"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The war on the battlefield continues!

Even though many players have been resurrected many times now, they still rushed into the battlefield without hesitation.

Now the battlefield has nothing to do with experience and income for players.

What matters is stimulation!

However, since Chen Qing killed two high-level generals, no one on the battlefield continued to target Chen Qing for a while, making Chen Qing and Lei Ming temporarily blind spots on the battlefield. walking.

It's not that no one can target Chen Qing, but there are only so many high-level generals above level 90 in the rebel camp, and basically every one of them is targeted to death.

In terms of high-end combat power, it has to be said that the Tucker royal family still has a certain degree of dominance!


Suddenly a loud noise came from the sky, and everyone subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky.

The battle in the sky is very important, accounting for more than half of the outcome.

I saw brilliant magic elements bursting out suddenly in the sky, and then a dilapidated body fell from the center of the explosion!

Looking at the clothes on his body, he turned out to be a level 100 master of the rebel army!

The first hundred-level master has fallen!

And the fall of this master seemed to trigger some kind of switch, and soon several hundred-level masters fell here one after another.

A total of two fell from the royal family, and a total of three fell from the rebel forces!

The fall of the 100-level master caused the battle above the sky to be greatly tilted. The masters of the royal family quickly gained the upper hand and began to suppress the masters of the rebel army!

Wang Fei's face was serious, he felt the pressure on his body increased sharply, and he knew that the situation on the court was very unfavorable for the rebels, but the royal priest who was fighting with him was mainly defensive, dragging himself to death. There is no way to move away to support those hundred-level masters who are already in poor condition!

If this continues, the rebel army will be wiped out sooner or later, Wang Fei knows it well.

He glanced at the royal priest who was huddled in the magic protective cover opposite, and a flash of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes.

I saw that Wang Fei erupted with a terrifying aura in an instant, and even overwhelmed the two strongest players on the field at this moment - the emperor and Wang Jing.

Everyone was startled by the sudden burst of momentum, turned their heads to look at Wang Fei, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

The skin on Wang Fei's body was cracked at this moment, and a stream of blood oozed from his skin, dyeing Wang Fei into a blood man, looking extremely miserable!

The price of the explosion of momentum at this moment turned out to be the cost of burning 30% of Wang Fei's blood volume.

Of course, the explosion of momentum was just a prelude, and the real killer move was brewing at the end.

Feeling a strong sense of crisis coming towards him, the royal priest couldn't help flashing a trace of panic in his eyes, and he was about to withdraw and evacuate, but at this moment, Wang Fei, who had been standing where he was, suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, Wang Fei was already behind the royal priest.

Wang Fei's identity is not only a warrior, but also a terrifying assassin! And he is an assassin who has absorbed the knowledge of the Lei family's armor-piercing gun!

What a stunning blow for a powerful assassin who spent 30% of his life!

The moment Wang Fei drew his sword, the magical elements between heaven and earth were completely suppressed, as if this sword was the protagonist of the world at this moment!


A small voice came, but it clearly fell into the ears of everyone on the battlefield.

It was not very special, like the sound of a sword being pierced into a piece of meat, but it was enough for everyone present to remember this sound.


The royal priest's original thick shield was under this sword, and it turned into nothingness with a "pop" like a soap bubble, and then the sword fell straight on the royal priest's body!

Under the watchful eyes of all the players, the blood volume of the royal family's offering was directly reset from about 70% of the original, and he couldn't die anymore!

All the players gasped and looked at Wang Fei with disbelief.


This Wang Fei is definitely a BOSS level character.

You must know that Wang Fei has just advanced to level 100, and the royal priest does not know how long it has been since he reached level 100.

The level difference between the two may even exceed 10 levels.

But in such a situation, Wang Fei still sacrificed to the royal family with a single sword. If this is not a BOSS, what is it? !

From this point of view, besides the emperor and Wang Jing, among the BOSS characters above level 100 present, Wang Fei was also counted!

And Wang Fei, who was enshrined by the royal family in seconds, didn't know what the player was thinking, and his state at the moment was extremely poor.

Everyone knows how amazing this sword is, but they don't know that it will cost a lot.

In addition to consuming vitality when using it, this sword will also cause great side effects to the caster after the end.

Weakness, powerlessness, and dizziness follow, and most importantly, after this sword strike, the caster will be temporarily paralyzed...

Soon these side effects came to Wang Fei, and Wang Fei, who was in a paralyzed state, suddenly lost the ability to fly and fell from the sky.


Wang Fei hit the ground hard, stirring up layers of dust, but at this time no one on the field dared to approach Wang Fei.

Although the tiger is declining, the remaining prestige is still there!

Just when Wang Fei got up with aches all over his body, he suddenly felt a strange feeling coming from the side, and turned his head to look over.

I saw a young general in black armor looking at me with bright eyes...

This kind of look Wang Fei seems familiar, as if...

The weasel I saw when I was a child stared at my old hen in the same way.

Seeing this look, Wang Fei always felt panicked.

Seeing Wang Fei looking at him, the young general in black armor showed a shy smile, and said embarrassedly: "If I say...you just landed next to me...Do you believe it or not?"

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