also now has almost 50,000 soldiers. These 50,000 soldiers can completely support and fight against others. This may be an important matter.

Although the remaining two regiments have nothing to do, they all need to be trained after all, and they have to perform their duties. In the future, Di Qing and the others will solve the problems in the grassland.

Moreover, most of Wuhuan and them are now cavalry. Qin Shuo now has many methods to deal with cavalry. It can even be said that the Fourth Army is a cavalry killer.

No matter it is from the side of the desert, he can deal with the enemy coming from the north. If other corps are added, it is estimated that the loss will increase.

I can only count on myself this time, and Yuan Shao shouldn't be able to help much. At most, he will only provide a little grain and grass.

Anyway, they should be ready for food and grass. After so many years of development, Yuan Shao still has a lot of food and grass, but the people under her are not very happy.

Qin Shuo now pays attention to hiding wealth from the people, and his territory is also very rich and strong, but Yuan Shao is different.

He wants to support his huge war consumption, so it must be taken from the people. If he takes too much, it will definitely cause a lot of resistance. If he takes less, he can't stand such a huge amount. A war was consumed.

Some time ago, he was lavishly collecting wealth in his own territory, and many people were already complaining, but these voices were basically directly suppressed by Yuan Shaoji.

At this time, the auntie went down very quickly. After all, everything had to be prepared in two days. In fact, there was still some eagerness.

It is not that simple to deal with the cavalry. The small mine before Qin Shuo has not yet been fully developed successfully, but it is not far from the successful development.

After all, there are system limitations now. Even if there are some construction drawings, it is a little more cumbersome. Qin Shuo is actually mentally prepared for this.

Anyway, after they continue to prepare for a period of time, I believe there is no big problem. Once they have this status, all the cavalry will be useless.

Two days passed in a flash. Qin Shuo and others had basically resolved everything on their side. The 50,000 army was now completely assembled.

So Qin Shuo set off directly this time. Before he set off, he did a little research on the current situation in Wuhuan. After all, if there is no loss, it must be very good. If the loss is greater , There are some headaches.

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