It is true that Wang Fei landed right next to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing did not talk nonsense about this!

Seeing that Wang Fei landed right next to her, Chen Qing couldn't help beating her heart faster.

This is a level 100 boss character!

And in Chen Qing's panel, at this moment Wang Fei has a bunch of negative buffs on him, such as weakness, resistance reduction, paralysis and so on.

The most important thing is that after a wave of explosions, Wang Fei's blood volume was less than 20%.

What a godsend opportunity!

Chen Qing couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

Fuck... can we make something big? A level 100 boss, with a negative buff attached, can display at most 50% of its strength.

Maybe I have a chance!

In fact, Chen Qing didn't have any idea at first, the level difference between the two has already exceeded 30 levels, and within the 30 levels, there are also two big realms.

A 70-level job change, and another 100-level hurdle, these two hurdles will bring huge improvements, and various attributes and skills will also be strengthened.

If Wang Fei didn't have negative buffs, Chen Qing might not have a chance to kill 20% of Wang Fei's HP even if he lost two lives.

But now, the right time and place!

As soon as Chen Qing made up his mind, his body became excited like chicken blood!

[Ancient Mage Mystery] Activated!

Puzzle cards, use!

Slow force field, throw it over!

In an instant, Chen Qing directly took out all the explosive skills on his body, and adjusted himself to the strongest state.

As soon as he raised his hand, the magic sword energy of the sword hit Wang Fei directly.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The young general in black armor next to him dared to lay hands on him? Wang Fei couldn't believe it, but because of the sequelae, his body became extremely weak, and his skin, which was originally as hard as iron, became soft and weak.

Moreover, Wang Fei had just recovered from the paralysis at this moment, his body was still a little rigid, and a strange force field emanated from the young general in black armor, which made Wang Fei's movements extremely slow.

If it was Wang Fei's heyday, this kind of force field would have little effect on him, but now his body is already rigid, and with the effect of the force field, it is even worse. Wang Fei suffered critical damage.


Not low damage! For a level difference of more than 30, being able to hit this kind of damage is definitely quite impressive!

Wang Fei spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", and a wound that was not deep and not shallow appeared on his chest.

Wang Fei, who was in pain, quickly struggled to stand up, staring fiercely at the young general in black armor with red eyes!

Chen Qing! Wang Fei knows! Wang Fei also saw Chen Qing's sudden appearance, but what Wang Fei couldn't believe was that the little guy he could have crushed to death with one hand had actually caused such great harm to himself now!

This is why Chen Qing has been promoted to this level in a short period of time. It can be said that according to Chen Qing's current combat power, in the Tucker civilization, he is definitely a dominant figure on one side.

Wang Fei couldn't help but feel a little like Lemon, who is also a genius, why my growth rate is like a younger brother compared to Chen Qing.

The acid in my heart turned into hatred in my eyes!

Wang Fei grabbed the long sword vigorously and attacked Chen Qing.

So, the two of them fought each other regardless of the chaos in the army!

There was hatred in Wang Fei's heart, as well as anger like being offended. And Chen Qing is worried that Wang Fei's negative buff time will end and he will return to normal combat power.

At this moment, both of them showed the highest combat power they could, desperately trying to kill each other.

Sometimes they wrestled together like hooligans fighting, and sometimes they broke out with exquisite moves and operations. The battle between the two stunned the players next to them, and they couldn't help but say it was enjoyable!

This kind of battle is the pleasure of punching to the flesh!

Of course, the players enjoyed watching it, but the two people who fought were not.



The first damage is the damage caused by Wang Fei to Chen Qing, and the second one is the damage caused by Chen Qing to Wang Fei without a critical strike!

The damage gap between the two is almost 14 times.

As for Chen Qing, who has been promoted to level 69, his blood volume has already reached a terrifying 4.3W. With the addition of the Meditation Formation and Starry Sky Giant Beast's blood recovery talent, he can recover a terrifying 1400 blood points per second.

For the damage of about three thousand, Chen Qing can completely accept it, so Chen Qing used this kind of injury-for-injury style of play!

The two continued to attack each other, constantly consuming each other's blood.

But Wang Fei was always dissatisfied with his blood volume, and he had never fought against Chen Qing, a big blood bull, with 20% of his blood volume.

When Chen Qing's blood volume dropped to about 30%, Wang Fei's blood volume directly dropped to 0.5%.

Seeing that Wang Fei was about to be killed by him, Chen Qing couldn't help but work harder.

But at this moment, Wang Fei's aura suddenly became strong again, and the negative buff seen in Chen Qing's panel also disappeared.

Wang Fei, when his blood volume reached 0.5%, returned to his prime!

The bruised Wang Fei grinned, and slashed fiercely at Chen Qing with his sword. Chen Qing also gritted his teeth and attacked Wang Fei who had returned to normal.



The output of the two changed dramatically in an instant. Chen Qing's blood volume dropped by a large amount directly visible to the naked eye, but the amount of decline in Wang Fei's blood volume could not be seen at all.

Although Wang Fei didn't have Chen Qing's perverted blood recovery ability and blood recovery skills, but as a fighter, he had a blood recovery speed of about 100 points per second, and Chen Qing's attack frequency was about three times in two seconds.

It also means that out of Chen Qing's three attacks, two of them will be eliminated by Wang Fei's blood recovery, and only one or so will be normal damage!

If this trend continues, even if Chen Qing's blood volume is extremely thick, he will still be killed by Wang Fei in advance due to the extremely disparate output!

Wang Fei's eyes were cold, God helped me, and at the most critical moment, his body recovered from the side effects. In this case, Wang Fei is absolutely sure to kill Chen Qing when his blood volume is empty!

Wang Fei raised the long sword in his hand again, and slashed towards Chen Qing.

He could already foresee the frightened and desperate look in Chen Qing's eyes.

But when his long sword landed on Chen Qing, a strange scene happened, and the space on Chen Qing's body was twisted a bit.

Under the distortion of space, the long sword fell into the void.

Wang Fei raised his head in disbelief, but met Chen Qing's mocking eyes.

coming? little brother.

Chen Qing had been guarding against this move for a long time. It was useless to keep holding the space distortion card in his hand, because he was afraid that Wang Fei would suddenly recover and catch him off guard.

If Wang Fei continues to be weak, then even without this move, Wang Fei can be consumed to death, but once Wang Fei recovers, this move will become the last straw that crushes Wang Fei!

As an assassin and a fighter, Wang Fei's skills are all one-hit fatal skills, and he has no high-frequency damage skills at all. He is restrained to death by Chen Qing's space distortion!

Just as Wang Fei kept slashing at Chen Qing like crazy, and the attack failed again in the end.

Chen Qing's skills also fell on Wang Fei without stopping.

Finally, the last 0.5% of Wang Fei's blood volume was cleared to zero.


With the final blow of the giant flame technique, Wang Fei looked up to the sky and fell to the ground with unwillingness in his eyes.

"Drip... Killing the boss Wang Fei is drawing a passive skill from the boss..."

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