After all, as the absolute controller of the endless Styx, fighting such a violent emperor-level force,

No matter how deaf Emperor Hades is, he can still feel the huge energy fluctuations.

Of course, a super-powerful person like Hades is naturally very strong in perception.

The news of the fall of the five flying generals may have already been passed on to the Underworld Emperor.

Therefore, this is also the concern of Tianjian monarch Jiang Yanran,

Next, you will definitely feel the monstrous anger of the Hades.

The top powerhouse who once dominated the world, under his own home field, the most proud right-hand man, was killed like this,

Just imagine that rage, that rage,

It is unbearable for such a super strong.

I have the same opinion as the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, the expressions of other Sovereigns are also extremely cautious, secretly mobilizing the breath of their bodies,

Prepare for the best battle at any time. After all, they came to the Endless Styx this time to deal with the Underworld Emperor and completely eradicate the hidden dangers in the abyss.

Otherwise, the existence of the Underworld Emperor is like a stick in his throat, making the nine monarchs always worried, afraid that he will make a comeback one day.

"Wait until the Underworld Emperor appears, and kill with all your strength!"

"Don't think about preserving your strength, otherwise, you will know what the consequences will be!" Jiang Yanran gave a coquettish shout and immediately issued an order.

With Zhou Han killing the five flying generals, they can lead out the Underworld Emperor, which is an excellent opportunity, and they must not miss this opportunity.

"Don't worry! The severity of the matter has eased, and we can still tell the difference!"

"This time there must be no future troubles!"

The other eight monarchs also responded instantly. As for retaining power?

Retaining strength in the face of the Underworld Emperor, who has ruled the world in the chaotic ancient times, is really too long!

They all know what this battle means,

All failure is bound to be doomed,

The battle of the emperor-level powerhouse is so dangerous,

Because you never know what kind of cards your opponent will have, especially in the face of such an old monster that has survived for endless years, m.

All unknown situations are possible.

Therefore, the general emperor-level powerhouse will not easily fight,

Unless the strength of one party completely crushes the other,

However, now it is the contest between the new abyss lord and the old abyss lord. This battle is already doomed, and it is impossible to avoid it.

Nine monarchs must fight.

"Hurry up and pack up the spoils!"

"It must be fast! Now is not the time to be happy!" Seeing King Hunyuan Jinpeng who was still chattering, Zhou Han immediately ordered,

After all, King Jinpeng of Hunyuan did not know the intelligence of Emperor Hades, but Zhou Han knew that,

Maybe the other party is still monitoring the situation here,

That's why Zhou Han urged him so much, worried that Emperor Hades would take action himself. In that case, the situation would be very dangerous.

"As ordered, master!" Although King Hunyuan Jinpeng was a little puzzled, he knew from Zhou Han's solemn expression that things might not be easy, and immediately packed up his equipment very quickly.

And Zhou Han was not idle, his eyes stared at the Baizhang crystal ball that burst out with a strong black light in the air,

This is the Styx Crystal, which provides the main source of the majestic Nether Qi. It is a very important thing for the Ming people.

And Zhou Han's task is to destroy it.

"Destroy me!" Zhou Han roared, the wind and thunder surged, the electric light filled the air, and countless thunder pythons roared.

In an instant, it was wrapped in the Styx Crystal.

Seeing to be destroyed,

Suddenly, a huge oppression came, like the oppression of tens of billions of giant mountains, extremely heavy,

The air became a little suffocated at this moment.

"Dare you?"

The hoarse and tyrannical voice came from a very far distance, but it seemed to be close at hand,

Because of the explosive power contained in the sound, like thousands of thunders, bombarding his ears, Zhou Han's brain was buzzing, and the pain was splitting.

With just one blow, Zhou Han's whole person was not very good. This was the first time in his history that he felt such a terrifying energy.

At the same time, the power of the violent wind and thunder released by Zhou Han was immediately dispersed by the amazing sound waves under this roar.

Zhou Han stared at the distant sky, possessing monstrous power, powerful strength, and such a bullying momentum, the identity of the comer was ready to be revealed.

"Yes, Hades!"

"Emperor Hades shot, this kind of power is really..." Monarch Huang Quan's eyes shrank, and he was deeply jealous of this kind of power.

This kind of power, even if he wants to contend, is very difficult.

"It is indeed the Underworld Emperor!"

"However, the visitor is just a clone!" Tianjian monarch Jiang Yanran said, subconsciously clenching the sword in his hand,

It seems that the strongest of the nine monarchs also feels a huge threat.

"Huh? Is it just a clone?"

"A clone has such a powerful power?"

"If the deity comes, then it must not..." The purgatory monarch said in surprise, and he dared not say the following words, otherwise it would dampen everyone's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, can we really beat Hades?"

"Can we really deal with this kind of peak powerhouse in the chaotic era?"

At this time, they all raised such questions in their hearts, and their morale declined all of a sudden. To be prepared, it was a cowardice.

The powerhouse of the Great Emperor will also be cowardly, because the opponent's combat power is much higher than he imagined,

This left them with a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Oh! I don't think so!"

"The Underworld Emperor must not have recovered to the peak now, otherwise, he will not only dispatch a clone."

"Think about it again, if we really return to our peak state, we have already been cleaned up by him as soon as we entered the endless river of styx."

At this time, the monarch of Xueyuan said his analysis,

"Either the Underworld Emperor at this time is restricted in some way, or he is just bluffing,"

"I want to use this method to deter us and prevent us from further snooping!"

Hearing what he said, everyone nodded in agreement.

They were all shocked by the huge momentum just now, so they didn't think too much.

Now that I hear it, it really makes sense.

"Very good, then find the body of Emperor Hades and kill him to avoid future troubles!"

"Hahaha, after his clone appeared, the aura of the main body was also exposed. I already know where he is."

Soon, the nine monarchs were full of fighting spirit, and their morale soared. After analyzing the poor state of Emperor Hades, they were naturally eager to move.

Now it can be said that it is their last chance. After all, as time goes by, the Hades will only get stronger and stronger.

If he can't kill Hades this time, it will be even more impossible in the future.

"Huh? That kid was attacked by the underworld emperor's clone?" Lord Jiuyou exclaimed,

Only in the sky, a figure shrouded in black energy emerged, and the shocking fluctuations rippled around him.

When he raised his hand, a huge black palm, more than a hundred feet long and overwhelming, slapped Zhou Han fiercely. (suya/64//)

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