At this time, Zhou Han's state is very mysterious. In the whole world, there is only one world in which he exists.

In this world, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, constantly flying and shuttling,

This is a world composed entirely of sword qi, from the outermost ten-thousand-zhang sword-light, to the middle-thousand-hundred-zhang sword light,

At the core of the world, there is only an inch of sword light, flashing with nine-color brilliance, the brilliance changes rapidly,

Although it seems insignificant, the power contained in it is incomparably astonishing and the power of destruction continues to grow.

Zhou Han looked at it intently, and felt a tingling in his eyes.


"My dignified sword master of chaos, the master of ten thousand swords... and the sword light that can hurt me?"

Zhou Han was surprised, but an excited smile flashed on his face.

After all, being hurt by sword energy is too unfamiliar to Zhou Han.

Ordinary sword energy, it is impossible to cause harm to the Chaos Sword Master,

So, in this way, it is conceivable how extraordinary this nine-colored sword glow is.

Therefore, Zhou Hancai was extremely excited, because this sword beam was beyond the scope of Wanjian. If it could be controlled, it would be of great benefit to the improvement of swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, Zhou Han didn't hesitate, and the illusory body that his consciousness turned into flew away toward the nine-colored sword glow.

However, it seems very close, but in fact it is very far away,

Zhou Han passed through the obstacles of layers of sword lights and wanted to get close to the nine-colored sword lights, but always, like a layer of gauze, he couldn't get close.

The relative distances never seem to change.

"It's really very mysterious!" Zhou Han sighed, there is no way to go on like this, so he has to give up.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, the three minutes of perception time will do nothing.

It's such a pity that this opportunity for epiphany was wasted in vain.

Looking at the nine-colored sword glow, Zhou Han withdrew his gaze a little unwillingly,

Standing in the air, let go of your mind, in this world of sword qi, constantly observe, learn, and deduce,

He could see all kinds of sword energy, lingering around him, and quickly blending into Zhou Han's body.

At this time, he also involuntarily used all kinds of swordsmanship on the spot, mastered it, and created his own unique swordsmanship.

Without your own original exercises, you are destined to become the top powerhouse.

And among those top-level powerhouses who have left their names in the history books, which one did not create a shocking exercise by himself?

Therefore, Zhou Han, who is committed to ascending the throne of the peak, also knows this very well.

In this situation of epiphany, the deepest thoughts in his heart drove him to do this, so there was this scene of the exercise.

[System prompt: The epiphany time has three seconds to end, and after three seconds, you will be in the empty state. 】

In the continuous practice, time passed quickly, making Zhou Han feel unfinished,


"The distance between me and Jiucai Jianmang seems to be getting closer."

Before exiting, Zhou Han took another look at the nine-colored sword glow, and found that the relative distance was shorter than before.

"Is it my delusion?"

"No, I control the power of space, and I am extremely sensitive to distance. This feeling can't be wrong!" Zhou Han quickly gave a positive answer in his heart.

When Zhou Han wanted to observe again, the epiphany was over.

Consciousness returned to the original body, Zhou Han slowly opened his eyes, in his eyes, the fierce sword intent flashed, and the violent energy radiated out, covering a radius of 1000 meters, turning into a piece of powder.

[System prompt: Congratulations on your successful realization of the new swordsmanship. Since it is your own original move, please name the move! 】

Hearing the sound of the prompt echoing in his mind, Zhou Han smiled slightly, not surprised.

After all, it is a hundredfold increase in perception. If this can't create your own moves,

As the master of ten thousand swords, he can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

However, since it was the first time he created it himself, and the power of the sword move was so powerful, Zhou Han didn't have much hope.

"This set of swordsmanship is called, Extreme Swordsmanship!"

"The current one created is the first style, instant slash! There are 8 styles behind!" Zhou Han said after thinking for a while.

After all, it is a waste of name, and he is quite helpless.

However, it doesn't matter whether the name of the move is gorgeous or not, what matters is the height that can be achieved.

Mountains are not high, there are immortals and spirits; waters are not deep, but dragons are spirits.

And this set of swordsmanship will definitely shine brightest because of Zhou Han's prestige.

For the follow-up moves, Zhou Han already has a general outline in his heart, and he just needs to wait for the next time he enters the epiphany state to practice and confirm.

【Congratulations, the naming is successful! 】

[The new move attribute has been automatically generated on the virtual panel, please check it in time! 】

Hearing this, Zhou Han was also very curious about how much damage the skills he created could deal.

【Instant Slash】

[Quality: 5-star god level]

[Category: Burst output skills]

[Attribution: Extreme? Excalibur]

[Description: This move is extremely? The first move of divine swordsmanship. As the opening work, although it is slightly rough, it is not difficult to see the demeanor of everyone in it. The person who created this sword move,

It must be a top-level powerhouse, with a deep understanding of swordsmanship and profound attainments, and it is worth looking forward to the creation of subsequent moves. 】

[Spellcasting effect: After being activated, the body melts into a beam of sword light, taking advantage of the extreme speed to attack and kill the enemy, causing 100 times the sword energy damage, and 30% of the target stuns for 1.5 seconds. 】

[Note: This move is your own creation and can be revised at any time. 】

"Is there only five-star god-level quality?" Zhou Han was a little disappointed, he didn't even reach the supreme-level quality, and the old face of the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords was almost lost.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhou Han has relatively high requirements on himself. The skills he created for the first time have reached god-level quality, which is already a very remarkable achievement.

After all, it is the first time to accumulate experience, and it will definitely get better and better in the future.

Then, seeing the description, Zhou Han's mood suddenly improved a lot, and the system really likes to tell the truth.

"Huh? Can it be revised?"

"Very good, it seems that there is time to revise it properly. After all, it is the opening work, and it will be passed down to future generations in the future, so it can't be too shameful!"

After reading it, Zhou Han nodded and made a choice in his heart.

Of course, at this time, he still has a lot of things to do and has no time to revise. .

"Can the skills I created myself be strengthened?" Zhou Han asked.

[System Tip: Of course, you can create your own skills, no matter what quality they are, each skill can be enhanced 100 times for free! 】

[Not only that, but you can also break the limit on the number of reinforcements, so please strengthen it with confidence! 】

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