Nine vast breaths descended, and the water of the Styx River was automatically separated under the violent energy.

It was after the negotiation that the nine monarchs who came to the Endless Styx to investigate the movements of the Underworld Emperor,

After all, it is the new abyss lord and the old abyss lord,

This is a fateful confrontation, what should come is still coming, the battle is unavoidable,

Therefore, under the suggestion of the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, they came to make a break with the Underworld Emperor today.

"The dark air in the air is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Sure enough, the old fellow of Emperor Ming is constantly accumulating strength in secret, waiting for the day when the sun rises again!" A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Xueyuan monarch.

Hades was so powerful that when they ruled the chaotic ancient abyss, Hades had disappeared for a long time.

Therefore, they have not played against Hades,

This is also the reason why they have been afraid to come to the Endless Styx to investigate because they are afraid of the prestige of the Hades.

If it weren't for the appearance of Kaiyuan Jianguang this time, they would not have made up their minds to make the decision to come to the endless river of styx.

After all, if Kaiyuan Jianguang was really acquired by Hades, it would be completely impossible to play. m.

"Yes, we have to stop him from expanding like this."

"Now the nine of us will report to the group for action, find the emperor's nest, and destroy him!"

"Otherwise, if it continues like this, the consequences can't be imagined!"

They are all emperor-level powerhouses, and they can naturally perceive some different things. At this time, their faces are very solemn.

Therefore, holding a group is the most correct way, otherwise, it is likely to be shot by the Underworld Emperor and defeated one by one.

After some deliberation, the nine monarchs are waiting to take action,

Suddenly, a blazing light came from afar, a violent heat wave radiated from it, and an unusually high temperature could be felt far away.

"Huh? There was a fierce battle in that position?" The Tianjian monarch said softly with his eyes wrinkled.

"This energy fluctuation, only the emperor level has such a power."

"Who is it? Dare to make such a big noise on the Underworld Emperor's territory?"

The other monarchs were also in shock, and quickly moved their bodies and flew to the source of the energy fluctuations.

At this time, Zhou Han was riding on King Jinpeng of Hunyuan, constantly bombarding and killing the five flying generals. His peerless demeanor was all seen by the nine monarchs.

"It's actually a human race?"

"In the abyss, when did such a strong man come?" The purgatory monarch easily recognized that Zhou Han did not have the special breath of abyss creatures.

"This kind of strength is already emperor-level!"

"Jinpeng made by this person is not easy!"

Zhou Han's powerful fighting power made these monarchs a little surprised. They didn't expect such a strong man to come to the ancient abyss, and they didn't even notice it.

Of course, it doesn't mean that their perception is not good, the main reason is that Zhou Han is not a real emperor, but only has the power of emperor.

"An overseer in Black Cloud City under my jurisdiction just reported to me the arrival of the human race young powerhouse!"

"It seems that it is this person now!" At this time, the monarch Jiuyou said in a deep voice,

"I didn't expect to be so successful at such a young age!"

"However, I'm afraid he doesn't know the horror of the Underworld Emperor, and he dares to venture into the endless Ming River alone."

"In the end, you must pay a painful price for your impulses!" Tianjian Sovereign Jiang Yanran stared at Zhou Han, not knowing what she was thinking, she said quietly. .

At this time, the five flying generals who had lost all their trump cards had absolutely no strength to resist.

The prompt to kill came out at the same time.

[System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully killed the emperor-level powerhouse, the ghost image, and exploded an imperial artifact fragment. Due to the uniqueness of this item, you cannot enjoy a ten-fold increase in the kill reward. Pseudo-Emperor quality equipment revealed...]

[Congratulations, your pet, King Hunyuan Jinpeng, successfully killed the emperor-level powerhouse, the wolf, and detected a ten-fold increase in the kill reward. You finally got twenty pieces of fake emperor-quality equipment, ten fake emperors The magic weapon of quality... 】

[Congratulations, you successfully killed the emperor-level powerhouse, Minghu, and exploded an imperial weapon fragment. Due to the uniqueness of this item, you cannot enjoy a ten-fold increase in the kill reward. Pseudo-Emperor quality equipment revealed...]


On the battle panel, five kill information quickly refreshed.

Zhou Han looked at the good guy, and unexpectedly four pieces of imperial artifact exploded. The explosion rate was a bit high.

The only pity is that, because the Imperial Item Fragment is a special and unique item, it cannot enjoy the ten-fold kill bonus bonus.

However, this harvest is also very rich.

Zhou Han is not too disappointed. These equipment and magic weapons can be integrated, so naturally the more the better.

It will be easier to assemble the set in the future.

After all, there are still 9 books of the craftsman waiting to be used!

Therefore, after killing the five flying generals, according to the prompt on the panel, there are more than 300 pieces of supreme-quality equipment, 90 pieces of pseudo-emperor-level equipment, and 60 pieces of pseudo-emperor-level magic weapons.

Then, there are countless pills, props, equipment fragments, etc.,

The specific number is a bit too large, and Zhou Han did not take a closer look.

"Good boy! The five flying generals were killed like this?"

Seeing the five corpses falling from the sky, the Jiuyou monarch was startled.

What kind of eyesight, instantly knew the identities of these five people.

After all, the high-level combat power of the Ming clan, as a monarch, knows this information, it is a normal thing.

"You must know that they can use the power of the Styx Crystal, and they are also good at combining strikes and know how to cooperate delicately!"

"Even if I shoot myself, I'm afraid I can't do it so fast!" The purgatory monarch narrowed his eyes, and the shock on his face was no less than that of the Jiuyou monarch.

Although his combat power is the worst among the nine, he is also relatively speaking, a long-established emperor powerhouse. That's no joke.

However, the purgatory monarch said such a shameful remark, indicating that he attached great importance to Zhou Han's power.

"This kind of combat power is indeed very strong, and the instantaneous explosive power is not very different from the old emperor-level powerhouses like us!"

"It's really a hero out of a boy!"

The expressions of other monarchs also changed, and they were shocked.

Especially one person and one peng, the ultimate speed, the damage can be called an explosion when combined together, m.

With both strong defense and terrifying output ability, there is almost no weakness at all.

"Now, I don't believe that the old guy from Emperor Hades didn't take action?"

"The five flying generals are his most capable subordinates besides the great commander of the Ming clan."

"Now the five flying generals have been killed like this, which is tantamount to a loud slap on the face of the Underworld Emperor." Tianjian Sovereign said solemnly,

Because if there is no accident, the Underworld Emperor will definitely take action in person. (suya/64//)

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