"Really? Is there such a good thing?"

"It seems that the system also encourages originality!" Zhou Han's brows were delighted. This was an unexpected joy.

This is a hundred enhancements, and it's free.

Not only does it save a lot of reinforcement points, but also, because of the god-level skills, it can only be strengthened ten times at most.

Even if you want to strengthen more times, there are limits.

And now breaking this restriction means that God-level quality can also be strengthened a hundred times.

At this time, Zhou Han was naturally extremely happy.

"Then start strengthening!"

"I want to see what the effect will be after being strengthened a hundred times?" Zhou Han said immediately.

After all, the previous Thunder Emperor Stone was strengthened a hundred times, and then the source of thunder was directly generated, which can be said to have brought about super-powerful changes.

Therefore, Zhou Han is now looking forward to specific changes.

[System prompt: Have you activated your talent? Infinite strengthening, strengthening skills? Instant Slash! 】

[It is detected that this skill is far superior to you, and it will be strengthened one hundred times for free. It is strengthening, please wait...]

【Congratulations, strengthen your success! The new attribute data has been updated on the virtual panel, please check it in time! 】

A hundred white lights flashed sharply, bursting with fiery heat,

The violent sword intent surged out of Zhou Han's body, raging wildly, the sword energy was as majestic as the ocean, thick as water, and the sword waves were surging and surging.

Among the many sword qi, one of the nine-colored sword lights flashed away,

If it weren't for the extremely powerful destructive power left over, in the air, it had not dissipated for a long time, and Zhou Han would suspect that he had read it wrong.

"Could it be that when you created your own sword moves, the shadow of the nine-colored sword light was engraved invisibly?"

"Or maybe in the world of sword qi, under the influence of the nine-colored sword glow!"

Otherwise, how could Jiucai Jianmang appear here?

at this time,

On top of a sword-shaped mountain, a woman sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

Dressed in a golden dragon robe, Jiang Yanran outlined her slender figure incisively and vividly. The twin peaks were arrogant and beautiful.

The flawless face, like a beautiful natural jade, is exquisitely carved and shocked.

However, her face was very cold, her sword eyebrows were staring, and there was a kind of coldness that rejected people thousands of miles away. Her powerful aura brought extreme oppression.

Especially the sword energy she exudes, the surrounding rocks and cliffs are constantly destroyed, and then the effect of the formation is continuously restored.

Suddenly, Jiang Yanran opened her phoenix eyes indifferently,

"Qiyuan Jianguang?"

"In the abyss, how can Kaiyuan sword light appear?"

The icy face showed a hint of doubt, and his heart was also full of surprise,

After all, this kind of extreme sword light has extremely strong power, and it does not belong to this world.

Once in control, it will definitely enter a new and unprecedented height,

Therefore, Kaiyuan Jianguang can pay any price for Jianxiu, and it can also be earned by blood.

"This direction...is the boundless Styx River in the Nine Nether Realm!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yanran flicked her long sleeves and flew towards the direction of Jiuyoujie, her every move was like a graceful dance.

In the deepest part of the endless Styx, there is a vast expanse, and it is many times more than the vast ocean.

There are countless shadows moving in the water, and all kinds of ferocious and terrifying beasts gather, all of them respectfully guarding in front of a huge palace.

"Hahaha, it's interesting! The movement caused by the little guy is not small!" A hoarse voice came from the hall, filled with a huge gloom.

There is a pool in the hall, a large number of mysterious runes are engraved around the pool, and the black light fills the air. There was a thick black fog rolling inside, and the air was directly corroded and sizzling.

And a skinny old man in the pool was rapidly absorbing the black mist, with a very comfortable expression on his face.

"Is it a descendant of the Beginning Emperor?"

"I want to pay back the pain that was inflicted on me back then!" Emperor Hades' face changed suddenly, remembering the unbearably painful memory,

Because of anger and hatred, the hideous face is even more distorted


"When my strength returns to the peak, all of you will have to die!"

At the same time, there are Jiuyou monarchs, purgatory monarchs, Huangquan monarchs...

All the nine monarchs sensed the drastic abnormal changes, and all of them had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Of course, at this time, Zhou Han didn't know that there would be such a big commotion.

At this point, one hundred reinforcements have been completed.

Zhou Han turned his attention to the virtual panel, where new attribute descriptions have been updated.

【Instant Slash +100】

[Quality: 5-star god level]

[Category: Burst output skills]

[Attribution: Extreme? Excalibur]

[Description: This move is extremely? The first move of Divine Sword Art. As the opening work, although it is slightly rough, it is not difficult to see the demeanor of everyone in it. The person who created this sword move must be a top-level powerhouse. Sensation, has deep attainments, and the creation of follow-up moves is worth looking forward to. Now it has been strengthened a hundred times, and the earth-shattering changes have taken place, and the trace of Kaiyuan sword light has also been able to show the power of the tip of the iceberg. 】

[Spellcasting effect: Release nine hundred and ninety-nine sword lights, you can

Integrate your body into any of the sword lights, and you can change positions in each sword light at will. With extreme speed and unexpected attack methods, it attacks and kills the enemy, causing 10,000 times the sword qi damage, and 70% of the target is stunned for 2 seconds. 】

[Origin? Block: The remaining trace amount of Kaiyuan sword light is activated. After it is activated, it can block an attack from an emperor-level powerhouse with a cooldown of 30 minutes. 】

[Note: This move is your own creation and can be revised at any time. 】

"Is this the effect of strengthening it a hundred times?"

"It's really full of surprises!" Zhou Han's eyes shrank when he saw the spellcasting effect. The effect of this skill is very powerful.

It is more in line with the name of Shun Zhan.

The damage increase is as high as 10,000 times, and there is a stun effect, which has become another killer move for Zhou Han.

"Qiyuan Jianguang?"

"Is that nine-colored sword light the Kaiyuan sword light?" Seeing the effect of Origin? Blocking, Zhou Han was startled and speculated.

After all, Zhou Han's cultivation time is still too short, even though he is powerful, his knowledge is completely incomparable with those old monsters who are tens of thousands of years old.

"Master! I have heard about the origin of the sword light, but I have not seen it.".

"It is rumored that the Kaiyuan sword light does not belong to this world, and it is simply the best for swordsmen! Of course, even if it is not a swordsman, one can perceive the mysterious power from it." Koizumi has long been alarmed by this amazing sword intent. Now, when I was free, I quickly explained.

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