Afterwards, Koizumi recounted some information about Kaiyuan Jianguang,

Through the comparison, Zhou Han can completely determine whether Jiucai Jianguang is the Kaiyuan Jianguang,

After receiving this news, Zhou Han was very happy,

Because that Kaiyuan sword light exists in the world of sword qi that he entered through his epiphany,

As long as you find the right way, you will be able to take it as your own.

After taking back his thoughts, Zhou Han took a detailed look at the effect of Origin? Blocking.

It can resist an attack from an emperor-level powerhouse with a cooldown of 30 minutes.

This effect is very good, and Zhou Han is very satisfied.

In general, the instant slash has been strengthened a hundred times. Under the premise of a powerful attack, it also comes with a defensive effect.

The boost it brings is terrifying.

"Congratulations, master, for creating your own swordsmanship!"

"I can imagine that this sword technique will endure forever and be admired by countless sword cultivators!"

"My lord is indeed the one chosen by heaven, destined to become the strongest powerhouse at the pinnacle of the world!"

After all, no matter the violent aura emanating after being strengthened a hundred times,

Or the flashing nine-colored sword glow,

It all indicates that the extraordinary features of this new sword move,

Therefore, this time, the Grey Nether Eudemons did not say anything against its heart. This is its truest thought now.

How can it be said that it is also a powerhouse close to the level of the Holy Emperor. How powerful is the perception of energy fluctuations?

Naturally, you can clearly perceive the destructive power contained in it.

This is the first time I created my own practice method, and I have such an achievement. How extraordinary it is, needless to say,

So, now it feels very lucky to be Zhou Han's pet,

As the saying goes, when one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Zhou Han will reach an unattainable height in the future.

Then the status of its gray ghost beast is naturally rising, and it can obtain more benefits.

"Okay, let's leave it to history to test it!"

"Since the battlefield has been cleaned up, it's time to get the Divine Stone of Extreme Mountain, and the previous plan has to remain the same!" Zhou Han stretched out his hand to stop the grey ghost beast from wanting to continue bragging, and said.

"Follow your orders, master! Please come to me!" The gray ghost phantom hurriedly nodded and said,

At this time, in the territory of the Hanming Shark King, the younger brothers have all surrendered to Zhou Han.

So, along the way, I did not encounter any obstacles,

After walking about five kilometers,

A reef appeared in front of him, with peaks and peaks, extending far away, with no end in sight.

These reefs are all flickering with khaki light spots, and you can feel the rich earth elements gathering in them from a distance.

"Master, the Jiluan Divine Stone is in the deepest part of these rocks!"

"There is the purest and most original earth element power there, and because of this, it is possible to nurture such superb products as Jiluan Divine Stone!"

Seeing that the Grey Nether Eudemons had reached its destination, it quickly explained.

Zhou Han opened his Samsara Eyes and glanced away at the extremely thick reef.

The line of sight is naturally unobstructed, and it penetrates directly.

Sure enough, I found a stone in the innermost, the size of a palm, golden light, the thick and hard aura of the earth element, constantly radiating to the surrounding,

If it is not bad, this is the Jiluan Divine Stone.

"Huh? There are still people guarding it?" Zhou Han raised his eyebrows, and next to the Divine Stone of Jiluan, he also found a figure wearing heavy armor.

The armor is made of a special kind of armor that seems to have some mottled traces of the years,

But it has a very strong defense. At this time, the armored warriors, leaning lazily in the cave,

If he wanted to obtain the Divine Stone of Extreme Mountain, he would naturally be alarmed.

"It is rumored that the Jiluan Divine Stone does have a guardian, called the Jiyan King. He has a strong armor, and the terrifying defense makes people desperate."

"Not only that, but it also has the effect of anti-armor. Even an emperor-level powerhouse is not willing to be hard on him easily."

"However, the King of Extreme Rock fell into a deep sleep 10,000 years ago, and then in the abyss, he was slowly forgotten by people!" The Grey Nether Eudemons quickly explained the relevant events.

"Now he's awake!" Zhou Han said lightly.

"What? The King of Extreme Rock is awake?"

"It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes!"

"Then master, what should we do? If we capture the Divine Stone of Extreme Mountain, the King of Extreme Rock will definitely not stand idly by!"

Obviously, the pressure brought by the King of Extreme Rock was very great.

First of all, the King of Extreme Rock had reached the level of the Holy Emperor ten thousand years ago.

Secondly, the opponent is a combination of powerful life, terrifying defense, and abnormal resilience, and has its own anti-armor.

Not to mention breaking the defense, the opponent's life-for-life style of play, few people can withstand.

"It's great!"

"Just let him get out and surrender!" Zhou Han looked indifferent, unmoved.

He turned his attention to the King of Extreme Rock, and soon, related attributes also appeared on the virtual panel.

【Pole Rock King】

【Life: 300 billion】

[Defense power: one thousand

100 million】

[Attack Power: One Billion]

[Combat Strength: Holy Emperor (integrated with 83 Great Emperor Golden Inscriptions)]

[Race: Stone Man]

[Weapon: Crackling Gloves]

[Armor: Defying God Rock Armor]

[Skills: Absolute Defense, Roar of the God of War, Impenetrable, Crazy Rock? Rockfall, Rock Burst, Super God Recovery...].

[Magic weapon: Earth Golden Shield, Death Hammer, Flying Cloud Armor, Earth Dragon Ball...]

[Description: It is a very difficult opponent. The terrifying defense is suffocating, and it has a vigorous life. Combined with the anti-armor effect, the combat power is very powerful. It is recommended not to provoke it easily, otherwise you will be at your own risk! 】

There is something about this property,

However, Zhou Han is not afraid, no matter how high the defense is, so what?

In front of his real harm, he is a grandson.

I can't explain it completely. The only thing that is a bit tricky is the anti-armor effect of the World-Defying God's Rock Armor.

However, Zhou Han has many effects of avoiding death and invincibility, and it is only a little troublesome to deal with.

It can be said that Zhou Han is least afraid of opponents with low attack power.

Let the King of Extreme Rock get out and surrender himself?

"Master, are you serious?" Hearing Zhou Han's arrogant words, the grey ghost beast looked stunned.

"I think, let's think of other ways!"

"Heh, watch it carefully, and study hard!" Zhou Han smiled lightly, without explaining anything.

"Hey! Silly big guy in the rock, let me get out of here!"

"This Jiluan Divine Stone, someone from Zhou wants it!" Zhou Han shouted loudly at the incomparably thick reef.

At this moment, the grey ghost beast shrank its head in fright. Is the master a little too careless?

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